
08-02 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 电影x战警天启英文介绍

Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshiped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel's X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto, to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven with the help of Professor X must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.来源:IMDB。

【第2句】: x战警逆转未来x教授经典语录英文版




People once lost, lost the direction, not equal to will be lost forever. Sometimes we just need someone to a hand. You're afraid of not the pain of others, but your pain. The pain is terriblebut can let you become strong, if you can let yourself feel it,accept it, it will let you become exceedingly strong, strong and able to withstand the pain of others, is that we have the besttalent. But this gift from most human strength, hope。.。

【第3句】: 中英对照的一些优美句子

建议找一些双语阅读的材料来看, 比如:

S.H.E Members Confirm their Separate Developments

S.H.E has been formed for eight years. As the three members have shown their different talents in hosting, drama and music, it has been repeatedly rumored that the time has come for them to pursue their separate development.

Not long ago, they finally admitted that, when Ella starred in The Rose(《蔷薇之恋》) , they began to undertake their different careers. Ella said that she had made great efforts to pursue her own career much earlier. Now, Selina has established herself as a hostess. Hebe also admitted that she was preparing for her new solo album. She said that she wanted to make her own favorite album without considering its sale. But from the position of the recording company, she still hopes that her album will sell well. So she believes that it will be a long, hard road. Nevertheless, they are tied together just like kites flying in different directions. The recording company has also promised to help them to plan their individual careers without disbanding(解散) the group.








【第4句】: 谁有x战警1的经典英文对白 (英文台词也行)

Eric Lensherr: They wish to cure us. But I say, we are the cure.Eric Lensherr:他们想治好我们,但我认为,我们才是治愈的方法。

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Logan: Look at me Jean. We can help you. We can fix it. We can make it like it was. Stay with me!Logan:看着我,简。我们能帮你,我们能做到,我们能使一切回到正常,你要跟我一起!Dr. Jean Grey: Please。

kill me.Dr. Jean Grey:求求你……杀了我。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Logan: (to Rogue)Hey, I'm not your father. If you wanna go, be sure it's what you want.Logan:(对Rogue说)嗨,我不是你爸爸。

如果你想走,确定你想这样。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eric Lensherr: When the air is still, and the night has fallen, there's only one question you must answer: who will you stand with?Eric Lensherr:当空气静止,夜幕降临时,你只需回答一个问题:你站在谁那边?【第1句】: Logan:Hey tinman, come here.【第2句】: The President:Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.【第3句】: Warren Worthington, Sr.:[as Psylocke and Arclight dangle him from a rooftop] I was only trying to help you people! Kid Omega:Do we look like we need your help?【第4句】: The Interrogator:Raven? Raven Darkholme:I don't answer to my slave name. The Interrogator:Raven Darkholme? That's your real name. Or has he convinced you that you don't have any family? Raven Darkholme:My family tried to kill me, you pathetic meatsack.【第5句】: Kid Omega:[to Magneto] You talk pretty tough for a guy in a cape. John Allerdyce:[ignites a fireball] Back off. Callisto:You're so proud of being a mutant, where's your mark? Eric Lensherr:I have been marked once, my dear and let me assure you, no needle shall ever touch my skin again. John Allerdyce:Do you know who you're talking to? Kid Omega:[spikes protrude from his face] Do you?【第6句】: Eric Lensherr:Charles always wanted to build bridges.【第7句】: Raven Darkholme:'bout time Eric Lensherr:I've been busy, Did you find what you were looking for? Raven Darkholme:The source of the cure is a mutant, a boy at Wortington labs. Eric Lensherr:[to Pyro - grabbing the prisoner manifest] Read us the "guest list"【第8句】: Raven Darkholme:[as a little girl] When I get out of here, I'm gonna kill you myself.【第9句】: Logan:Way to go, Furball.【第10句】: Logan:Grow *those* back.【第11句】: John Allerdyce:You should have stayed in the school. Bobby Drake:You never should have left.【第12句】: Dr. Hank McCoy:My boy, I've been fighting for mutant rights since before you had claws. Logan:Did he just call me boy?【第13句】: Logan:The whole world's going to hell, you gonna just sit there?【第14句】: John Allerdyce:Listen to this: "Prisoner is to be kept immobile at all times. If he gets any momentum, no object can stop him." Eric Lensherr:What's your name? Cain Marko:Juggernaut. Eric Lensherr:I can't imagine why.【第15句】: Logan:Who's the furball? Dr. Hank McCoy:Hank McCoy, Secretary of Mutant Affairs Logan:Right, right. Secretary. Nice suit. Prof. Charles Xavier:Henry, this is Logan. He's, uh。

Dr. Hank McCoy:Wolverine. I hear you are quite an animal. Logan:Look who's talkin'.【第16句】: Scott Summers:Jean? Dr. Jean Grey:Scott? Scott Summers:How? Dr. Jean Grey:I don't know。【第17句】: Logan:That was my last cigar.【第18句】: Eric Lensherr:[from trailer] They wish to cure us。

and I say we are the cure.【第19句】: Eric Lensherr:In chess, the pawns go first.【第20句】: Cain Marko:I'm not the guy to play hide and seek with. Kitty Pryde:Who's hiding, dickhead?【第21句】: Cain Marko:Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, bitch.【第22句】: Logan:Don't get your panties in a bunch.【第23句】: Eric Lensherr:[regarding Mystique] Such a shame. She was so beautiful.【第24句】: Raven Darkholme:This man robbed seven banks。 [five copies of Multiple Man walk out of the cell] Raven Darkholme:At the same time. Eric Lensherr:I could use a man of your talents. Multiple Man:I'm in.【第25句】: [last lines] Prof. Charles Xavier:[after credits] Hello, Moira. Dr. Moira MacTaggart:Charles?【第26句】: John Allerdyce:Nice helmet. Cain Marko:It keeps my face pretty.【第27句】: Prison Truck Guard:Keep it up, I'll spray you in the face, bitch.【第28句】: Dr. Hank McCoy:[to Wolverine] You saw Magneto?【第29句】: [after she kills the truck guard] Raven Darkholme:Told you so.【第30句】: John Allerdyce:Come on, Iceman. Make a move.【第31句】: Cain Marko:You gonna let me outta here? I gotta pee.【第32句】: [after he cuts the wings off his back] Young Angel:Dad, I'm sorry.【第33句】: Dr. Jean Grey:[turning into Dark Phoenix] GET OUT OF MY HEAD!【第34句】: Raven Darkholme:[as the President of the United States] Let me out of here! I demand that you release me! Do you know who I am? I'm the President of the United States! Prison Truck Guard:Oh, Mr. President. 。

【第5句】: 狮子王 的 五句优美的句子 中英文

The Lion King狮子王:

【第1句】: Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.


【第2句】: I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.

我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表 你要到处闯祸。

【第3句】: When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.

如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对 待它。

【第4句】: You can't change the past.


【第5句】: Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。
