
04-07 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 关于压力的英语名言,五句要带翻译


The twists and turns, it is difficult to avoid in the journey of life. Faced with it, some people have lost the courage to go out ahead, out of the passion of hunting, while others are established and enterprising aspirations, summoned up before sailing to hone, firm and indomitable character.挫折是块磨石,把强者磨得更加坚强,把弱者磨得更加脆弱。

Adversity is the stone mill, the strong stronger, the weak worn more vulnerable.


Failure named coward to perish, but the warriors rose.


Through the long, tortuous development path, the mind is very pure.


Under the pressure of heavy load, the fountain was ejected honeysuckle flower blossoming


【第2句】: "压力很大"英语如何表达

我们要学两个常用语:hang in there和stressed out。

LL: Li Hua, you look exhausted. Is everything OK?LH: 哎哟,Larry,我得在星期五以前赶出两篇论文,星期五还有一门课要大考,你说我能不累吗?I AM exhausted!LL: Hang in there, Li Hua! After Friday it will be all over, and then you can relax.LH: Hang in there? 那是什么意思呀?LL: Hang in there. Hang in there just means "to keep enduring" or "to persist through a difficult situation."LH: 噢,hang in there的意思就是,在困难的情况下再忍一忍,或者坚持下去。Hang in there - Hmm……这个说法很有意思。

不过hang这个词本意不是“悬挂”吗?LL: That's right, but "hang in there" can also mean "to stay the same" or "to not give up".LH: 噢,我明白了,hang in there就是要"坚持下去,不要放弃"的意思。LL: Exactly! Remember last semester when you had two tests and a term paper due the same week, you hung in there and even managed to get good grades. When things get tough, you just have to hang in there.LH: 我当然记得上学期的那个礼拜。


所以你说,这就是hang in there的意思吧?LL: You're right! Let me give you another example. If someone is having an emergency and calls the 9-1-1 emergency hotline, the operator might say, "Hang in there, an ambulance will be there in a few minutes".LH: 噢,你说要是遇到紧急情况打911电话,接线员可能会说,Hang in there! 也就是说:"别着急,坚持一下,救护车马上就到"的意思。LL: So, just hang in there, Li Hua. You'll finish the papers before Friday and get good grades for the test too!******LH: 嗨,Larry, 我刚考完试。

现在好了,我可以轻松一下了。LL: Well, I'm glad to see you so happy now that your test is over and those papers are done. You were really stressed out last week!LH: 就是啊,我现在好高兴。

可是,你说我上星期怎么了?Stressed out?LL: I said you were "stressed out". Stressed out means that you were under so much stress and pressure that you barely made it.LH: 噢,stressed out意思就是“压力太大,几乎承受不了”。Hmm, 这话一点没错,我上个星期还真是有点顶不住了。

Larry, 你倒是好像不太容易stressed out。LL: That's because I know that to be stressed out usually makes things worse. I find that I do better on a test when I'm not stressed out about it.LH: Hmm, 我也有这种感觉,你越是感到压力大,越会坏事。

在这种情况下,考试都是考不好的。LL: Last week, you appeared a little bit impatient, but I understand it's because you were really stressed out about your papers. So I encouraged you to HANG IN THERE.LH: 我上星期显得很烦躁呀!哟,我自己还没有察觉呢。

Larry, 我要是对你显得不耐烦, 对不起哟!下次再遇到压力很大的情况,也就是我stressed out的时候,我一定会记住,要坚持下去,要hang in there.LL: Oh, don't worry about it. The last thing I want is for you to stress out about making me upset. By the way, did you call Michael last night?LH: 对,我打了。他说他还不太习惯那儿的生活,我让他hang in there! Try not to be stressed out. 他还让我向你问好呢!LL: That's nice!新学期来临,为了使广大小学生充分提高外语水平,成功英语现为广大小学生开设了LLL英语培训班,《LLL英语》全套教材按听、说、读、写顺序安排,实际运用英语的技能训练重于英语知识的学习。

这一点既是这套教材的特点,也是其教学目的所在,而且更是我们学习一种语言的目的所在。推荐阅读成功英语加速英语学习效率 提高英语兴趣 LLL课堂英语学习学并快乐着LLL英语精雕细琢的英语课程 LLL英语成就英语口语达人梦LLL英语引领孩子走上成功路。

【第3句】: 有关压力的英语名句


You give me pressure, I also you a miracle.【第2句】:感到压力了,就说明该奋斗了!Feel the pressure, that the struggle!【第3句】:压力最大的时候,效率可能最高。Most pressure, may be the highest efficiency.【第4句】:压力这种东西,说着说着就没有了。

Pressure this stuff, he said, he says, no.【第5句】:压力适量是动力,压力过量是压迫。Pressure is the power, too much pressure on the oppression.【第6句】:只有成功者才能真正体会到追求的价值。

Only the winners can truly realize the value of the pursuit.【第7句】:断崖是山的挫折,却产生了壮丽的瀑布。Is a mountain precipice setbacks, gives birth to the magnificent waterfalls.【第8句】:懒惰的另一解释:证明你没有多大压力。

Another explanation: lazy prove you don't have much stress.【第9句】:压力就是动力,但也同样要掌握压力的度。Pressure is power, but also to master's degrees.【第10句】:在心理压力和生活压力之间,我选择后者。

