
04-26 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 介绍北极的英文作文150个字

"I。" I just out of a word, I can not speak it out, because I really don't know what to. I paused for a moment, oh, the truth to her say, "I do not intend to, every day will be sleeping, watching tv." She said: "so many times not to slip away? Time is like gold, you can grasp, it will experience its valuable; let it go, it is like a runaway horse, will runfaster. I'm going to the university entrance exam, taking advantage of the summer to prepare high schoolcurriculum, so that the school would not be too nervous, summer vacation is not white. You should have a goodplan, make full use of the long summer vacation." She had to shoulder the burden, tossed braids, looked at thepiece of the old table, apologetically said: "I do not like this, to teach you. I'm sorry, time is early fall. I should go."

In the summer, do not go to school free for me is a kind of enjoyment. Only a few days, I have homework to finish,then it is nothing to do. Gradually I got to sleep habits, people will become lazy.

No, I don't get out of bed at eight or nine. These days, but out of a sell tofu, at dawn to yell. The voice was less than the soprano, and are at my window "of hong".

【第2句】: 北极英语作文 7句话

北极熊陷绝境:悲剧不仅是自相残杀 Polar bears straits:the tragedy is not only kill each other 饥肠辘辘的北极熊不得已同类相食. Starving polar bears turn to cannibalism. 最近拍摄到的照片显示,由于全球变暖导致猎食地消失,北极熊开始捕食同类. New pictures show that polar bears are beginning to cannibalise each other as global warming destroys its hunting grounds. 北极熊通常在浮冰上抓捕海豹作为食物.但由于全球变暖,浮冰融化,在海上猎食也越来越困难,北极熊的捕猎场所也不得不转移到陆地上. Polarbears usually subsist on seals,which they hunt from a platform of seaice.But the melting of sea ice as a result of rising globaltemperatures has made it more difficult for polar bears to hunt sealsat sea,confining the bears to land. 有更多的北极熊淹死在海里,因为它们被迫游向更远的海域去寻找食物. Drowning is also more common as bears are forced to swim further out to sea to find food. 这些照片进一步证实了越来越多处于绝境之中的北极熊,为了生存,开始捕杀自己的同伴.科学家们称本年度内已经发生八起这样的事件. Theimages add to the evidence that polar bears are increasingly huntingeach other for food in their desperation to survive.Scientists say theyare aware of eight cases so far this year. 美国地质调查局和世界自然保护联盟近日分析指出,在接下来的五十年内,由于全球变暖,极地浮冰融化,世界上仅存的20000到25000只北极熊还将减少三分之二. Recentanalysis by the US Geological Survey and World Conservation Union foundthat two-thirds of the 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears in the world couldbe lost in the next 50 years as warming temperatures melt the ice. 失去浮冰栖息地,北极熊将无法长期生存下去.其他威胁,包括原油和天然气钻探、海运及有毒物质污染,与气候剧变和浮冰融化相比都不值一提. Withoutthe sea ice habitat,the polar bear will not survive in the long term.There are other threats,such as oil and gas drilling,shipping andtoxins,but th ey pale in comparison to climate change and the loss ofthe sea ice。

【第3句】: 北极英语作文 7句话

北极熊陷绝境:悲剧不仅是自相残杀 Polar bears straits:the tragedy is not only kill each other 饥肠辘辘的北极熊不得已同类相食. Starving polar bears turn to cannibalism. 最近拍摄到的照片显示,由于全球变暖导致猎食地消失,北极熊开始捕食同类. New pictures show that polar bears are beginning to cannibalise each other as global warming destroys its hunting grounds. 北极熊通常在浮冰上抓捕海豹作为食物.但由于全球变暖,浮冰融化,在海上猎食也越来越困难,北极熊的捕猎场所也不得不转移到陆地上. Polarbears usually subsist on seals,which they hunt from a platform of seaice.But the melting of sea ice as a result of rising globaltemperatures has made it more difficult for polar bears to hunt sealsat sea,confining the bears to land. 有更多的北极熊淹死在海里,因为它们被迫游向更远的海域去寻找食物. Drowning is also more common as bears are forced to swim further out to sea to find food. 这些照片进一步证实了越来越多处于绝境之中的北极熊,为了生存,开始捕杀自己的同伴.科学家们称本年度内已经发生八起这样的事件. Theimages add to the evidence that polar bears are increasingly huntingeach other for food in their desperation to survive.Scientists say theyare aware of eight cases so far this year. 美国地质调查局和世界自然保护联盟近日分析指出,在接下来的五十年内,由于全球变暖,极地浮冰融化,世界上仅存的20000到25000只北极熊还将减少三分之二. Recentanalysis by the US Geological Survey and World Conservation Union foundthat two-thirds of the 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears in the world couldbe lost in the next 50 years as warming temperatures melt the ice. 失去浮冰栖息地,北极熊将无法长期生存下去.其他威胁,包括原油和天然气钻探、海运及有毒物质污染,与气候剧变和浮冰融化相比都不值一提. Withoutthe sea ice habitat,the polar bear will not survive in the long term.There are other threats,such as oil and gas drilling,shipping andtoxins,but th ey pale in comparison to climate change and the loss ofthe sea ice。

