
10-14 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 病痛的表达法(英语初二)

一般会在名次后来面加ache”身体部位+ache“表示某一种自病痛如:2113tooth+ache:toothache 牙痛5261head+ache: headache 头痛stomach+ache:stomachache 胃痛back+ache:backache 背痛,腰痛waist+ache:waistache 腰痛ear+ache:earache 耳朵痛4102heart+ache:heartache 心痛face+ache:faceache 颜面神经1653痛(三叉神经痛)tongue+ache:tongueache 舌痛leg+ache:legache 腿痛。

【第2句】: 关于生和死或者生命或者病痛的的英语句子

People at the time of dying, less and less choice. However, even if faced with death, we still can choose the way of facing death. The following content about the view of Jim, he is a student, is also one of my friends. Jim twenty-five years old. He is full of energy - a witty, smart, honest, good asked. He just graduated from university civil service, the future, at this time, but he was sick. About a year and a half ago, Jim got a lump on his forehead, surgery removed it. At that time, doctors believe that is not malignant. Later, again more lump, made several operations again. A few months ago, Jim found the tumor has spread to the whole body, even if he could live longer treatment. Since then, his body more and more weak, what you can do less and less. However, in the face of such a loss of function and the decline of life, and he showed great courage. Earlier, Jim came to California, took part in my organization's book critics weekend seminars. Comment on this chapter, he said, although we can't avoid life function in the process of the decline and fall of a recession, but we are completely able to choose attitude towards death. Action in the past few months, Jim showed me the person of this kind of continuously for a long time to make a decision ability, especially in extremely difficult circumstances the ability to make decisions. Since learned that his illness, Jim made many critical decisions. Because he likes to contact with the college, he decided to take a class in college. He earns his living by working in a shipyard. He knows he has little hope of healing, but he decided to treatment, because he hopes to ease his pain treatment. Treatment actually did not ease his pain. In the past few months, Jim went through great pain. He decided not to go to chemotherapy, because if he doesn't really live full, why should he want to go to prolong life. He decided to exercise, and became a Christian, so can make his heart is very quiet. Before he was bedridden, he decided to go to Hawaii, happily spend his life has not much time. Jim didn't like the hospital - so he would rather stay at home, in a more human environment. As long as the body's permission, he read widely, as always, in his diary to write down his thoughts and feelings of opposite and death. And friends together, he play the guitar, and also to write my own songs. He never shy away from the fact that he was going to die soon, but for life, enthusiasm for the things around as usual. Unfinished things before arranging die, Jim than I know or heard of anyone doing thoughtful. He designed family called together, talked about his desire. He got in touch with all the friends, told them he would say. He made it clear that the body will be cremated, he wanted to put those tumors all burned to death, his ashes into the ocean. It reflects his love of freedom, his passion for the activity. Now, however, Jim already could not enjoy the freedom, can no longer activity, because now in addition to waiting for death in his bed, he can't do anything. Until today, he still stick to die to die with dignity, in spite of his day to day weak, his spirit is still very full. He maintained the quick thinking, concise expression ability, as well as his sense of humor. He does not cover their felt grief to lose it all. As he said, "of course I am willing to live and enjoy happy with the person who loves me!" When he realized that it is not possible, he said goodbye to the closest people. At Jim in the process of great suffering, his mother is really great. She said to me, "Jim suffering from constant pain, but rarely being bitter, is really something. She said this, I said to her, in her care Jim several months, I have never heard her complain. Her strength and courage, it surprised me to frequently. In addition, although sometimes the mother and son two people will and faith, she can press Jim's wishes, not to interfere in his beliefs, which makes me admire. She showed a strong love for son, but should not intervene in his spiritual independence, and his independent personality. She accepted the fact of dying, Jim and she doesn't hide the truth of the matter to Jim, so Jim can openly your any feelings. Jim is the sadness, grief, the heart is sad, because when he was sad sad, mother never persuaded him to fight back. This experience made me understand the opposite and death many. Through with Jim, I realized that as a dying man I don't have to do a lot of things, just since natural ran with him or her. Most of the time, I have a sense of helpless and powerless, don't know what to say, what to say, don't know what to ask, should not ask what, feel can't say any word. Jim is gradually close to death, is a big loss for 。

【第3句】: 表示疾病的英语短语

have a headache 头疼、have a toothache 牙疼、have a stomachache 胃痛、have a sore throat 嗓子疼、have a cold 感冒、have a fever 发烧。

【第1句】:have a headache 头疼 headache 读音:英 ['hedeɪk] 美 [ˈhɛdˌek] n. 头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事 例:I have had a terrible headache for the last two days. 最近两天我犯了严重的头痛病。 例:I have a headache, nausea and vomiting. 我觉得头痛、恶心和想吐。

