
07-25 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 高中英语书面表达万能句子

高中英语作文万能句子 加中文翻译的已解决 悬赏分:20 | 提问者:648809306 | 解决时间:2009-6-8 22:06 最佳答案 【第1句】: 关于……人们有不同的观点。

一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 【第2句】: 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 【第3句】: 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。


Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 【第4句】: 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 【第5句】: 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。

它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 【第6句】: 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People's opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 【第7句】: 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 【第8句】: ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 【第9句】: ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 【第10句】: 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/。

【第2句】: 高考英语作文怎么写得流畅不要背万能句子或模版.只是个疑问,怎么

根据考纲,英语高考中的书面表达要求考生根据情景,写一篇120-150字的短文.短文不但要有内容描述,还要有观点和感想.其目的主要是考查考生是否能够用所学的英语知识,用合乎英语习惯的表达方式传递信息,进行思想交流.考查形式是图表、文字和图画任选其一.因此,考生要具有连词、组句和谋篇布局的能力,对图表类比、分析的能力和对图画的观察、信息转换的能力. 根据考试说明和评分要求,考生应该做到: 一、切中题意.切题与表达是不可分割的统一体,内容不切题,再好的表达也无济于事.其中,审题是做到切题的第一步.所谓审题就是要看清题意,确定文章的中心思想、主题,并围绕中心思想组织材料. 二、情节信息完整.这里的情节信息,就是书面表达所提供的内容要点,这是短文的核心部分.在提示说明中,有时把情节信息,一、二、三、四逐个列出,当然一目了然,但有时不一定交代得很具体,只给了大致轮廊,这就要求我们自己思考确定,逐条列出,写作时不致漏掉要点.特别是写由几幅图画组成的短文更需要动脑筋,通过现象抓本质,确定每幅画的信息点. 三、语言基本无误.所谓语言无误,包含两层意思,一是用词准确,能充分表达原意.二是语法规范,符合英语习惯.写出来的句子,读起来语感正常,不牵强附会,不生搬硬套,通篇读完,有英语味道.纵使达不到nativespeakers的写作水平,但起码得让人家觉得acceptable.我们写作中最大的毛病是Chinglish(汉语式英语),既糟蹋了英语,又曲解了汉语.下面的句子,貌似正确,其实都是病句: 【第1句】:Don't persuade him.He won't listen to you. 【第2句】:Why did you against me at the meeting? 【第3句】:He promised his daughter to go with him. 【第4句】:Is the house belonged to you? 【第5句】:My father was only ten when the war was broken out。

【第3句】: 求高中英语书面表达经典句子带中文翻译(最好是万能那类)

While there is life there is hope.


I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America)


Never underestimate your power to change yourself!


Nothing is impossible!


Nothing for nothing.


The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor )

凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.)

I will greet this day with love in my heart.


Do what you say,say what you do


I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.

我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain)

All things come to those who wait.


A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.


Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill)

永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔)

【第4句】: 求高考英语万能句子 有模板最好 要求不高拿到15分左右都可以


(一)表示“起”的词/词组:用于开篇引出扩展句。at first 最初 for one thing…(for another)at present 现在;当今 首先…(其次)…currently 目前;最后 recently 最近first(ly)第一 in general 一般说来in the beginning 起初 one the one hand…(on the other hand)to begin with 首先;第一 一方面…(另一方面)first of all 首先;第一 generally speaking 一般地说in the first place 首先;第一 on the whole 总起来说lately 最近 to start with 首先;第一presently 现在;此刻 now 现在(二)有关“承”的常用词语:用来承接上文。

after/after that/afterwards此后 by this time 此时after a few days 几天以后 certainly 无疑地;当然地after a while过了一会儿 therefore 因此;结果also/too 并且;又 for example 例如at the same time 同时 for instance 例如beside 此外 for this purpose 为了这个目的Besides/what,s more 而且;此外 from now on 从此in addition 此外 second 第二;第二点in addition to… 除…之外 secondly 第二in fact 事实上 similarly 同样地in other words 换句话说 so 所以in particular 特别(地) soon 不久in the same way 同样地 still 仍然by the way 顺便提一句 then 然后indeed 的确 third 第三;第三点meanwhile 与此同时 thirdly 第三moreover 而且,此外 for another 其次no doubt 无疑地 such as 正如obviously 明显地 later 后来of course当然 truly 事实上;真实地particularly特别地 unlike …不像……;和……不同what is more 而且;此外 (三)有关“转”的常用词语:用来表示不同或相反的意见。after all 毕竟 fortunately 幸运地all the same 依然;照样 however 然而;无论如何anyway 无论如何 in spite of 尽管……;虽然……at the same time同时;然而 luckily 幸运地but 但是 by this time 此时though/although 尽管 no doubt 无疑地in/by contrast 对比之下 on the contrary 相反地even though即使 otherwise 否则still 仍然 unfortunately 不幸地in fact 事实上 unlike 不像……;和……不同as a matter of fact 事实上 yet仍;然而;但是especially 特别地 (四)有关“合”的常用词语:用于小结上文或结束本段落的内容。

