
08-12 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 一些用英语表达祝福的句子

慰问 With warmth and understanding at this time of sorrow…and friendship that is yours for all the tomorrows. 在这悲伤的时刻,请接受我的慰问和心意……还有永远属于你的永恒的友谊。

We would do anything to ease your sorrow if we only could. 如果有可能,我们愿做任何事以稍释你的悲痛。 I hope you can find a little comfort in the knowledge that your grief is shared by so many friends who are thinking of you. 你知道吗?很多思念你的朋友在分担你的悲伤,希望你能感到安慰些。

At this time of sorrow, deep sympathy goes to you and yours. 在这悲戚的时刻,谨向你和你的亲人致以深切的慰问。 婴儿诞生 Baby Congratulations and best wishes on your NEW BABY! 衷心祝贺新生儿诞生,并致以最良好的祝愿! How wonderful it is to hear about your baby! Congratulations to you and the lucky little one. 欣闻得娇儿,令人无比快慰, 祝贺你俩和你们幸运的小宝贝! On the birth of your child,May the precious new life you've brought into the world bring you a world of new joys. 在你俩喜得贵子之日,愿新生的小宝贝给你们带来数不尽的新欢乐! Congratulations! May your son bring you happiness. 恭喜你们,并祝愿你们的儿子给你们带来幸福。

Two dears, sweet Twins! What fun! How nice! You've been blessed——not once——but twice. 一对逗人喜欢的双胞胎!多么开怀!多么可爱!你们不是一次得到上帝祝福,而是两次获得青睐! 感谢篇 Acknowledgement Your kindness means so much. 你的关心铭记在心。 Your thoughtfulness has given me great joy. 你的体贴关怀给了我巨大的欣慰。

I cannot sufficiently express my thanks for your thoughtful kindness. 对于你给予我的无微不至的关怀,不胜感谢。 Thanks a million. 万分感谢! It is at a time like this that one really appreciates the kindness of a friend. 只有在这样的时刻,一个人才会真正领略到朋友的深情厚意。

Your sympathy has brought us great comfort. 你的慰问给我带来了莫大的安慰。 Thank you for the gift. We appreciate your kindness and we shall always cherish this lovely gift from you. 谢谢你馈赠礼品, 我们感激你的盛情,永远珍爱你给我们的漂亮的馈礼。

I cannot tell you how delighted I was with the beautiful birthday present you gave me. 我无法告诉你我收到你馈送的漂亮的生日礼物,我是多么的高兴。 You couldn't have given me anything that I would enjoy more. 你送给我的礼物真是让我太高兴了。

Thank you for your gracious hospitality. 感谢你们的亲切款待。 I can't remember when I had a more pleasant time. 这是我度过的最愉快的时光。

【第2句】: 写几句英文的代表幸福快乐的话(翻译)

天苍苍,野茫茫,今年奖金太渺茫!水弯弯,路长长,没钱的日子太漫长!楼高高,人忙忙,今夜能否与你结伴抢银行……暗号:中秋快乐! 中秋之际,我谨代表党中央、国务院、以及拉登兄和基地全体勇士、布什、普京、布莱尔,向你并通过你向全家人致以最真挚的问候:中秋快乐! 对你的思念是一天又一天,孤单的我还是没有改变,美丽的梦何时才能出现,亲爱的好想再见你一面!可我就是找不到你被关在哪个猪圈! 流星划过天际,我错过了许愿;浪花拍上岩石,我错过了祝福;故事讲了一遍,我错过了聆听;人生只有一回,我庆幸没有错过你这个朋友!祝你中秋快乐! 就知道中秋那天你会被铺天盖地的短信包围,英明的我今天就让祝福跨过高山越过高楼大厦穿过大街小巷,闪过卖茶叶蛋的老太太,钻进你的手机:中秋快乐! 关掉你的手机,慢慢闭上眼睛,想想我,想想月饼,你会发现我和月饼一样可爱!嘻嘻!中秋节快乐! 天气变得好快,凉风悄悄袭来,因为你的可爱,所以给你关怀,晚上毯子要盖,别把脚丫冻坏,没事叨根骨头,那样可以补钙,不要再骂我坏,祝你中秋愉快。

翻译:Gray days, the vast field, this year's prize money is too little! ANGLE water, a long way, the days are too long and no money! Storey high, people hurry, tonight and you can enjoy the company of others 。 。

Sugar cipher: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Mid-Autumn Festival, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee and State Council, as well as Osama bin Laden and al-brother of the whole Warriors Bush, Putin, Blair, to you and through you to whole family to extend my most sincere greetings: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Your thoughts on the day after day, alone or I have not changed, the beautiful dream when we can, dear Haoxiang you a good-bye! I just can not find what you were locked up in pig pens! Meteor across the sky, I missed a wish; spray on the rock beat, I missed the blessing; the story again, I missed listening to; only once in life, I am glad that you did not miss a friend! I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Mid-Autumn Festival will know that day you will be surrounded by overwhelming message, I let the wise and best wishes to cross the mountains across the high-rise buildings across the street, the flash of the old woman selling tea-leaf eggs, into your cell phone: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Turn off your cell phone, close your eyes slowly, I think, and think of moon cakes, you will find that I like cakes and sweet! Hee hee! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! De Haokuai change the weather, cool breeze coming quietly, because you are cute, so you have to care, blankets to cover the evening, Jiaoya Do not frozen, can offer nothing root bones, calcium supplements can do, I do not Zaima bad, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.。

【第3句】: 形容十分快乐的英文句子

joyous merry gladsome

delectable chirrupy good-humored

lighthearted festival joyful happy pleasurable delighted pleasant sunny gayest gayer carnivalesque cheery felicitous good-humoured

