
09-13 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 求英国悬疑小说and then there were none (无人生还)里那首小诗的

Ten little Indian boys went out to dine;

One choked his little self and then therewere nine.

Nine little Indian boys sat up very late;

One overslept himself and then there wereeight.

Eight little Indian boys travelling inDevon;

One said he'd stay there and then therewere seven.

Seven little Indian boys chopping upsticks;

One chopped himself in halves and thenthere were six.

Six little Indian boys playing with a hive;

A bumblebee stung one and then there werefive.

Five little Indian boys going in for law;

One got in Chancery and then there werefour.

Four little Indian boys going out to sea;

A red herring swallowed one and then therewere three.

Three little Indian boys walking in theZoo;

A big bear hugged one and then there weretwo.

Two little Indian boys sitting in the sun;

One got frizzled up and then there was one.

One little Indian boy left all alone;

He went and hanged himself and then therewere none.

【第2句】: 求阿加莎《无人生还》英文版 @><@

Chapter ISummary: Chapter IJustice Wargrave, a recently retired judge, is taking a train to the seaside town of Sticklehaven, where he is to catch a boat to Indian Island. He recalls the rumors that have swirled around the island: since a mysterious Mr. Owen purchased the place, people have suggested that a film star or a member of the royal family really owns the island. Wargrave takes a letter from his pocket and glances over its contents. The letter invites him to spend some time on the island and is signed by an old friend of his, Constance Culmington, whom he has not seen for eight years. He reflects that Constance is exactly the kind of woman who would buy a place like Indian Island.On the same train, Vera Claythorne ponders her invitation to the island. She has been hired as a secretary by Una Nancy Owen, apparently the wife of the island's owner. Vera reflects how lucky she is to get this job, especially after her involvement in a coroner's inquest into someone's death. She was cleared of all blame for the death, we learn, but Hugo Hamilton, the man she loved, thought her guilty. She thinks of the sea and of swimming after someone in particular, knowing she would not reach him in time to save him. She forces her mind away from those memories and glances at the man across from her, thinking he looks well traveled. 。

【第3句】: 有谁知道和无人生还一样画面精美剧情有意思的英文推理单击游戏吗


【第4句】: 无人生还的内容简介








