
08-11 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 请用英语16种时态造同一个句子

【第1句】: He is a pilot.【第2句】: He was a pilot 3 years ago.【第3句】: He will be a pilot later, I think.【第4句】: He is always dreaming of being a pilot.【第5句】: He was always dreaming of being a pilot when he was young.【第6句】: He has been a pilot for 5 years.【第7句】: He had been a pilot for 5 years by the end of last year.【第8句】: He said he would be a pilot one day.【第9句】: He has always been dreaming of being a pilot.【第10句】: He had always been dreaming of being a pilot until just then.【第11句】: He will be considering being a pilot when he visits the airport tomorrow.【第12句】: He will have been a pilot by the end of next year.【第13句】: He will have been dreaming of being a pilot until he is graduating from the university 5 years later.【第14句】: I thought he would be dreaming of being a pilot at this time the next year.【第15句】: I thought he would have dreamt of being a pilot by the end of the next year.【第16句】: I thought he would have been dreaming of being a pilot until he was to graduate from the university 5 years later。

【第2句】: 请用英语16种时态造同一个句子

补充: 权威在这里: 应AJAX要求,我来少少解释。



一、以下这几个是基本时态,应该没什么悬念。 【第1句】:一般现在时:he is a pilot. 【第2句】:一般过去时:he was a pilot. 【第3句】:一般将来时:he will be a pilot. 【第9句】:现在完成时:he has been a pilot.(一直做了10年飞行员直到今天。)

二、这几句不妨一说: 场景:老爸对邻居说:10年前,就是阿呆30岁时,我就预言他会做飞行员。他会这么说: 【第4句】:一般过去将来时:he would be a pilot.(10年前是过去,那之后就是过去将来。

) 场景:老爸对邻居说:10年前,我搬到这里,在那之前,阿呆就做了10年飞行员了。他会这么说: 【第10句】:过去完成时:he had been a pilot (for 10 years)(10年前搬家,过去时。

此前持续10年,过去的过去。即阿呆20岁开始开飞机,直到30岁搬家还在开). 场景:老爸对邻居说:阿呆30岁开飞机,现在40,再过10年,他50岁时,就整整开了20年飞机了。

他会这样说: 【第11句】:将来完成时:he will have been a pilot (for 20 yrs by then)(50岁是将来。这个将来之前,一直开了20年。

) 场景:老爸对邻居说:20年前,我就预见阿呆在自己30岁时,就已至少开了5年飞机了。他会这样说: 【第12句】:过去将来完成时:(i predicted)he would have been a pilot (for a least 5 yearsbefore his 30) (20年前是过去,10年后阿呆30岁,是将来时,30岁前一直开5年,用完成时。

) 三、一下这几种,完全可以用简单时态取代。 be serving as那几句是为了凑足时态造的句子。

虽然没有大错,但总归叠床架屋,如果不是有特别的需要,比如强调语气,我想一般不会有人这么说。 另外,这里大概只能用serve这个词。



但出现be being是不妥的,很古怪。我看到有人用becoming。

这虽然避免出现be being,但be becoming形为现在时而实有将来时之意(解作:将来会成为)。实意动词里我只想到serve (as)这个字,在这里是很恰当的。

总而言之,我相信很少人会费劲说这么拗口的句子: 【第5句】:现在进行时:he is serving as a pilot.(可直接以he is a pilot取代之) 【第6句】:过去进行时:he was serving as a pilot (then)(可直接以he was a pilot取代之) 【第7句】:将来进行时:he will be serving as a pilot.(可直接以he will be a pilot取代之) 【第8句】:过去将来进行时:he would be serving as a pilot.(同理) 【第13句】:现在完成进行时:he has been serving as a pilot (for ten years) (此句以下,皆可做相应取代) 【第14句】:过去完成进行时:he had been serving as a pilot (for ten years by then) 【第15句】:将来完成进行时:he will have been serving as a pilot (for ten years before his 60) 【第16句】:过去将来完成进行时:he would have been serving as a pilot (for ten years if he began it at his 【第23句】:)(可直接以he would have been a pilot取代之)。

【第3句】: 英语句子的16种时态

即:1 一般现在时 用动词原形

2 一般过去时 用动词过去时

3 现在进行时 be + ving

4 过去进行时 was/were + ving

5 一般将来时 will + 动词原形 或 be going to +动词原形

6 过去将来时 would + 动词原形 或 was/were going to +动词原形

7 现在完成时 have/has + v过去分词

8 过去完成时 had + v过去分词

9 现在完成进行时 have/has been + ving

10 过去完成进行时 had been + ving

11 一般将来进行时 will be + ving

12 过去将来进行时 would be + ving

13 将来完成时 will have + v过去分词

14 过去将来完成时 would have + v过去分词

15 将来完成进行时 will have been + ving

16 过去将来完成进行时 would have been + ving英语动词时态用法

【第4句】: 各个时态(16个最好)的结构,并各造一个句子

【第1句】: 一般现在时 be / do /does

【第2句】: 一般过去时 was / did

【第3句】: 一般将来时 will do / be

【第4句】: 现在进行时 be doing

【第5句】: 现在完成时 have/has done / been

【第6句】: 现在完成进行时 have/has been doing

【第7句】: 将来进行时 will be doing

【第8句】: 将来完成时 will have done / been

【第9句】: 将来完成进行时 will have been doing

【第10句】:过去将来时 would do / be

【第11句】:过去完成时 had done / been

【第12句】:过去进行时 was doing

【第13句】:过去将来完成时 would have done / been

【第14句】:过去将来进行时 would be doing

【第15句】:过去完成进行时 had been doing

【第16句】:过去将来完成进行时 would have been doing


【第5句】: 英语构句子我一点语法都不懂.只知道有16种时态1:告诉我到底该怎么

【第1句】:不是的,英语的句序有些和中文不一样的.而且同义词语境不同差别可能会很大的.怎么造句这个问题太unspecific了.不好说 【第2句】:像这句里,of就是“.的”的意思.这个就和上面说的句序和中文不一样的情况.中文说:这个产品的益处或优势,而英文是益处或优势of这个产品.of表示所属,就相当于的,但是这句你可以看出来,句序和中文是不一样的.这个句子还没说完,后面还有一个to the customer.to的意思非常多,这里加to是表示对象用的,是补充说明这些产品的好处是面向谁的.是对顾客(customer)的.在这里,再次体现了句序的不同.【第3句】:问题2的不是固定搭配.就算是固定搭配,恐怕也是相当的多的.LZ不要一下背那么多固定搭配,肯定背不下来,要日积月累才行.。

【第6句】: 英语8种时态造句,主动和被动 一种时态造一个 总共是16个句子 主动8



一般过去时:The boy wrote a letter. A letter was written by the boy.

一般现在时:The boy writes a letter. A letter is written by the boy.

一般将来时:The boy will write a letter. A letter will be written by the boy.

现在进行时:The boy is writing a letter. A letter is being written by the boy.

过去进行时:The boy was writing a letter. A letter was being written by the boy.

过去完成时:The boy had written a letter. A letter had been written by the boy.

现在完成时:The boy has written a letter. A letter has been written by the boy.

现在完成进行时:The boy has been writing a letter. A letter has been being written by the boy.

