
09-05 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 【英语】表达爱好的短语,句式,句子[有几种写几种]

【第1句】: I like / love playing guitar best. 【第2句】: In my spare time, I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. 【第3句】: I'm interested in collecting stamps. 【第4句】: I'm really fond of skating in winter. 【第5句】: My favorite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter. 【第6句】: I adore listening to popular music. 【第7句】: I'm crazy about sports. 【第8句】: I find great pleasure in listening to pop music. 【第9句】: I like nothing better than swimming.。

【第2句】: 以“兴趣爱好”为主题的10句英语好句

【第1句】:A hobby brings you renewed energy and excitement. This will carry over to the rest of your activities.爱好带给你全新的能量和激情,让你在接下来的活动中精力充沛。

【第2句】:I find that when you are doing your hobby it sparks your creativity. You are more likely to have creative breakthroughs. Solutions to problems you are facing will come to you.我发现,当你做喜欢的事情时,灵感会突然闪现,你很可能取得新的突破。面对的问题也会迎刃而解.【第3句】:We all need to keep growing both professionally and personally. I don't care if your hobby is gardening, weightlifting, or reading, you will grow from it.我们都需要获得专业与个人成长。

不管你的爱好是园艺、举重还是阅读,你都能获益匪浅。【第4句】:Remember not to “Say No” to yourself. Invest in activities that lead to growth and renewal. Spend more time on yourself and you will have more productivity at work and all areas of your life.请记住:千万别对自己“说不”。

去参加一些让自己成长、给自己充电的活动吧,多为自己花点时间,你不仅工作更有效率,生活中的其他方面也能做好呢!【第5句】:Spending time on yourself results in more time and more focus in your other endeavours.多花点时间在自己身上确实能多出时间来,使你在其他事情上更加专注32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333332623961。 虽然只有5句话,却是非常有用的5句话,值得珍藏。


【第3句】: 描写自己兴趣爱好的英语短文,三分钟

Good afternoon,everyone!My name is.It's my pleasure to introduce myself!

I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf on the Internet and chat on the line with friends. Chatting on the line is fun. In fact, it's also bad for myself.Because it always makes me tired and bored.

In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend most of my time on study.

English is very important for me.I believe I can learn English well,because I always learn English in my life.

So I wish I could study and read more English in the future!

【第4句】: 表示爱好的英文词eg:gofishing(钓鱼)goboating(划船)goskating

go bird watching 去赏鸟 go mountaineering 去爬山 go boating 去划船 go rock climbing 去攀崖 go bowling 去打保龄球 go running 去跑步 go camping 去露营 go sailing 去划船 go canoeing 去划独木舟 go sightseeing 去观光 go cycling 去骑单车 go skiing 去滑雪 go electioneering 去办理选务工作 go sledding 去坐雪橇 go fishing 去钓鱼 go sloganeering 去呼口号 go grass skiing 去滑草 go snorkeling 去浮潜 go hiking 徒步旅游 go surfing 去冲浪 go hunting 去打猎 go surfing the Net 网上浏览 go ice -skating 去溜冰 go swimming 去游泳 go inline skating 去溜单排轮 go tobogganing 去坐平底雪橇 go jogging 去慢跑 go walking 去散步 go mountain climbing 去爬山 go window shopping 去逛街。

【第5句】: 怎样用英语表达自己的兴趣爱好

【第1句】:I like ……

【第2句】:My hobby is ……

【第3句】:My interest is ……


【第1句】:I like playing basketballs.


【第2句】:My hobby is playing basketballs.


【第3句】:My interest is playing basketballs.





中文释义:n. 嗜好;兴趣爱好


My hobbies are letter writing, music, photography, and tennis.




中文释义:n. 兴趣,爱好;利息;利益;趣味;同行


Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies.








