
09-07 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 表示道歉的英语句子

That's all right:不客气,没关系 Never mind:当别人向你表示歉意时可用,意思是没有关系,不要放在心上 “That's all right”作为常用礼貌用语,主要用于以下这些情景中: 一、作为感谢用语的答语。

当你为别人做了好事,别人对你表示感谢时,你常用它来做答语。 意思是“不用谢,不客气。”

例如: 【第1句】:—Thank you very much.非常感谢。 —That's all right.不用谢。

【第2句】:—Thanks a lot. 十分感谢。 —That's all right.不客气。


意思是“没关系,不要紧,没什么。”例如: 【第1句】:—I'm sorry I'm late.对不起,我迟到了。

—That's all right.没关系。 【第2句】:—I'm sorry to trouble you.抱歉,麻烦你了。

—That's all right.没什么。 【第3句】:—I'm sorry I broke the cup.对不起,我打碎了杯子。

—That's all right.不要紧。 。

【第2句】: 求关于道歉的英语对话

A : I'm sorry for last time上次很抱歉B:"Oh, what's wrong? Why do you apologize?"有什么问题吗?你干嘛道歉?A:"Don't you remember that last time。

”难道你不记得上次了吗?B: "Oh that's okay. No problem for that"哦,那没什么,不要紧的。A:"But I'm feeling so bad for it, you need to accept my apologize"但我感觉很抱歉,请你务必接受我的道歉。

B: "Of course, I forgive for that, its all right, don't keep it in mind"我当然会原谅你,那没什么,别放在心上。A: “What can I do for you to regret?"我怎么样才能挽回我的错误呢?B:"I don't think that is a good idea, you're forgiven"不要那样想,你已经被宽恕了。

A:” But。"但是我……B: "Let this off, please, if you keep this going, then I'll not forgive you anymore"让这件事过去吧,如果你继续这样的话,我就不原谅你了。

A: “You're a good friend for me"你是我的好朋友。B: "I'm glad for you thinking that"很高兴你能那样想。

A: “Okay then I'll say sorry for this last time, I sorry"我最后一次跟你说对不起,对不起啦!B:"You are fine; I will bless you for your honest"没关系,为你的诚实祈福。A:” Thank you so much" 非常谢谢你!这个应该还可以吧,如果有什么错误你自己纠正一下。

【第3句】: 关于“表达歉意”的英语对话

A: I do beg your pardon for the mistake I've made.B: It's OK. That can happen to the rest of us.A:请您一定原谅我所犯的错误。

B:没关系,谁都会发生这种事情。A: Please excuse my careless words.B: It doesn't matter at all.A:请原谅我那些无心的话B:一点也没有关系A: Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you.B: Never mind about that.A:对不起。


A: I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.B: It's easy to say sorry, but who will make up for the loss?A:很抱歉给您带来这么大的麻烦。B:说声对不起容易,但谁来补偿损失?A: I'm awfully sorry. I didn't realize.B: To tell the truth, your apology can't be accepted.A:我真是抱歉没有意识到。


【第4句】: 关于道歉的英语对话10句话以内的

A : I'm sorry for last time上次很抱歉

B:"Oh, what's wrong? Why do you apologize?"有什么问题吗?你干嘛道歉?

A:"Don't you remember that last time。?”难道你不记得上次了吗?

B: "Oh that's okay. No problem for that"哦,那没什么,不要紧的.

A:"But I'm feeling so bad for it, you need to accept my apologize"


B: "Of course, I forgive for that, its all right, don't keep it in mind"


A: “What can I do for you to regret?"


B:"I don't think that is a good idea, you're forgiven"

