
07-21 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 求老人与海或金银岛中的经典英语句子10句


“人生来就不是为了被打败的,人能够被毁灭,但是不能够被打败。”(最经典的一句) “老人右手高举着钢叉,在它跃出水面的一瞬间,竭尽全力地向它的心脏掷去,一声哀鸣结束了大鱼的生命,它静静地浮在水面上……” “想点儿开心事吧!老家伙”他说:每过一分钟,你就离家近一步,丢了四十磅鱼肉你航行起来更轻快了。

他不再梦见风暴,不再梦见妇女们,不在梦见伟大的事件,不再梦见大鱼,不再梦见打架,不在梦见角力,不再梦见他的妻子。 他如今只梦见一些地方和海滩上的狮子。

它们在暮色中像小猫一般戏耍着,他爱它们,如同爱这孩子一样 鱼啊,'他轻轻地说出声来,‘我和你奉陪到死。’ 它们(伤疤)象无鱼可打的沙漠中被侵蚀的地方一般古老。

他身上的一切都显得古老,除了那双眼睛,它们象海水一般蓝,是愉快而不肯认输的。 他梦见那长长的黄色海滩,看见第一头狮子在傍晚时分来到海滩上,接着其他狮子也来了,意识他把下巴搁在船头的模板上,船抛下了锚停泊在那里,晚风吹着海面,他等着看有没有更多的狮子来,感到快乐。


老人正梦见狮子。 “然而这是不公平的,他想。

不过我要让他知道人有多少能耐,人能忍受多少磨难。 ‘我和那孩子说过来着,我是个不同寻常的老头儿,’他说。

‘现在是证实这话的时候了。’ 他已经证实过上千回了,这算不上什么。


"People are not afraid of defeat, I am afraid crush." "Life is not to in order to be defeated, can be destroyed, but can not be defeated." (The classic one) "Gangcha the elderly in his right hand held high, it Yuechu surface in the moment, to make every effort to throw to the heart of it, the end of the big fish out the whine of life, it quietly floating in the water……" "Happy to little things! Old guy," he said: every one minute, you closer to home, lost 40 pounds fish you voyage to the more lighthearted. He no longer dreamed turmoil, the women no longer dream, the dream is not great, no longer dreamed big fish, no longer dreamed fighting, not dreamed wrestling, no longer dreamed of his wife. Now he only dreamed of some localities and the lions on the beach. In the twilight of their general Xishua like a kitten, he loved them, as this child the same love Fish ah, 'he said gently Chusheng,' and I Fengpei you to death. ' They (scar) as a fish to play in the erosion of desert where the ancient general. He was all the more ancient, in addition to Nashuang eyes, as they generally blue sea, is the happy and refused to admit defeat. He dreamed that the long yellow beach, the first head to see the lion in the evening came to the beach, and then also to the other lions, his sense of the chin left the template in the bow, the ship anchored into the parked there, Wanfeng blowing off, he has no more waiting to see the lion to feel happy. The other end of the main roads in the elderly Wopeng, he fell asleep. He still facing lying under, the children sitting next to him, he Shouzhuo. The elderly are dreamed Lions. "But this is not fair, he would like to, but I let him know how many people capability, the number of people to endure hardships. 'And I said that from a child, I was an unusual Lao Touer,' he said. 'Now is the time to confirm this,. ' He has been confirmed to have more than 1,000, is not really what. Now he just another confirmation of a return. Each time the four have re-started, he doing so, has never been not to think about the past. "。

【第2句】: 《金银岛》经典中英好句10句

1)描写人物外貌的词语 虎头虎脑 眉清目秀 面红耳赤 白净柔嫩 满面红光 满头银发 目光炯炯 双目如潭 火眼金睛 浓眉大眼 慈眉善目 气宇轩昂 高大魁梧 英姿飒爽 衣着得体 (2)描写人物表情的词语 眉开眼笑 破涕为笑 捧腹大笑 笑逐颜开 满面春风 洋洋得意 和颜悦色 悠然自得 容光焕发 神采飞扬 气势汹汹 神情沮丧 愁眉苦脸 没精打采 泪流满面 (3)描写人物心情的词语 心花怒放 满心欢喜 归心似箭 心旷神怡 心潮起伏 心悦诚服 心事重重 忧心忡忡 心如刀绞 悲痛欲绝 怒火中烧 心惊胆战 心慌意乱 心急如焚 心灰意冷 我们在河边急三火四地脱光衣服,扑进小河里,立刻开始打水战,追逐嬉戏了。




河面上的欢歌笑语,在和两岸远远的荡开了。 我们这些小淘气会不顾家长的再三忠告,三五成群来到小石湾,脱下裤头,赤条条地钻进水里。


【第3句】: 急






【第4句】: 万分急

summary to treasure island

the story is told in the first person by jim hawkins, whose mother kept the admiral benbow inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish.

an old sea dog comes to the inn one day and hires jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but he is hunted out and served with the black spot. jim and his mother barely escape death when some pirates descend on the inn for the sea dog's papers. jim snatches up a packet of papers to square the sailor's debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. the packet contains a map showing the location of the pirate flint's buried treasure, which jim, doctor livesey, and squire trelawney determine to find. fitting out a ship, they hire hands and set out on their adventure. unfortunately, their crew includes one pirate also in search of the treasure, and a number of his confederates. jim overhears the crew's plan to mutiny and warns his comrades. the battle begins. finally the victors get safely aboard the ship with the treasure.

可以不? ^^

【第5句】: 英语版 金银岛 中的好词好句



终吉姆一行人与戈恩合作对付海盗,平息了叛变并成功取得宝藏。读完全 书,你会发现,指引他们找到巨大宝藏的不是狡诈和暴力——甚至不是那张藏宝图,而是一颗善良、正直、勇敢而机智的心。

【第6句】: 金银岛或老人与海中经典英文名句


【第1句】:每一天都是一个新的日子。走运当然是好的,不过我情愿做到分毫不差。这样,运气来的时候,你就有所准备了。(Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.)


【第3句】:不过,一个人并不是生来要被打败的,一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。(But man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated.)

【第4句】:陆地上空的云块这时候像山冈般耸立着,海岸只剩下一长条绿色的线,背后是些灰青色的小山.海水此刻呈现蓝色,深的简直发紫了.(The clouds over the land now rose like mountains and the coast was only a long green line with the gray blue hills behind it. The water was a dark blue now, so dark that it was almost purple.)

【第5句】:现在不是去想缺少什么的时候,该想一想凭现有的东西你能做什么。(Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.)


【第7句】:但是这些伤疤中没有一块是新的。它们像无鱼可打的沙漠中被侵蚀的地方一般古老。他身上的一切都显得古老,除了那双眼睛,它们像海水一般蓝,是愉快而不肯认输的。(But none of these scars were fresn. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert. Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.)

【第8句】:这两个肩膀挺怪,人非常老迈了,肩膀却依然很强健,脖子也依然很壮实,而且当老人睡着了,脑袋向前耷拉着的时候,皱纹也不大明显了。(They were strange shoulders, still powerful although very old, and the neck was still strong too and the creases did not show so much when the old man was asleep and his head fallen forward.)

【第9句】:他的衬衫上不知打了多少次补丁,弄得像他那张帆一样,这些补丁被阳光晒得褪成了许多深浅不同的颜色。(His shirt had been patched so many times that it was like the sail and the patches were faded to many different shades by the sun.)


"Man is not made for defeat … [a] man can be destroyed but not defeated."