【第2句】:have a toothache 牙疼 toothache 读音:英 ['tuːθeɪk];美 ['tuθek] n. [口腔] 牙痛 例:If you have a toothache, you have to go to the dentist. 如果你牙痛,你应该去看牙医的。 例:If you have a toothache, rub some ice between your thumb and forefinger. 如果你牙疼,用冰块在你的大拇指和食指中间摩擦。

【第3句】:have a stomachache 胃痛 stomachache 读音:英 ['stʌməkeɪk];美 ['stʌmək,ek] n. 腹痛,肚子痛;胃痛 例:It is a nice kettle of fish! I have a stomachache. 这是一锅好鱼,(可惜)我胃痛。 例:I have a stomachache because I ate a green peach yesterday. 我胃疼,因为我昨天吃了未熟的桃子。

【第4句】:have a sore throat 嗓子疼 sore throat 读音:英 [sɔː θrəʊt] ;美 [sɔːr θroʊt] 例:I had a bad sore throat about four weeks ago. 大约四个星期前我喉咙痛得很厉害。 例:He's had so many colds and sore throats recently. 他最近常常感冒喉咙痛。

【第5句】:have a cold 感冒 cold 读音:英 [kəʊld] ;美 [koʊld] adj. 冷的;寒冷的;冷酷的;冷淡的;冷静的 n. 寒冷;感冒;伤风 adv. 完全地;彻底地 例:I would go with you, except that I have a cold. 要不是我感冒了,我一定跟你一起去。 例:It sounds like you have a cold. 听起来你好像得了流行感冒。

【第4句】: 病痛的表达法(英语初二)




slight illness




Discomfort:Mental or bodily distress.


If I feel ill I will double my labor.


A painful sickness cast a gloom over the young girl.


"Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease"


Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease.


Doctors working for the relief of suffering,hardship,etc


The pain of the disease caused him habitually to furrow his brow.


Yunnan baiyao (white medicinal powder) is exceptionally effective for the treatment of fracture, injury, etc.


Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind.


"Go not for every grief to the physician, for every quarrel to the lawyer, nor for every thirst to the pot"



adj. 轻微的;不重要的;细长的;脆弱的

v. 轻视;忽略,怠慢

n. 轻蔑;怠慢,冷落

This is a slight tilt.


There is a slight inaccuracy in this blueprint.


He gave a slight start.



n. 疾病

Many people are immobilized by the illness.


It becomes ill you to do so.


They bear you no ill will.



n. 小毛病,厌恶

She is the kind of person who will keep to her bed for the slightest indisposition.


It suddenly dawned upon her that Bertha's indisposition was assumed!


Recently it filled me with much concern to learn of your indisposition


【第5句】: 写20个关于生病的英语句子或短语,要翻译

have a temperature发烧

have a headache头疼

have a toothache牙疼

have an earache耳朵疼

have a backache背疼

have a cold感冒

have flu流感

have measles麻疹

have mumps腮腺炎

urticaria, hives 荨麻疹

whooping cough 百日咳

yellow fever 黄热

diabetes 糖尿病

He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他觉得头痛、恶心和想吐。)

He is under the weather. (他不舒服,生病了。)

He began to feel unusually tired. (他感到反常的疲倦。)

He feels light-headed. (他觉得头晕。)

She has been shut-in for a few days. (她生病在家几天了。)

Her head is pounding. (她头痛。)

He has pain in his teeth or jaw. (他的牙齿和下巴疼痛。)

He has some problems with his teeth. (他牙齿有问题。)

The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it. (他咬东西时,牙齿就痛。)

His gums are red and swollen. (他的牙床红肿。)

His tongue is red and sore all over. (他的舌头到处红和痛。)

【第6句】: 英语里有哪些表达疾病的方式

头痛headache 感冒cold 咳嗽cough 肺炎pneumonia 肝炎hepatitis 脑膜炎brain fever/meningitis 膀胱炎cystitis 急性胃炎acute gastritis 胃炎gastritis 气管炎trachitis 支气管炎bronchitis 阑尾炎 appendicitis 胃肠炎gastroenteritis 乳腺炎mastitis 肿瘤tumor 癌症cancer 禽流感bird flu/avian influenza 非典SARS(Severe Acute Respiratary Syndrome) 疯牛病mad cow disease 黑死病black death 白血病leukemia 爱滋病AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 流感influenza 白内障 cataract 狂犬病rabies 中风stroke 冠心病 coronary heart disease 糖尿病diabetes 肺癌 lung cancer 肝癌liver cancer 肺结核pulmonary tuberculosis 肝硬化hepatocirrhosis 慢性病chronic 肺气肿emphysema 胃癌cancer of stomach 胃病stomach trouble 心脏病heart disease 发烧fever 1 have:表示“生病”,后常跟表示疾病的名词,是最通俗的说法,多用于口语。

