
02-21 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 运动的好处英文句子



【第2句】: 用英语表达关于运动好处的句子

Playing sports is good for our health. When you are playing sports, your heart will beating fast and force it to pump more blood to your whole body. This could improve your cardiorespiratory function. It's also a good way for people to comunicate with each other. When you play basket ball with your friends, you will feel happier than staying home alone. 望采纳 谢谢。

【第3句】: 【求做运动有好处的英语好词好句7句★现在人很少运动的原因★是什

【第1句】:Life lies in movement.生命在于运动 【第2句】:Sport is the source of all life.运动是生命的源泉.【第3句】:To keep on,day after day practice go down,and only activities to keep the enthusiasm of adequate training and improve motor skills.日复一日地坚持练下去吧,只有活动适量才能保持训练的热情和提高运动的技能.——塞涅卡 【第4句】:Activity is the basis of life!活动是生活的基础!——歌德 【第5句】:People's sound,not only by foods,especially to rely on motion.人的健全,不但靠饮食,尤靠运动.【第6句】:The Olympic motto is "Higher,Faster,Stronger." 奥林匹克的格言是“更高,更快,更强”.【第7句】:The health of the body for motionless and destruction,for sports practice and keep for a long time.--Socrates 身体的健康因静止不动而破坏,因运动练习而长期保持.——苏格拉底。
