
08-19 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 帮用carry out(贯彻.落实)造3个句子,谢谢

He carried out the plan in very detail.


If you make a promise, it should be carried out.

你许了诺言, 就一定要兑现。

Corresponding measures should be carried out to alleviate the serious condition.


【第2句】: 用carry out造句

No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan.


He balked me to carry out my plan.


They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.


【第3句】: carry,thing 造句

1,so。that 2,spend。(in) doing sth 3,spend 。 on 4,stand for 5,stay up 6,stick to doing sth 7stop doing sth 8stop to do sth 9such as 10 take away 11take care of 12 take it easy 13 take measures to do sth 14 take off 15 take part in 16 take place 17take the place of 还有。

1take up 2talk about 3tell a lie 4thanks to 5thanks to 6the day before yesterday 7the day after tomorrow 8the more..the more..9the same as 10the same to 11think about 12think of 13think over 3Q!

【第4句】: carry on 造句

carry on ['kærɪ ɑn] [词典释义]【第1句】: 继续


carry on 【第1句】:经营,进行;继续 【第2句】:继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营 【第3句】:继续开展,坚持下去 【第4句】:继续;喧闹,起哄;从事;处理;经营;开展 【第5句】:经营;继续(工作)

They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties.