above all 最重要的是 accordingly 于是as a result结果 in sum 总之,简而言之as has been noted 如前所述 in summary 简要地说as I have said 如我所述 on the whole 总体来说;整个看来at last 最后 therefore 因此by and large 一般说来 thus 因此briefly 简单扼要地 to speak frankly 坦白地说by doing so 如此 to sum up 总而言之eventually 最后 surely 无疑finally 最后 to conclude 总而言之in brief 简言之 no doubt 毫无疑问in conclusion 总之,最后 undoubtedly 无疑in short 简而言之 truly 的确in a word 总之 so 所以certainly 当然地;无疑地 obviously 显然 As is shown by the figure/percentage in the table/picture,____ has been on rise/ decrease, significantly/dramatically rising/decreasing from ____ in _____ to _____ in _____. From the sharp rise/decline in the chart, it goes without saying that _____. There are at least two good reasons accounting for _____. In one hand, ____.In the other hand, _____ is due to the fact that ______.In addition, ______ is responsible for _____. Maybe there are some other reasons to show ______.But itis generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.高中英语作文万用模板-书信作文模板Your addressMonth, Date, yearReceiver's addressDear 。,I am extremely pleased to hear from you. And I would like to write a letter to tell you that_____. I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/I am looking f0rward to your replies at your earliest convenience.Best regards for your health and success.Sincerely yours,高中英语作文万用模板-话题作文 Nowadays, there are more and more __ _ in __ _. It is estimated that ___. Why have there been so many ____? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is ______. Besides,_____. The third one is _____. To sum up, the main cause of it is due to _____. It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing,_____. For another thing, _____. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of _____.高中英语作文万用模板-对比观点作文 _____ is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say ____ is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ____. What is more,_____。

Moreover,______. While others think that _____ is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,_____. Secondly (besides),______. Thirdly (finally),_____. From my point of view, I think _____. The reason is that _____. As a matter of fact, 。

【第5句】: 写英文的书面表达常用到的万能句,比较使用的,拜托了,下午要考试







































【第6句】: 谁有高考英语写作的格式和万能句


句并不多,永远是熟能生巧,你一辈子用的句子无非就是几十句,这些句是我们写作教学组6年时间提举出来的国外经典文章中的句子,是精华中的精华,不仅运用于写作,这些精彩的句式可以运用于口语中,使你的表达非凡! 背诵方法:(原则:短时间搞定) 【第1句】:分单元背,把句子根据你自己的进度订计划,清楚每天背多少个新句子,多少个复习句子(建议使用超循环大表) 【第2句】:汉译英练习 【第3句】:默写 【第4句】:口头背诵 【第1句】: According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 【第2句】: The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。

【第3句】: No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 【第4句】: People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。

【第5句】: An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。 【第6句】: When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。

【第7句】: Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 【第8句】: Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism. 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。

【第9句】: An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution. 越来越多的专家相信移民对城市的建设起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,像犯罪和卖淫。

【第10句】: Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers. 许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客。 【第11句】: There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。

【第12句】: An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement. 一项调查显示妇女欢迎退休。 12a. A proper part-time job does not occupy students' too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并不健康,正如那句老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻。

【第14句】: Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price. 任何政府忽视这一点都将付出巨大的代价。 【第15句】:Nowadays, many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. Unfortunately, for most young people, it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus. 当前,一提到即将开始的学校生活,许多学生都会兴高采烈。

然而,对多数年轻人来说,校园刚开始的日子并不是什么愉快的经历。 【第16句】: In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse. 考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。

【第17句】: The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets. 大部分学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。 【第18句】: It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure. 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冻的痛苦生活。

