
06-19 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 《包法利夫人》片断赏析

《包法利夫人Madame Bovary》 作者:Flaubert, Gustavo As a provocative tale of passion and complacency, ideals and self-delusions, Madame Bovary (1857) remains a milestone in European fiction. In telling his story of Emma Bovary-a farmer's daughter who, with girlhood dreams fuelled by sensational novels, marries a provincial doctor-Flaubert inaugurated a literary mode that would be called Realism. But so exacting were Flaubert's standards of authenticity that his portrayal of the breakdown of Emma's marriage, and the frankness with which he treats her adulterous liaisons, scandalized many of his contemporaries. Yet to others, the mix of painful introspection, emotional blindness, and cynical self-seeking that distinguishes his characters made the novel instantly recognizable as a work of genius. It is a novel fixed upon the idea of romance-of the need for Romance-in the face of day-to-day banalities. It is a theme that is ironic insofar as the exquisite clarity of Flaubert's prose serves to hauntingly underline the futility of the heroine's ultimate tragedy.-冲破中产阶级道德藩篱之争议书写-解放女性世界心理解构之情欲巨著女主角艾玛.包法利由於尽信美丽虚幻的爱情小说,因而徒然在平凡的真实人生中,寻求以肉身印证的可能,终至服毒自尽以解羞耻的悲剧。


但是这部小说之所以深刻、精辟,是由於还能够直探行为、心理的根源;有了这样的厚度,才可以成为无分时空的杰作。当《包法利夫人》发表之后,立即在法国文学界引起相当的震撼!当时法院甚至将作者提起公诉,於是福楼拜去见诗人拉马丁,问及自己是否会因此被定罪?诗人斩钉截铁地告诉他:「为了我们国家和我们时代的荣誉,法国任何法庭都不能给你定罪!」 事实上,古今中外许多文学艺术作品一经问世,往往遭到非难、攻击、查禁、焚毁等命运,直至得到历史的公证,最终才获其应有地位,成为人类共享的文化瑰宝!福楼拜的《包法利夫人》之遭遇即是典型例子。



雷昂起先只是代书事务所的底层办事员;至於罗道夫,他虽然可以在本姓上冠以地名,好似以受封的采邑当作姓氏的贵族一般,其实只不过是并无尊贵血统的地主乡绅。 结婚前后的艾玛,怀抱文艺少女式的爱情遐思,由初识雷昂起,当想像中的爱情果真来临时,她的需求却很快便转变成感官的激情,虽然在虚幻之中寻找依据,最终祈求的却不是不食人间烟火的纯纯之爱,而是可以实际触摸、用肉身强烈感受,也需要大量身外之物具体陪衬的感官之爱,所以连带发生情欲上和金钱上的挥霍。



作者:福楼拜 Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1880 法国19世纪写实主义文学大师。生於卢昂。



【第2句】: 包法利夫人英文简介

If this book became traditional universal of the literature of an always current power, it is above all because of the character eponyme. Emma Bovary is a romantic heroin of a rare size and a modernite for the time. She is one of these hearts which carry in them the conscience that the prodigal world in promises is quite poor of effects. Its aspiration has the exaltation, with lyricism, has the size, against romantic of the existence runs up has the desesperante insipidity of reality. It is thirsty for an absolute in the love, in the daily newspaper, which cannot be satisfied that in the extraordinary one. Veiled its misfortune which it will fight in the literature has the water of pink, then gradually in the adultere. In vain. There is something of attractive, and accept to it the horrible one, in this incapacite has to live, has to accept the reel, its reel. Slowly, it builds its descent into Hell, a decadence which adds some with the myth and the romanticism of the character. Emma is not satisfied with rever, it compromises herself, corrompt with the wire of the pages, fan, blackens herself, until A to become a driving bolt. What could be larger than this heroin lost by its reves, if eloignee of the traditional portraits of the woman, so far from the epouse, so far from the mother, the menagere or simple in love.。

