
10-16 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林




February 24 1993Los Angeles CaliforniaBefore he won 12 Grammy awards, before he dazzled billions of fans around the world with his amazing talent as a performer, before he impacted on millions of lives with his ongoing humanitarian efforts, before all of that, he was one another thing. He was my brother.Hi .I’m Janet Jackson , and I’m pleased to be here tonight to honor the man I love and admire as an artist and a person—my brother , Michael Jackson .The Grammy Legend Awards is given for ongoing contributions and influence in the recording field but nowhere does it tell you what to do to become a legend. If I were to write a book of instructions using my brother as a guide it would read something like this:“How to Become a Legend”Let’s start with the present and work our way backwards.Chapter 1: Take a big chance with a live 90-minute prime-time interview with Oprah Winfrey. “Join me for the worldwide television event of the year.”Chapter 2: Put on a spectacular Super Bowl halftime show before the largest audience in TV history.Chapter 3: Use your extraordinary popularity, influence, time, energy, money and heart to help children heal the world.Chapter 4: Create a two-a-half-hour standing-room-only concert event from Bucharest, Romania that gives HBO the highest audience rating in cable history.Chapter 5: Release “Dangerous” and watch in enter the charts at number one and become the world’s biggest selling album of 19

【第92句】:Chapter 6: Record “BAD” and watch it become the second largest selling album ever.Chapter 7: Stun the Motown 25th anniversary audience with a legendary performance that leaves everyone moonstruck...Chapter 8: Record “Thriller” and watch it become the number-one largest selling album of all time.Chapter 9: Bring your enormous talent to the creation of new-style videos that are really mini-movies with imaginative stories and mind-blowing effects.Chapter 10: Capture an armful of eight Grammies the most ever won in a single year.Chapter 11: Tour the world over, making new friends everywhere you go. Break all exciting attendance records while visiting over 30 countries, many of them more than once, and bring the best in contemporary concert entertainment to over 10 million loving fans.Chapter 12: Create an international anthem with a superstar cast that becomes the top-selling single of all time.Chapter 13: Make a serious effort to have four consecutive number one hits before graduating from grade-school.Chapter 14: It helps to have brothers who are very musical. And it doesn’t hurt to have a little sister who loves you very much.Chapter 15: But first and foremost if you’re going to be a true legend try to be born with a lot of talent and the willingness to take the plunge.So, to sum it up…Now I’m very happy to present the Grammy Legend Awards for 1993 to my big brother,Michael Jackson.Congratulations, Michael Jackson. (Michael!) No, but I just wanted to say one thing seriously. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you, and how much you’ve inspired me, and how proud I am to be your sister and how much I love you, I do.应该是从这儿开始——Well, (I love you, too!) Thank you. I hope this puts to rest. I hope this finally puts to rest another rumor that has been in the press for too many years. Me and Janet really are two different people.In the past month, I’ve gone from “where is he?”to“here he’s again.” But I must confess, it feels good to be thought of as a person, not as a personality, because I don’t read all the things written about me. I wasn’t aware that the world thought I was so weird and bizarre, but when you grew up, as I did in front of 100 million people since the age of five, you’re automatically different. The last few weeks, I have been cleansing myself and it’s been a rebirth for myself. It’s like a cleansing spirit. (I love you, Michael!) I love you, too.My childhood was completely taken away from me. There was no Christmas, there were no birthdays. It was not a normal childhood. No normal pleasures of childhood. Those were exchanged for hard work, struggle and pain and eventual material and professional success. But as an awful price, I cannot recreate that part of my life, nor would I change any part of my life. However, today when I create my music, I feel like an instrument of nature. I wonder what delight nature music feel when we open our hearts and express our God-given talents. The sound of approval rose across the universe and the whole world abounds in magic. Wonder fills our hearts, for we have glimpsed, for an instant the playfulness of life, and that’s why I love children and learn so much from being around them. I realize that many of our world’s problems today from the inner-city crime to large-scale wars and terrorism and our overcrowded prisons are a result of the fact that children have had their childhood stolen from them. The magic, the wonder, the mystery and the innocence of a child’s heart are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world. I really believe that!What we… (We love you!) I love you, too. What we need to learn from children isn’t childish. Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life which is ever-present and only asks to be lived. They know the way to solutions that lie waiting to be recognized within our own hearts. Today I would like to thank all the children of the world, including the sick and deprived. I am so sensitive to your pain.I also want to thank all those who have helped me to change my talent here on earth. From the beginning, my parents, all my brothers and sisters, especially Janet, I am so proud of her. It’s incredible, I mean, I remember when we were little, I used to ask her to be Ginger Rogers while I was Fred Astaire.The Motown family—my teacher Berry Gordy, Diana Rose—I love you; Susan de Passé the wonderful, great Quency Jones, Teddy Riley; my new godson Michael Gibb. My Sony family—Akio Morita, Mickey Schulhof, Tommy Mottola, Dave Glew, Polly Anthony. Thanks for making one of my most creative efforts—the album “Dangerous”—such an incredible success. I love you so much. Sandy Gallin, Jim Morey, all the fantastic fans around the world. I love you very much.珍妮:现在,我很荣幸的把1993年度葛莱美当代传奇奖颁发给我的哥哥,迈克尔·杰克逊。
























我也意识到了当今世界上存在的很多问题 :从都市犯罪到大规模的战争和恐怖袭击,以及我们过度拥挤的监狱,都是因为那些人有着一个不快乐的童年。










我的意思是,我还记得我们小的时候,我经常叫她扮作Ginger Rogers,而我扮Fred Astaire……。

还要感谢Motown大家庭,我的老师Berry Gordy。

Diana Ross,我爱你。

Suzanne De Pazze,伟大的Quincy Jones。

Teddy Riley。

我的教子Michael Gibb。

还有我新的Sony公司大家庭--盛田昭夫、Mickey Schulhoff、Tommy Mottola、Dave Glew、Polly Anthony ……谢谢你们与我合作了最富创造性的作品《Dangerous》,真的是太成功了。


