
09-30 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 英语作文,描写一位在你短暂人生中,对你成长影响最大的人 内容包括

People are ofteninfluenced by others in their lives. I am of no exception. My English teacher in high school Mr. Zhang exerted the greatest impact on my life, without which I would not be able to be successful.

My dear Mr. Zhang influenced me in many ways of which two are most important. What comes first is on my health. He invited me to go running in the morning. We kept running for almost two years. Now I feel so happy that I am healthy and strong, esp. when others are often troubled by various diseases. What's more, he helped me find my confidence. For quite a period of time, I had been very lowbecause of poor performance. Mr. Zhang invited me to go traveling with him. We had a lot of discussion about life, and about people. During the journey, I forgot about the unhappiness, and I also see that I am very competent person. Then I succeeded in regaining my confidence. I can never forget about these things.

All in all, I am very grateful for Mr. Zhang, and I wish him good luck.

【第2句】: 初中英语作文――你一生中对你影响最大的人


The one who influences me most is undoubtedly my mother. She is very kind-hearted and uses her words and behavious to teach me how to be a good man. She points out my shortcomings and enables me to correct them and make progress. When I suffere from setbacks, she is always there to comfort me and cheer me up. When I have problems, she will always answer me with patience. When I encounter something happy, she will share with me and be delighted for me from the bottom of her heart. She is a person who truly considers me and hopes me happy every day. I love her.


【第3句】: 英语作文 对我影响最大的人 急

Looking back over the past ten years, I have the greatest impact to the people is my mother. My mother is no different from ordinary people, yet to me the most is her heart's normal mapping tolerance, understanding, open-minded and love it speechless.

回首过去的十一年,给我影响最大的人无疑是我的母亲。 我的母亲并没有什么异于常人的地方,然而给我影响最大的正是她那颗平常心映射出的宽容、理解、豁达和那无言的爱。

Mother's words, every move of my education, I learned tolerance, learned to understand and learn the extensive, learned to think for others.


In my life, my mother is sitting next to me has always been the most pro-love, after their well-being,知冷知热. She for me is too much to do too much, but she has never asked any of the return, how extensive it is a selfless love how ah! It is this love given to me too many things that can not be forgotten.


Mother's love, such as high mountains, such as the sea. The world may have plenty of peaks, it can not compare my love for her. If I learned in the way people care and appreciate a bit, a little self-confidence and persistence, I have to thank the life I have the greatest impact on people - my mother.


【第4句】: 对我影响最大的一句格言作文










【第5句】: 英语作文:影响我最多的人

I have met so many friends in my high school life. They have exerted

enormous influence on my life. However, one of my most impressive

friends is my roommate, Li Lei.


In the class meeting on the first day of school, Li Lei did not impress us at all. We started to notice him because he was always late for classes. We were thus impressed by his laziness.

I came to know him and his situation because we were roommates and

spent much time together: his mother was seriously ill and sick abed in

long-term, his father left him and his mother mercilessly. Hence, it was

him that shouldered the heavy burden of taking care of his sick mother

supporting the whole family.


Finally, under great pressures, he balancedhis life and study perfectly: he was no longer always late, took good care of his mother and even won the scholarship many years in a row.


He left a deep impression and imposeda durable influence on me. Indeed, friend such as him can be regarded as asset and property in our life. We have rights to choose our own friends,but we should also be prudent and sensible enough to choose friends who can bring us “positive energy”.


【第6句】: 求一篇关于对自己生命影响最大的人和事的{英语}作文

我的爸爸 如果有人问我最喜欢的人是谁?那么我的爸爸是当之无愧的。

因为和他在一起,快乐总是陪伴着我,所有的烦恼都会烟消云散。 就说早上起床吧,虽然我已经穿好了衣服,可我还是迷迷糊糊的,总想往床上躺。


这时,爸爸早已爽朗的笑了。 中午,爸爸回家后第一句就要问:“婷婷回来了没有?”只要一见到我,就两手往后面一背,迈着京剧里的舞台步,用京腔笑眯眯地对我说:“饿坏我了,速拿饭来与我同吃。”

于是我们就在快乐中进餐。 下午,当我背着沉甸甸的书包一到家门时,感到又累又烦。

可是一推开门,发现爸爸早就在门口等着我了,见我一回来,他一手接过我的书包,两脚用力一并,一低头,像个日本人似的冲我说一句:“辛苦了,我的大大的为你效劳!”然后抬起头,傻呵呵的看着我。我被他的模样逗乐了,心里的烦恼早就跑到九霄云外去了,不禁一下子扑到爸爸的怀里,搂着他的脖子,在他耳边悄声说:“你真好,爸爸!” 这就是我的爸爸,是他给了我幸福的生活。

My father If someone asked my favorite Who » Then my father is a well-deserved. Because with him, happiness is always accompanied me, all your worries will disappear. Said the morning to get up it, although I have Chuanhao the clothes, can I still Mimihuhu, always want to lie down to the bed. Dad met with a smile come over and pull me from the bed, the Xiaohe He said: "how, but also when Piwo 'head' ah» pumped out of your tendons like a lazy. "Speak from the Gezhi I, I, "Puchi" A laugh out of the side Paizhe father's back, side to blame him with a smile: "Do you really bad, you really bad." At this time, the father has been Shuanglang laughed. At noon, the father returned home after the first one to ask: "Tingting had not come back» "As soon as I saw on both hands to the back of a back, Maizhuo in the Peking Opera stage further, by Jing Qiang Xiao Mimi and said to me: "I Ehuai, the speed with rice to eat with me." So we in the happy meal. Afternoon, when I was carrying a heavy bag to the house, Youlei You feel bored. But an open door and found his father long ago at the gate waiting for me, I see a come back, he single-handedly take over my bags, two-forced together, a bow, like a Japanese-like, I say: "Hard, my great is here to help you!" And then raised his head, Shahe He's looking at me. I was his appearance Doule, long ago went to the heart of the troubles to the Cloud Nine, can not help all of a sudden Pudao father's arms, Louzhe his neck, in his ears Qiao Sheng said: "'s nice you, Dad " This is my father, he has given me a happy life.。

【第7句】: 有关你生命中一个对你有影响的人的英语作文

the most important person in my life

If you ask me who is the most important people in your life. I will reply my mother.

Yes she is the most important person in my life. at first she gave me my life. She let me alive and touch the world and see eveything.

On the other hand, when i was very young she taught me how to speak and who to walk. when i was in school she also worried about my studies and if it was rainning outside she would also came to school and picked me up. she would like to wait me in the raining and cold day. I told her i need to wear school uniform the next day. she would cleaned it at night and dry it. then fold it and put it beside my bed. I really impressed with her.

So the most important person in my life is my mother!

