
03-10 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 英语书面表达 书面通知

Fellow students, May i have your attention,please? All the junior middle school sudents in grade three have to engage the English test in Friday morning.This is ansignificant test in this term,please make full preparation for it.Do not get up late that day,the students being to late for the test are unallowed to enter the classroom for engaging the test.Please well comprehend the requirements of the test while you taking it,and do pay attention to your handwriting.Although the test is significant,please don't be nervous while you testing.I do hop that everyone can get a good result in your test.。

【第2句】: 英语书面通知(高中水平)


English Lecture

5 August, 2009

To help students learn more about American English and enrich after-class activities, the Students' Union is organizing an English Lecture named Modern Ameican English to be held on at 2:00--3:00 on Wednesday (5 August, 2009) at the school restaurant, whose speaker is Jackson, an American professor, from Shangdong University . Those who are interested in talking part in can attend it in with your friends without being late. In addition, we are doing to found an English corner to improve English, where the students can communicate with each other in English. We will continue to discuss this thing after this lecture.

The Students' Union

【第3句】: 英语书面表达(通知)

Pay your attention please:

Our school will hold an English lecture of American Indian and American Civilization.We will invite Dr Lycidro from American who now teach in Shenzhen Broadcast TV College to give us the lecture .The lecture will be started on Saturday ,May 5th 2004 ,which will last almost 2 hours ,from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm at the Culture Center hall .

Besides,you can invite your friends or other schools'students to the lecture.And you should come there om time .After listening the lecture, everyone will be requested to put down an English impressions.

【第4句】: 跪求一篇英语书面表达



This weekend we will have a picnic in the forest park. Students who are willing to participate please bring some snacks and we will meet at the school gate at seven sharp on Sunday mornng. Don't be late.

【第5句】: 书面表达

Members please note! Sat 6:00 bell time everyone at the school gate collections, according to weather forecast. But everyone must pay attention to:

【第1句】: Please everyone bring their own lunch

【第2句】: The mountains will be a bit cold, please bring everyone a little warmer clothes.

【第3句】: Attention to safety, to avoid injuries.

I hope that the timely notification of acceptance in order to cause inconvenience.



【第6句】: 通知的英语作文格式

通知分为书面通知和口头通知两种,下面给你两个例子 书面通知 Notice Please pay attention,everyone。

we have many new activities!Look!We have a Music Festival on October 19th。 It's on the playground。

The English Speech Contest is on October 25th。It's in the Meeting Hall。

The Basketball Game is on December 2rd。 It's on the playground,too。

And we have an English Party on December 10th。It's in Room 301,Teaching Building I。

Welcome to take part in the activities! No。 3 Middle School Oct。

10 口头通知 Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? About sixty Australian students will come to visit our school on June 15。 We'll meet them at the school gate at 8:30。

We'll take them to the meeting-room, where a get-together will be held。 After that, we'll show them around our botanical garden and the school-run factory。

At11:00 there will be a basketball match on the playground。 They'll leave our school at 12:00。

Please be friendly to them。 We must talk with them in English。

That's all。 Thank you。

【第7句】: 英语书面表达

Dear Editor,

I am Hua Lee, a high school student. This is the first session I am here in a new school, as a fresh guy, I feel very upset because it is hard for me to mix into this strange place. I cannot understand my classmates and even cannot exchange my idea with them. I am really lonely, because at the same time I also cannot get the understand fm our teacher, who is strict and cannot listen to me patiently.

I am really puzzeled, and cannot image my situations. Is that mean I am not belongs to this group? I know you are very perfessional to deal with this kind of problem, I am eager to get your sincere suggestions here.

Your reply will be highly appreciated.


Hua Lee.

【第8句】: 英语书面通知的格式

1 .口头通知。


发布口头通知时,应注意以下几个问题: 由于口头通知是通过口头表达的,因此,在正文之前,往往有称呼语。如: Boys and girls , Comrades (同志们), Ladies and gentlemen 等。

开场白一般这样说: Attention , please ! May I have your attention , please ? Be quiet , please ! Listen , please ! I have something important to tell you . 结尾要给听众结束通知的信号: That's all . Thank you so much for it . Thank you . 口头通知的内容应讲清楚时间、地点、活动内容及注意事项。 中考书面表达口头通知的卷面表现形式如下: Ladies and gentlemen , Attention , please ! _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ That's all . Thank you . 2 .书面通知 书面通知是以布告、张贴的形式出现,常常是张贴在显眼的位置,以引起公众的注意。

为了醒目,标题的每个字母常大写。 书面通知的格式: 1 )标题:在正文上面正中的地方写上 NOTICE . 2 )正文:包括具体的时间、地点、活动内容和注意事项。

3 )单位:发通知的单位一般写在正文的右下角。有时也放于标题之上,起强调作用。

4 )时间:一般写在左下角。 书面通知语言比较规范,切忌使用模糊语言和俚语、俗语。

通知中一般无称呼语,常用第三人称,且被动语态使用较多。看一道中考题吧: 明天早晨 8 : 00 ,二年级学生要在校门外集合。

请穿上旧衣服,去农场劳动。请根据所给条件写一篇简短的通知NOTICE All ( of ) the students of ( in ) Grade Two , We'llgo to work on the farm tomorrow . Please meet at8 : 00o'clock outside the school gate Don't forget to( You'd better ) put on your old clothes . June 25 , 2008例:NoticeThe sports meeting which was to take place this Saturday has to be put off because of the heavy rairi these days. All students are required to come to school on Saturday morning as usual, but there will be no class that afternoon. Weather permitting, the sports meeting will be held next Saturday morning. Members of the school ping-pong team must come to the Ping-pong Ha]] at 4:30 this Saturday afternoon. Ping-pong stars from Wuhan will come and give special training and coaching then.Office of Physical Education10th September, 2009通知由于近日连降大雨,我校原定本周六举行的运动会将作延期。




【第9句】: 求高中英语书面表达经典句子带中文翻译(最好是万能那类)

While there is life there is hope.


I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America)


Never underestimate your power to change yourself!


Nothing is impossible!


Nothing for nothing.


The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor )

凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.)

I will greet this day with love in my heart.


Do what you say,say what you do


I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.

我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain)

All things come to those who wait.


A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.


Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill)

永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔)

【第10句】: 英语书面表达(关于通知的)该怎么写


正文上方有Notice或Announcement. 以海报形式出现时,通知常以海报内容为题,如 Lecture, Football Match 等。当然题目中还可以先出现发通知的单位。日期一般写在结尾。


一般不写题目,也不必有发通知的时间。常以Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and

girls 等开头,接下来是一些引人注意的话,如, Be quiet, please! May I have

your attention? Attention, please! Please stop talking over there! Please be

quiet, everyone, there is something I have to tell you.

结束语常用:Any questions? Does everyoneunderstand? That's all. Thank you.