Sandy Gallin、Jim Morey。




Whew...uh, what upOk, this is crazyThank u1st of all, i wanna say uh...I just wanna thank e"rbody, All tha producers who (uh) who help me put this record together N" e"rbody played a vital part in it, u know.All tha producers on tha record,I wanna thank rihanna too, u know, for helpin" propel this alblum to (uh) to where it"s at right now, What is doin", uh Thank u the interscope record, thank u to Dr.Dre, paul *** bird, jimmy ***, tracy ***, mark ***(一堆人名)e"rbody the whole city aftermath family interscope record, thank u man.And thank u to the fans, Hold Up Detroit, STAND UP! 这个是今年的~~

求格莱美 获奖感言原文

我只注意了kanye west的大概是这样的,没办法,我太喜欢他了。

所以很关注他————————————————————————————参加这次颁奖,感觉就像回家一样棒要知道我们四五年前才刚入行如今我们已经基本立足了而且在我们国家有些人说我们的专辑卖不出去还有人说hiphop玩完了或者那样的音乐不会再流行了我还在做hiphop音乐的专辑我只是想通过跨越流派的方式来告诉人们我们仍然能用新颖的方式来表达自我那也是hiphip音乐一直所强调的不断产生新的声音和元素我们要把专辑做得更好不能放弃我们多年来的追求…………还要提一下我母亲感谢她一直以来对我的支持和祝福请把背景音乐关一下我很感谢感谢你对我付出的一切我知道现在你肯定很为我骄傲知道你希望我继续我的音乐道路将来成为世界第一的音乐艺术家妈妈 我不会令你失望的我会继续努力的——————————————————————————

54格莱美taylor swift获奖感言

93年格莱美颁奖典礼杰克逊获奖感言英文全文  Thank you. I hope this puts to rest, I hope this finally puts to rest another rumor that has been in the press for too many years. Me and Janet really are two different people.  In the past month, I"ve gone form where is he? to here he is again. But I must confess it feels good to be thought of as a person, not as a personality, becasue I don"t read all the things written about me. I wasn"t aware that the world thought I was so weird and bizzare, but when you grow up as I did in front of 100 million people since the age of five, you"re automatically different. That last few weeks, I have been cleasing myself and it"s been a rebirth for myself. It"s like cleasing spirit. My childhood was completely taken away from me. There was mo christmas, there was no birthdays. It was not a normal childhood. No normal pleasures of childhood. These were exchanged for hard work, struggle, and pain... and eventual material and professioanl success. But as an awful prize, I cannot recreat that part of my life nor would I change any part of my life.  However, today when I creat my music I feel like an instrument of nature. I wonder what delight nature must feel when we open our hearts and express our God-given talents. The sound of approval rose across the universe... and the whole world abounds in magic, wonder fills our heart, for we have glimpsed, for an instant, the playfulness of life, and that"s why I love children and learn so much from being around them. I realize that many of our world"s problems today form the inner-city crime to large-scale wars, and terrorism and our overcrowded prisons are results of the fact that children have had their childhood stolen from them. The magic, the wonder, the mystery and the innocence of a child"s heart are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world. I really believe that.  What we need to learn from Children isn"t childish. Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life which is ever-present and only asks to be lived. They know the solutions that lie waiting to be recognized within our own hearts. Today I would like to thank all the children of the world including the sick and deprived. I am so sensitive to your pain.  I also want to thank all those who have helped me to channel my talent here on Eartth from the beginning, my parents, all my brothers and sisters, especially Janet. I am so proud of her, it"s incredible, I mean, I remember when we were little, I used to ask her to bw Ginger Rogers while I was Fred Astaire, The Motown Family, my teacher Berry Gordy, Diana Rose- I love you, Suzanne de Passe, the wonderful, great Quincy Jones, Teddy Riley, my new godson Michael Gibb, my new Sony family Akio Morita, Mickey Schuhof, Tommy Mottola, Dave Glew, Polly Anthony. Thanks for making one of my most creative efforts the album Dangerous such an incredible success. I love you all so much. Sandu Gallin, Jim Morey, all the fantastic fans around the world, I love you very much.  93年格莱美颁奖典礼杰克逊获奖感言中文全文  谢谢

  希望这次真的可以消除几年来媒体沸沸扬扬的传言, 我和JANET真的不是同一个人。


现在人们又说:他又回来了  但我得承认:当我被当成一个普通人,而非一个明星的时候,感觉更加快乐,因为我没有阅读过所有关于我的文章,我也不清楚这个世界一直把我看得如此的古怪离奇。




(欢呼声)  我根本就没有童年,没有圣诞节,没有生日,也没有童年可以享受到的任何快乐。








(欢呼声)  我也爱你





首先感谢我的父母、所有的兄弟姐妹,尤其是Janet,我很为她骄傲,我的意思是我还记得我们小的时候,我时常叫她扮Ginger Rogers,而我扮Fred Asraire.我还要感谢Motown大家庭,我的老师Senv Gordy 、 Diana Rons 我爱你。

Susanne Pazze,伟大的Cuincy Jones,Teddy Rily .我的教子Michacel Gibb 还有我的Sony 公司大家庭盛田昭夫Mickey Sohuhoff,Tommy Mottole,Dale Glow Polly Aonthony .  谢谢你们与我合作了最富创造性的作品《Dangerous》,真是太成功了,我非常爱你们。

