
08-05 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 句子成分Tohandinhomeworkontimeisgood.在这句话中tohandin动词不

to hand in动词不定式做主语啊.动词不定式在句子中可做任何成分,但不能做谓语.(1)动词不定式做主语 eg:To swim with you was very enjoyable.注:动名词和动词不定式均可以做主语和表语,但动名词表示经常性的,抽象的动作,而不定式表示特指的一次性的具体的动作 (2)动词不定式做表语 eg:Her wish is to become a teacher.注:表语为不定式时,主语也是不定式;当主语部分含有动词do时,做表语的不定式可以省略to.eg:To see is to believe.All you have to do is (to) study hard.(3)不定式做宾语 以下及物动词后常用动词不定式:want,decide,aim(目标),manage(试图),hope,ask,happen,like,love,choose,prevent(阻止),promise,continue,plan,learn,fail等.eg:I decide to look for a job.(4)动词不定式做定语 动词不定式做定语往往要后置,与被修饰词之间存在动宾关系、主谓关系、同位关系和修饰关系.如果动词不定式是不及物动词,应该在动词后加上适当的介词.如果被修饰词是地点、时间、方法,通常省略动词不定式后的介词.eg:I have something to say.(动宾关系) I was the last one to leave here.(主谓关系) I have no wish to quarrel with you.(同位关系) This is the best way to do that.(修饰关系) I have nothing to worry about.(不及物动词后加介词) I can't find a place to play (in).(省略介词in) 注:当名词用特定的定语如:frist,last,next,only等以及形容词最高级修饰时,后面用不定式修饰.eg:He is the only person to know the truth.(5)不定式做状语 不定式做状语主要表达结果、目的和原因.eg:He worked day and night to play for the debts.(目的状语) He woke up to find everyone gone.(结果状语) We laughed to hear the news.(原因状语) 注:动词不定式与only连用时,可表出乎意料的结果.eg:He went to seaside only to be drowned.(6)动词不定式做补语 eg:Allow me to introduce her to you.。