【第3句】: 关于包法利夫人的赏析






















她美丽,她举止优雅,她可以跳出火坑,追求浮华的生活。 乔迁荣镇,从遇到了与她有共同话题的莱昂起,她在思想上就已经背叛了婚姻。







【第4句】: 求《包法利夫人》的读后感、高中水平、要英语的

Signature: Farmstead trail, the everlasting town, LuAng。

I see you to blossom ceremony skirt Toward the "love" empty leave a solitary clear of figure I this for your desperate moved Or blame the way the Paris watercolor illusion Went to a wipe clean reluctantly defiled life。 Madame bovary not a coke, nor a pot of relaxed summer green tea, it is more like ice cappuccino - or sweet, or light, always can touches your heart strings - special is, that seek Paris type love woman, and that eat people of the world, that kind of wave may not and the -- happiness. * * -- the fate of Emma hull, perhaps just because, you too not understand, happiness due shape. A girl who grew up in the Abbey, meet a live parents designed by life of married men - she lives in the first man, then naively Cupid by god's will come. Marry a doctor, how much happiness. She then.thee, follow a car carriage, wobbled, drive to the holy place of her dreams -- church. That year, he was 30, she, cardamom age. Perhaps "life as a tomb," a young heart of hearts, but packed in a quiet castle, the end is not satisfied. She began to doubt, the meaning of life, exactly, "life beauty where"? The manor, Picasso thrall prismis hovering dance, wear blue tailcoat gentleman, wear pearl of young women, she invented, originally life can be so bright affectionate. Back home, but face a wood's husband, a little-used small garden, so she wept. As meteor, lai presents, they talk about books, music, talk about world various. She amazed at their ideas consensus, his intellect is vast, his mind close. Fog glittered dazzling white light, that moment, she looked at him is far of figure, tears. When career was resentment and regret fill, she beginning complains regretted oneself how love to a wood, and are not abandon not love. Then there is LuAng. She met ROM - a sagging soul, always possible for a little Martian lit. Then fell into a man's trick. She beginning to travel two cities and enthusiastic. When she filled with hope to waste all altogether goes to the ends of the earth with his letter, when cut off her hope, love, or a happy life. He drove his carriage, from her door apart, and then told her, he is now an unknown island. She looked at him, the curtain of night after, black, illuminating the only her silvery tears. She invented, originally, the world didn't she imagined wonderful. That year, she probably 【第25句】: She was disappointed, gave birth to a bad illness that he die, and there the smile. One day, but in the street met lai - this is a gift of god, or other malicious joke? They went to Paris -- that her dream city - they are there, together intoxicated with drunken light fan with trees and flowers everywhere. She become more beautiful, radiant, abnormal enchanting. Trail, the road, they stroll, Mercedes, enjoy the sunshine. She was more fall for small RongMao, blue skirt, color bright ze carpet, perhaps gold plating keys. So money less and less, she began to do STH without authorization signed the ious, hope repose in the unearned, to date, again and again for love! The ultimate ruin. On nov.11 high evening, she came out from the surveyor's home, crumpled, all the way to insults at the "desecrating" her love of man. Be also that night, she expressed her most the said: my poor, but not betray yourself. However, when all of hope all return zero hour, when the court summons attained dignity, still have what use? As instant old. Arsenic, not delicious, but she ate, Life, not pain, but she think like this, Oneself, not just live your life, but she did so. Zaozhiruci, Emma, you why again to searching for the unreal happy? Why I always remember his childhood wonderful dreams, and grand contrast with reality? He took with confidential die, even around a bunch of good man, she still alone. Time's garden abrupt way back, she sat in front of thorns long boarded, naively looking at the sky, LuAng streets; Their doorstep, Worship of the compound fight, Under the apple tree, her hair fragrance, around her laughter ringing clean. She wore moonlight like whiter satin robe, black hair to spread, the facial expression be serene. Night is very docile. Gameover. * * -- BaoFaLi laoye tragedy, perhaps only by a neglect comedy is caused. He does not love her? In fact, "his happiness, only limited to Emma skirt side width". Experience once unlucky be deployed to marriage, a field and money transactions of marriage, how much he cherished the god blessed him with gifts. Is because it was too happy to see her eyes, after sorrow. He wanted to, he gave her of substantial career, they had a beautiful daughter, she has the most beautiful dress the town, she what reason is there still unhappy? And myself, 。

【第5句】: 《包法利夫人》中有什么精辟句子
















【第6句】: 翻译包法利夫人英文读后感,不要用翻译工具翻译,要人工的,高分送


Having read the film review of Madame Bovary,I found many things worthwhile for most women to contemplate.“一个女人,生得美,闲适地生活在小城,有一个小人物的丈夫,因为爱幻想。她企望着更绚丽的人生,期望得到一种更自由的生活,浪漫的爱情……枯燥无味的生活里,她的幻想膨胀着,心生出翅膀,先是赖昂……可是赖昂走了,占据她的心的又变成罗道耳弗,一个情场浪子,一个调情高手。



“A woman with born beauty lived comfortably in a small town.She had a husband of nobody.Because of the addiction to imagine,she expected a more wonderful life,looking forward to a more unrestricted living and romantic love……During the boring life,her fantasy was expanding,her heart growed with wings,the first one was Leon……But Leon left later.Then the second one who occupied her was Rodolfo,a lovelace and flirting expert.These two men cheated her,but didn't hurt her.The one who killed Emma was herself,her illusion and her heart to pursue a foppish life.The fantasy should be continued,but with the debt of 8000 francs stressing her,she asked Leon and Rodolfo for help.Then she knew the truth that they were just fictitious princes living in her fantastic dream,but not the warm-hearted lovers who could lend a hand to her in the real life.The debt-ridden drawed her back to reality,so she chose to take poison.这让我想起契坷夫的一个小说人物,奥尔迦。伊凡诺夫人,她一生都在结识名流,寻找伟大的可以让她迷狂让她幸福的男人,跳来跳去,爱慕着虚荣,放荡于那些看似优秀的男人之间,她一次次被欺骗自己,进入下一轮的爱慕和追寻,直到她的丈夫将要死去,她看着穿衣镜里的自己苍白的脸儿,回顾着自己比脸色更苍白无血色的曾经,她才想起丈夫平日里那温和依顺的笑容,对不起丈夫对她那深厚无边的爱。


This reminds me of a character in Bychkov's novel, Madame Olga Ivano.She spent her whole life making acquaintance with gentry and seeking men who could fascinate her and make her happy.Being vain, she leaped around and indulged herself between those so-called outstanding men.She lied to herself time after time and went into the next adoration and hunting until her husband was about to die.Looking at the pale face in the mirror and reviewing the ashener foretime than her face,she finally remembered her husband's worm smile and felt sorry to his endless love.Unfortunately,Madame Bovary didn't know what love was until she died.She spent all her short lifetime in roaming in the fantastic ocean till she struck on the rock and sank.从历史回过头来,其实现实生活中很多包法利夫人的影子。当然我们不能全然否定这种对爱情的向往,对美好生活的追求。

任何人都有这种权利。只是一定要到最后才醒悟,或者一生都不能醒悟,那也的确可悲!Looking back upon the history,there are many shadows of Madame Bovary in real life.Of course we cannot cpmpletely deny this desire to love and the pursuit to wonderful life,because everyone owns this right.But if it will only disillude in the end or even cannot in the whole life,then that's really mournful.终于搞定,太长了纯手工翻译,请阅读一下验收 谢谢 下次还找我啊。