【第4句】: 有关于北极概况的英文介绍

驴打滚 soybean cake

艾窝窝 Steamed rice cakes with sweet stuffing)

炒肝 Stewed Liver

糖卷果 Chinese yam and date rolls

姜丝排叉 Fried ginger slices

奶油炸糕 Fried butter cake

豌豆黄 Pea cake

蜜麻花 Ear-shaped twists with sugar

豆汁 Fermented mung bean juice

油茶 Chatang / Miancha / Youcha

馓子麻花 Crisp noodle

萨其马 Caramel treats

焦圈 Fried ring

糖火烧 Sweetened baked wheaten cake

豆馅烧饼 Bean paste cake/Subsidence fried beans

【第5句】: 英语5年级下册关于北极的作文3单元

Polar bears monstly live on the sea ice. They are good at swimming. Polar bears weigh only seberal grams at birth. But they may weigh as much 900 kilograms when they grow up. Thay can live for 25 years. They eat the animal in the sea. However, polar bears are in danger now. Why? First, it's because the earth is becoming warmer and warmer. There is less and less ice, polar bears are losing their homes. Second, people are killing them for their fur and meat. The fur of polar bears is thick enough for people to keep warm in winter.

It's important for people to protect polar bears.We mustn't kill the polar bears. They are our friends. We should proyect the enviorment.

【第6句】: 描写北极优美的句子跪求答案,要快


这里有着如此多不为人知的现象,如此奇异的生物群落,如此丰富的能源储藏,等待着人们去探索……在人烟稀少的地球极地,时常会有璀璨壮丽、千变万化的美丽光带滑过夜空。 北极光神秘、梦幻,它是北极一道奇异的风景,吸引了无数渴慕的目光。

北极光多种多样,五彩缤纷,形状不一,绮丽无比,在自然界中还没有哪种现象能与之媲美。 任何彩极光有时出现时间极短,犹如节日的焰火在空中闪现一下就消失得无影无踪;有时却可以在苍穹之中辉映几个小时;有时像一条彩带,有时像一团火焰,有时像一张五光十色的巨大银幕;有的色彩纷纭,变幻无穷;有的仅呈银白色,犹如棉絮、白云,凝固不变;有的异常光亮、掩去星月的光辉;有的又十分清淡,恍若一束青丝;有的结构单一,状如一弯弧光,呈现淡绿、微红的色调;有的犹如彩绸或缎带抛向天空,上下飞舞、翻动;有的软如纱巾,随风飘动,呈现出紫色、深红的色彩;有时极光出现在地平线上,犹如晨光曙色;有时极光如山茶吐艳,一片火红;有时极光密聚一起,犹如窗帘慢帐;有时它又射出许多光束,宛如孔雀开屏,蝶翼飞舞。

【第7句】: 关于北极的寒冷景色的开头最好语句优美些,排比,对偶用上去急


幸福川雨禁不住抬头看了看天空,惊讶地长大了嘴,下雪了,纷扬如柳絮般的雪没有任何预兆一般旋转着从头顶的天空缓缓而落,寒意伴着圣诞的暖意落在肩上,幸福川雨一边看着飘飞的雪一边往前走,没经意与对面走来的人撞上。 一阵阵刺骨的寒风迎面吹来,到处都是鹅毛大雪,松树等常绿的树木叶子已经变成了白发。


这突如其来的冬天让它们冻得直打哆嗦,寒风刺骨让它们左右摇晃。 夜中月明,寒光浸骨,双颊如抵冰块。


【第8句】: 描写风景的英语优美句子


A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!


An ancient windmill, windmill's wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color!





A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart 。。 the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girl's smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly 。。

Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcuma fragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream?




The high construction is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in the beautiful scene 。