Between the psychological pressure and life pressure, I choose the latter.【第11句】:不要怕压力,因为压力能把石头变成钻石。Don't be afraid of pressure, because can put the stone into diamonds.【第12句】:不能对他要求很高,减轻他的压力就行了。

Not demanding to him, ease the pressure on him.【第13句】:承受压力的重荷,喷水池才喷射出银花朵朵。Bear the burden of pressure, ejecting yinhua fountain to the clouds.【第14句】:有了目标,才有压力。

有了压力,才有动力。Had a target, just have pressure. To have the pressure, to have power.【第15句】:压力由外而内叫碾压,压力由内而外叫突破。

Pressure outside-in called rolling, by inside and outside call breakthrough.【第16句】:人生就像高压锅。压力太大的时候自己就熟了。

Life is like a pressure cooker. When pressure is too great is ripe.【第17句】:有压力,找个好的出口,没压力,就不要负重。Pressure, find a good one export, no pressure, don't load.【第18句】:压力还是要有的。

没有压力的日子和迷路一样。Pressure or some. Every day without pressure and lost.【第19句】:你想在这个世界上毫无压力的活下去,这不可能。

Do you want to live in this world there is no pressure, it's not possible.【第20句】:我从来都不惧怕压力,老实说,我享受这种压力。I never afraid of pressure, to be honest, I enjoy this kind of pressure.【第21句】:对于时刻,失败者跟着小时爬,成功者跟着秒时跑。

For the moment, the losers followed hours climbing, winners followed seconds to run.【第22句】:科学尊重事实,服从真理,而不会屈服于任何压力。Scientific respect facts, obey the truth, and not to yield to any pressure.【第23句】:人有没有信念并非取决于铁链或任何其他外在的压力。

People have a belief is not depends on the chain or any other external pressures.【第24句】:不要害怕压力。记住:正是压力,才把炭变成了钻石。

Don't be afraid of pressure. Remember: this is the stress, the carbon changed into diamond.【第25句】:释放所有的压力确实不好,应该要保持一定程度的紧张。Release all the pressure is really bad, should maintain a certain degree of tension.【第26句】:失败,是一笔难得的财富,而成功,则是对失败的结算。

Failure, is a rare wealth and success, is for the settlement of failure.【第27句】:适当的压力可以让人充满动力,句子大全e a burden.【第28句】:如果压力从外而来就会是压力,如果从内而来就会是动力。

If the pressure from the outside is, if the will is power comes from within.【第29句】:挫折是块磨石,把强者磨得更加坚强,把弱者磨得更加脆弱。Frustration is a piece of stone, grinding the strong more strong, grinding the weak more vulnerable.【第30句】:他们不是因为我们的要求而感到压力,而是自己给自己施加压力。

They not because our requirements and feel the pressure, but pressure yourself.【第31句】:压力的敌对头,是好玩,什么东西都把它变成好玩,压力自然减少。Hostile head pressure, it is fun, everything is turning it into fun, pressure naturally decreases.【第32句】:真正的爱情需要什么?需要两个人在一起是轻松快乐的,没有压力。

True love need? Need two people together is relaxed and happy, no pressure.【第33句】:压力从来都是自己给自己的,别人给你施加的那不叫做压力,那叫压迫。Pressure is always to their own, others give you that is not called pressure, that call oppression.【第34句】:这般压力,犹如万钧,仿佛所有的压力都是集中一点,顷刻而生,顷刻而死!This pressure, like Wan Jun, as if all the stress is concentrated, born in an instant, die in an instant!【第35句】:压力是造成秃头的原因,但刻意避免压力又会造成压力,到头来我们根本无能为力。

Stress is the cause of the bald, but deliberately avoided pressure can cause stress, in the end we simply can do.【第36句】:鸡蛋,从外打破是食物,从内打破是生命;人生,从外打破是压力,从内打破是成长。Eggs, from the outside to break is food, from within the 。

【第4句】: 英语书面表达有关于学习压力大

I am an eighth grader. I have to study many subjects and do various affairs on study, such as previewing the lessons and finishing homework. Therefore, I feel great pressure. After finishing those things, I barely have my own time to do what I want to do, such as doing sports and surfing the Internwt. I feel troubled. How to balance study and personal habbits? Who can help me by providing some good ideas? Many thanks.。

【第5句】: 向朋友表示学习压力大的英语作文及翻译

Coping with Pressure

Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.


Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can't be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others' help.

【第6句】: 如今人们日益感觉压力很大的英语作文

The study stress of students.

Nowadays Chinese students, who are facing firece competance, are under great stress.

First, they always have endless homework to do. it is quite common to see a primary student work til 12 o'clock to finish the work. Second, students' spare time is occupied by various training classes. Many parents wish their children to be versatile, so they send them to learn drawing, dancing, singging, playing the piano, and so on, which bring a lot of burden to the students. Third, students have to face the ranking. Ranking system is applied nearly by every Chinese school, which is a way for the teachers to measure the learning quality of students. However, the ranking system makes students nervous, and in order to get a better result, they have to work harder and harder. If the result is unsatisfied, the students probably wil be abused by parents.

All in all, nowadays students are under great stress, which casts shadow on their childhood and even adolescence. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, we should give students more spare time, to enjoy life, to have closer touch to the nature, and to spend more time to play and communicate with their peers and parents.
