
09-25 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 求英文关于人生意义的名言

【第1句】: Albert Camus说的:

All men have a sweetness in their life. That is what helps them go on. It is towards that they turn when they feel too worn out.


【第2句】: 爱因斯坦说的:

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.


【第3句】: 丘吉尔:

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.



【第2句】: 英语作文题目是《生命的意义》,不少于300词

Meaning of Life Life is important to anyone in the world. But what the life mean is not clear to anyone on the earth.What is the meaning of life? Someone thinks that life is working and working. They think that they don't need to know anything outside the field of their specializations, so they don't care about many things such as sports, entertainment, music。

Life is more than working. Of course working is important to our life, because it supports oppotunity to get money, and make our life better. However, working is not enough to life. As a human in today's society, he or she should know much more knowledge than his or her own field. The knowledge outside one's specialization can help him or her build up the moral sense. The meaning of life is difficult to explain. No one can give the clear identification of it. But the life is not difficult. The meaning of life is to devote. If anyone in the world is ready to devote, the life of the world will be more beautiful.翻译:生命的意义生活比世界上的任何人都重要.但是生活是不清楚这世上的任何人.生活的意义是什么?有人认为生命是工作.他们认为他们不需要知道外面世界的精彩,所以他们不在乎很多东西,如体育,娱乐,音乐…生活不仅仅是工作.当然,工作是我们生活的重要,因为它提供了我们的钱,让我们的生活更好.然而,工作是不足够的生活.作为当今社会的人,他或她应该知道的比他或她自己的领域更多的知识.一个人的专业以外的知识可以帮助他或她树立的道德感.生命的意义是难以解释的.没有人能给它的明确的识别.但生活是不难的.生活的意义在于奉献.如果世界上的任何人都是乐于奉献,世界的生活会更美好.。

【第3句】: 求一篇《人生的意义》英文作文200以内

Life is never just being.It is becoming, a relentless flowing on.Our parents live on through us,and we will live on through our children.The institutions we build endure,and we will endure through them.The beauty we fashion cannnot be dimmed by death. Our flesh may perish,our hands will wither,but that which they create in beauty and goodness and truth lives on for all time to come.

Add love to a house and you have a home.Add righteousness to a city and you have a community.Add truth a pile of red bricks and you have a school.Add religion to the humblest of edifices and you have sanctuary.Add justice to the far-flung round of human endeavor and you have civilization.Put them all together,exalt them above their present imperfections,add to them the vision of human kind redeemed,forever free need and strife and you have a future lighted with the radient colors of hope.

【第4句】: 求一篇关于人生价值的英语作文

This picture shows a critical moment that can occur in any soccer game—a players is about to kick the ball while the keeper is fully ready for the attack. Interestingly, the player and the keeper are experiencing quite opposite psychological processes: the player thinks the task is extremely difficult as the goal is quite small compared with the huge keeper, while the latter fears that the goal is too enormous for him to protect.

It is conspicuously indicated that in order to gain confidence and achieve success, we not only need to attain a thorough understanding of ourown merits and disadvantages of ourselves, but also those aspects of our opponents. Both the player and the keeper merely focus on their own faults and their counterparts''advantages, leading to their hesitation at the key time.

In a recent interview of hurdler Liu Xiang, he revealed that his success is partly owed to his training team''s study of his strong competitors around the world, so that he can learn from the others and is more confident when facing any new race. Just as the ancient Chinese philosophical book The Art of War concludes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you''ll never lose a battle.





【第5句】: 人生充实的意义英语作文

《Life Is Not Only About Work》

A long time ago,there was an emperor who told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he liked,then the emperor would give him the area of land he would have covered.


Sure enough,the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could.He kept on riding and riding,whipping the horse to go as fast as possible.When he was hungry or tired,he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible.


Finally,the horseman came to a point when he had covered a substantial area but was exhausted and dying.He asked himself,"Why did I pushmyself so hard to cover so much land area?Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself."


The above strory is similar with the journey of our life.We push very hard everyday to make more money,to gain power and recognition.We neglect our health,time with our family and to appreciate the surrounding beauties and the hobbies we love.One day when we look back,we will realize that we don't really need that much,but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed.


So,take it easy!Do what you want to do and appreciate nature.Life is fragile;life is short.Don't take life for granted.Live a balanced lifestyle and enjoy life!


【第6句】: 人生观和价值观的英文

人生观和价值观,英文是:Outlook on life and values.


outlook 英[ˈaʊtlʊk] 美[ˈaʊtˌlʊk]

n. 前景,展望; 观点,见解; 景色; 眺望处;

v. 瞪着看,瞧; 比…漂亮; 用目光压倒;

[例句]The illness had a profound effect on his outlook


life 英[laɪf] 美[laɪf]

n. 生活,生计; 生命,性命; 一生,寿命; 人生,尘世;

[例句]I have a happy life.


value 英[ˈvælju:] 美[ˈvælju]

n. 价值,价格; 意义,涵义; 重要性; (邮票的) 面值;

vt. 评价; 重视,看重; 估价,给…定价;

[例句]The value of this work experience should not be underestimated


【第7句】: 关于大学生人生意义的英语作文

I do not think deeply about the life the significance, my life instead crosses very much meaningful. Even I do not need to know that anything is the life, so long as lived is sufficing. The significance when you seek for it, it only then exists, when your further seeks, it will vanish. Perhaps, only then in we felt when the life does not have the significance, only will then go to seek for it. As for found or not, depended entirely on individual lucky chance, because that was not individual strength can decide. we are not are living depending on the significance, but when we are not is living depending on the significance, our person's status has received the question, will this will test us be a qualified person. If in a person life had never thought tracks down one kind of significance, has never tracked down one kind of significance, has never had outside the material spiritual pursue, then he will be a personality damage person.if a person is only wants to live, so long as he had the basic survival to suffice, do not be too many. If he wants to enjoy, that he wants the thing will be many, not very easy to achieve. But if he wants a significance, that so long as he chooses one from thought that the meaningful matter, relentless does, might. The significance is this kind of kind of thing, when you think it is meaningful, it is meaningful. Some kind of significance not necessarily belongs to all, but only belongs believes it individual. some people said that only then the human will think deeply about the life the significance, but exactly said that only then the very few people will only then think deeply about the life the significance, most people only will be living certainly. Did not know that what the life is, cannot affect their survival. But from says thoroughly understands the life significance the innate person, also has not seen their life to have anything different kind.。
