
10-16 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 关于描写人外貌的英语句子


round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的。

A. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round .



(1) 发型(hair style):

straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut 平头; bald秃头的。

A. Her hair is brown and curly.


(2) 发色(hair color):

jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; brunette 浅黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的.


(1) 眼睛(eye):

deep-set 深陷的; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛.

A. His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time.


B. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.


(2) 鼻子(nose):

long 长的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; small 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 钩状的.

A. He was born a hooked nose.


【第2句】: 急

This is my father.He is tall.He has two big eyes and a big nose.His hands are big,too.when I was young,he always held me in his hand.This is my mother.She is a teacher.She has long black hair.She is not too short and not too tall.She always wears glasses.So she told me to protect my eyes in doing eye excercises.。

【第3句】: 英语作文 关于老人的

When getting old, people can meet many difficulties in their everyday life. Common problems for senior citizens are poor health, inconvenient public facilities, and loneliness. Young people can do a lot of things to help the old, provided they do have the desire. Young couples may pay more visits to their parents' homes during weekends and holidays. The young could help the old more in public,offering seats on buses, for example. However, the most important thing to help the old is that the society should consider more for senior citizens. We should build up more rest homes, hospitals, and entertainment centers with high-grade service specially for old people.。

【第4句】: 十个形容人相貌的英语句子

【第1句】:A child is so little,with his face round and full,orange-red hair like froth on the top of his head.

【第2句】:Her third baby was a girl,a doll baby with the same bright,beady eyes as her brother, the same high brown skin, the same soft curly hair.

【第3句】:Martin was now fourteen,broad and strong, and tall for his age.

【第4句】:He was a small, skinny boy, his chin pointed, and his eyes so bright they had deceived Ralph into thinking him delightfully gay and wicked.

【第5句】:Bert White was a frail-looking, weedy, pale-faced boy, fifteen years of age and about four feet nine inches in height.

【第6句】:He had a thatch of fiery red hair above a pale freckled countenance.His nose was snub, his eyes a sulky grey-green, and his wide mouth disclosed large and damaged teeth.

【第7句】:She was a tall, pudgy girl of fifteen, weighing a hundred and fifty pounds, with baggy, pendulous cheeks and upturned nose.

【第8句】:He was a comely, handsome fellow, perfectly well made, with straight strong limbs, not too large, tall and wellshaped.

【第9句】:He was a gaunt and marcid creature, very tall and thin;his high, scrawny shoulders twisted forwards, his cadaverous head lowered, with the thinly bearded jaw protruding as though in defiance.

【第10句】:It was a young man with light yellow hair and a little fair moustache, which made him appear almost boyish; he was light-complexioned and blue-eyed, and had a frank and pleasant look mingled with a curious bashfulness that made him blush when people spoke to him.

【第5句】: 关于描写母亲外貌的英语作文

My mother is a gentleness,the beautiful woman.She has long hair,a pair of big eyes.She looks tall and thin.Although she is old,but very fashionable dress.Her mind special open.I really love her.我的妈妈是一个温柔,漂亮的女士.她有长长的头发,一双大眼睛,她看起来又高又瘦.虽然她年龄很大,但是很时尚.她的思想很开放.我非常爱她.。

【第6句】: 英语描写人物外貌的句子


他的立体的五官刀刻般俊美,整个人发出一种威震天下的王者之气,邪恶而俊美的脸上此时噙着一抹放荡不拘的微笑。He saw Wei tall, bronze color, facial features and clear outline of the profound, like the Greek sculpture, ice and deep dark eye, appears to be in any wild, Xie Mei sexy. His three-dimensional features like Daoke handsome, the whole issue of a world of the King of Wei Qi, the handsome face of evil and hold in mouth at this time a touch of debauchery in an informal smile.He was a fine, tall, slim young fellow of eighteen or twenty, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a raven's wing; and his whole appearance bespoke that calmness and resolution peculiar to men accustomed from their cradle to contend with danger.A young and beautiful girl, with hair as black as jet, her eyes as velvety as the gazelle's, was leaning with her back against the wainscot, rubbing in her slender delicately moulded fingers a bunch of heath blossoms, the flowers of which she was picking off and strewing on the floor; her arms, bare to the elbow, brown, and modelled after those of the Arlesian Venus, moved with a kind of restless impatience, and she tapped the earth with her arched and supple foot, so as to display the pure and full shape of her well-turned leg, in its red cotton, gray and blue clocked, stocking. At three paces from her, seated in a chair which he balanced on two legs, leaning his elbow on an old worm-eaten table, was a tall young man of twenty, or two-and-twenty, who was looking at her with an air in which vexation and uneasiness were mingled. He questioned her with his eyes, but the firm and steady gaze of the young girl controlled his look.--------The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (一)I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is exciting, amazing and sexy. When we first met I felt her erotic emanation. Now I know that she is extremely intelligent too. (二)She is 24 years old, and she has a 3-year-old son. So she is a mother. A sharp mother. She has a piercing in her tongue and two tattoos, one on her stomach (an Indian man's face) and one on her back (it is non-figurative). I like them very much. If you meet her, look at her face; it is so sweet. She has a birthmark on the tip of her nose. (三)Sometimes I call her ”spotted nose.” It is so sweet. Really. Like a little cat. But her eyes. They are blue like the sky in spring or the ocean in a stormy night. They are so maddening. Well, let's talk about her mouth. When she is smiling she has two little face-lines by the side of her lips. (dimples) (四)She is the most beautiful mother in the world and she is a real muse, a muse which every poet wants, lovely, wild, tender, sweet, and deep with secrets and love. A real woman.。
