
03-22 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: fear的词组

【第1句】:fear for sb 为某人担心害怕

【第2句】:a great fear of 很怕,害怕 如She has a great fear of water.

【第3句】:fear +从句 如There is no fear that he'll be late.他不会迟到的。

She feared that she might not find him in his room.



【第2句】: fear的短语有哪些

fear是及物动词可以直接跟宾语.如fear sb/sth 该词的被动式还可以用在句子中,如It is feared that he might be kidnapped.(人们担心他可能被绑架了).还有在答语中可以用I fear so表示恐怕是这样

fear当动词时的短语我就见过fear for sb/sth (为。担心) 没见过跟to do不定式的.fear当名词时可以有for fear of sth/of doing sth/that。 (唯恐,以免。) no fear(决不,在英式英语中常用) in fear of(害怕。)

【第3句】: 动词fear的用法

fear用法归纳:【第1句】: 用作动词,注意以下用法:(1) 表示“恐惧”“害怕”,其后接动词时,可用不定式或动名词(注:用不定式比用动名词常见)。

如:He feared to speak in public. 他害怕在公共场合讲话。He fears to tell [telling] her what happened. 他怕告诉她所发生的事。

(2) 表示“恐怕”“担心”,其后通常接 that 从句。如:I fear that he will refuse us. 我担心他会拒绝我们。

在答语中 that 从句可用 so, not 代之。如:A:Will he come? 他会来吗? B:I fear so. /I fear not. 我想会来吧/我想不会来吧。

【注】后接否定的宾语从句时,通常不转移到主句。如:I fear it won't do much good. 我担心这不会有多大好处。

(3) 通常不接不定式的复合结构。如:我担心他会失败。

误:I fear him to fail. 正:I fear that he will fail. (4) 比较 fear sb 与 fear for sb:前者意为害怕某人,后者意为为某人担心。如:He fears his wife. 他怕他老婆。

He fears for his wife. 他为他老婆担心。【第2句】: 用作名词,比较 for fear of 与 in fear of:前者意为“由于怕……”“以防……”,后者意为“害怕”“担心”。

如:Shut the window for fear of catching a cold. 关闭窗户以免感冒。We're in fear of more snow. 我们担心会再下雪。

The thief passed the day in fear of discovery. 这个小偷整天提心掉胆担心会被发现。

【第4句】: 和fear搭配的短语

fear (that) :Police fear that there may be further terrorist attacks.

fear to do something formal: :Women feared to go out at night.

fear for somebody :His wife seemed depressed, and he feared for his children.

fear for somebody's safety/life

a terrifying ordeal in which she feared for her life

Hundreds of people are feared dead in the ferry disaster.

I fear formal used when telling someone that you think that something bad has happened or is true

I fear (that) :I fear that there is little more we can do.

I fear so/I fear not :'Were they satisfied?' 'I fear not.'

fear not/never fear formal used to tell someone not to worry:

Never fear, he'll be with us soon.

【第5句】: fear的用法


fear(动词) + 名词,代词, to do sth, doing sth, 句子

He did not fear to die.


Experts fear that there will be new outbreak of the disease.


fear 也可以作名词用



【第6句】: fear语法


1)fear作动词用,其后一般接不定式或动名词或者that从句,如fear to offend her或者fear offending her或者I fearthat I may offend her;

2)普遍日常用语中,用be afraid比fear更常见,而fear后加lest从句更加不常见。

We were afraid (that) he might fail.

We feared lest he should fail.



I have a fear that I may offend her.

4)for fear of,for fear that意思为“唯恐”,“以防”,注意fear之前都不加the。

For fear of mispronouncing some words I read very slowly.

For fear that I should mispronounce some words I read very slowly.




2)fear表示“恐惧”“惧怕”时,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。 特指某种恐惧或多种恐惧时,可用作可数名词;表示“畏惧”时,是不可数名词。


4)fear后可接that引导的同位语从句。for fear that连接的从句总是虚拟的,并用肯定结构。


1)fear表示对某人或某事害怕,多指害怕已存在或即将到来的危险,并含有避开之义。其含义与be afraid (of/to- v )基本相同,但fear常用作书面语,而be afraid (of/to- v )为日常用语。





6)I fear, we fear在口语中可以用来表达说话人的情绪,常用来传达不好的消息,表示遗憾或使语气婉转,后常接that从句,也可以把I fear, we fear放在句末。这样用时, fear只能用于一般现在时,相当于I am afraid, we are afraid。

7)在新闻报道中, fear常用于被动结构。


【第7句】: 【fear的用法】

第三人称单数: fears动词过去式: feared过去分词: feared现在分词: fearingfear用法归纳:【第1句】: 用作动词,注意以下用法:(1) 表示“恐惧”“害怕”,其后接动词时,可用不定式或动名词(注:用不定式比用动名词常见).如:He feared to speak in public. 他害怕在公共场合讲话.He fears to tell [telling] her what happened. 他怕告诉她所发生的事.(2) 表示“恐怕”“担心”,其后通常接 that 从句.如:I fear that he will refuse us. 我担心他会拒绝我们.在答语中 that 从句可用 so, not 代之.如:A:Will he come? 他会来吗? B:I fear so. /I fear not. 我想会来吧/我想不会来吧.【注】后接否定的宾语从句时,通常不转移到主句.如:I fear it won't do much good. 我担心这不会有多大好处.(3) 通常不接不定式的复合结构.如:我担心他会失败.误:I fear him to fail. 正:I fear that he will fail. (4) 比较 fear sb 与 fear for sb:前者意为害怕某人,后者意为为某人担心.如:He fears his wife. 他怕他老婆.He fears for his wife. 他为他老婆担心.【第2句】: 用作名词,比较 for fear of 与 in fear of:前者意为“由于怕……”“以防……”,后者意为“害怕”“担心”.如:Shut the window for fear of catching a cold. 关闭窗户以免感冒.We're in fear of more snow. 我们担心会再下雪.The thief passed the day in fear of discovery. 这个小偷整天提心掉胆担心会被发现.。