例句:As I remember, my brother and sister both had severe asthmatic attacks in the childhood. 我记得,我弟弟和妹妹小时候都得过严重的哮喘病。 2 take/catch:均可表示“生病”,且含有“感染”之意。

美国人多用take,英国人多用catch。 例句:Mary takes cold easily. 玛丽易患感冒。

Towards the end of the year, his son caught scarlet fever.快到年底的时候他儿子得了腥红热。 3 contract:较正式的“生病”用语,常用于书面语。

例句:The patient may contract acute bacterial peritonitis, in which case a surgical intervention should be considered. 该病人可能患有急性细菌性腹膜炎,在此情况下就得考虑手术处理。 4 get: 常作“生病”讲,后接表示疾病的名词。

例句:I think she's got epidemic meningitis. 我怀疑她得了流行性脑膜炎。 5 suffer from: 常用来表示“患病”,后接疾病名词,多用于医生与病人的交谈之中。

例句:Is there anybody in your family who has suffered from the same eye disease as you? 你家中还有没有人得过跟你一样的眼病? 6 (be) ill with: 如表示“患。

病”的时候后面须跟with,多见于英式英语。 例句:The patient is ill with influenza. 病人患流行性感冒。

7 (be) sick with: 多用于美式英语,与be ill with可以相互替换,但sick with不能改为sick of。 例句:The doctor told me that I was sick(ill) with hypertension.医生说我患有高血压。

8 fall ill(sick) with; fall ill(sick): 表示“患。

病”时,后面须加with。 例句:Jackie fell ill with a fever last week and has been in bed ever since.杰基上星期发烧,一直躺在床上。

9 be seized with: 一般表示“突然患。

病”。 例句:The patient was seized with apoplexy yesterday afernoon.病人昨天下午忽患中风。

10 be attacked with: 基本意是“为。


病”。 例句:Attacked with acute myocardial inraction, the patient was surveilled for a week in hospital. 病人患急性心肌梗塞后,在医院里监护了一个星期。

11 be troubled with: 意为“患。

病”。 例句:The patient troubled with constipation should have enough sleep, regular time for meal and proper mastication of food. 便秘病人应有足够的睡眠,进食定时,对于食物要细嚼慢咽。

12 be vulnerable to: 一般常用来表示“易患。

病”。 例句:Fibres from the macular region of the retina are particularly vulnerable to inflammation. 视网膜斑区的纤维特别易患炎症。

13 expose。to (be exposed to): 以为“使。




例句: An attack of fever weakens a child and exposes it to all kinds of infections. 发烧使患儿虚弱,易患各种感染。 When having cold, children are exposed to pneumonia. 孩子感冒时易患肺炎。

14 suspect。of: 一般表示“怀疑。



例句:On examination the patient was suspected of carcinomaof the caetum.经检查,怀疑病人患盲肠癌。 15 fall (a) victim to: 其基本意为“成为。



例句: The longer a person has smoked, the greater becomes his liability to fall a victim to long cancer. 一个人吸烟的时间越长,患肺癌的可能性就越大。 16 Be (come) down with/be taken down with: 意为“患。


例句:After being in the rain, Tom came down with a bad cold.在外淋雨后,汤姆患重感冒病倒了。 17 be stricken (down) with; be stricken with: 意为“为。



例句:She was stricken with fever yesterday. 她昨天发烧了。 18 be afflicted with: 其基本意为“为。



例句:For many years Harold was afflicted with edematous laryngitis. 哈德罗患水肿性喉炎多年 了。 19 be affected with (by): 一般用来表示“患。



例句:Both the lungs are affected by the infection. 两肺均已被感染。 20 be infected with: 意为“被。


【第7句】: 常见的有关疾病的英语单词及相关词组,句子


有关疾病的常见单词有:anemia, anaemia 贫血

angina pectoris 心绞痛 appendicitis 阑尾炎

arthritis 关节炎 bronchitis 支气管炎 cancer 癌 lung cancer肺癌

chicken pox, varicella 水痘 cholera 霍乱 cold 感冒,伤风,着凉

(head) cold 患感冒 diabetes 糖尿病 gout 痛风 headache 头痛

indigestion 消化不良 influenza, flu 流感 insanity 精神病

leukemia 白血病 malaria 疟疾 malnutrition 营养不良 measles 麻疹

migraine 偏头痛 miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞 mumps 流行性腮腺炎

paralysis 麻痹 pneumonia 肺炎 rickets, rachitis 佝偻病 sciatica 坐骨神经痛

smallpox 天花 syphilis 梅毒 tuberculosis 结核病 tumour 瘤 (美作:tumor)