【第19句】: Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that 。

【第7句】: 怎样训练高中英语书面表达

攻克图表作文难关 如何根据图画的内容,运用正确的语言和规定的篇幅来写好这类文章呢? 例1:下面四幅图画从四个方面反映了北京公共场所存在的不良现象。


--《2005年北京海淀区高三年级第三次模拟考试》 例2:你校学生会组织两组同学分头到附近的两个村庄搞社会调查,了解农民致富的情况。调查结果如下表格…… 请根据以上提示写一篇100字左右的短文 。

--《2005年普通高考学校全国二次模拟联考》 专家支招:【第1句】:仔细审题,看懂图表的意思,整理要点,决定语言形式; 【第2句】:开头直截了当,尽快入题,不要拐弯抹角,拖泥带水; 【第3句】:行文一般以10个句子为宜。若用少于8句话来表达,句子容易表达不清;若用多于10句话来描述,则句子零乱与琐碎,文章缺乏整体感; 【第4句】:用最有把握的词语句型将规定内容加以表达,并根据图表大意议论; 【第5句】:应按照合理顺序,适当使用一些过渡性的连接词,将句子连珠成串; 【第6句】:结尾要干净利落,既不能拉杂,也不能草率,要显得自然,恰当得体。

提示议论文写作技巧 文章开头,能依据提示确立主题句(topic)阐明观点或看法;使用连接词分层次说明理由、缘由(supporting sentences);归纳总结,首尾呼应。做到论点正确无误;论据可靠充分。


记叙文写作技巧 一般说来记叙文有时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果六要素,写作时要明白清楚地给予表达。记人时,要注意介绍人物的身世、经历和事迹等。

叙事时要描写事情发生与发展的过程。 应用文写作技巧 主要以写信为主。



2005高考作文题命题要点 2005年高考英语大纲要求考生在写作部分要根据题示进行书面表达,应能准确使用语法和词汇,使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。作文按全国不同考卷分两种形式: 一、满分25分。



第二小题(开放作文)要求考生根据简略提示,写一篇不少于50个单词的短文。 根据考核内容来看,考生需要具有连词、组句和谋篇布局的能力,对图表类比、分析的能力和对图画的观察、信息转换的能力;对于开放性作文,要有自己的创新和。

[发表评论] ●紧扣高考英语作文评分标准 ·遇到不会写的单词怎么办 遇到不会的单词时,可以用同义词或近义词代替;选择不同的词性,变化一下句型;当出现了非要使用的单词不会拼写或拼不准时,不要放弃;尽量采用较简单的词和句子结构和句型来表达相近或与主题相关的内容。 ·作文中的首字母何时大写 冠词都不需要大写;字母多于三个(不含三个)的介词、连词首字母要大写;题目的第一个单词;名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、感叹词首字母;大写所有英语中要求大写的单词。

如月份、人名、地名等等。 ·作文字数如何把握 在题目要求范围内如果有能力写的稍微多一点,问题不大。

如果追求长度,而忘了写那些话是不是真正有意义,是不是真正跟题目相关,那就没有太大价值。 ·发现跑题如何补救 从感觉跑题起写切合题目的内容,通过一些关联词转接过来,让阅卷者知道你真正想表达的内容。

比如用一句“刚才谈了那么多,但是对这个问题真正重要的方面是……”即可补救。 ·字迹潦草会不会扣分 尽量一笔一画写清楚,潦草程度不至于让考官很难判断是没有问题的,但是如果让考官很难判断还是要扣分。

·考作文的时间安排 写作理想时间是30分钟,最少不能少于20分钟,要有一定的时间限制。 高考作文采用总体评分方式,集中在以下四个方面: -覆盖了题目提出的所有内容要点和要求; -应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,内容比较丰富; -在使用复杂结构或高级词汇时允许有些许错误; -有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,全文结构紧凑流畅。

●高考英语作文完美行文四步骤 STEP1:确定文章框架,包括:时态、语态、格式、展开方式、开头结尾等。 STEP2:确定内容要点,包括:主要人物、时间地点、重要细节、合理发挥等。

STEP3:正式开始写作,整理思路成篇,行文连贯。 STEP4:检查全文,主要检查语法以及粗心犯下的错误。

●高考英语作文开头万能公式 -开头万能公式一:名人名言 经典句型:as everyone knows, no one can deny that… -开头万能公式二:数字统计 经典句型:according to a recent survey, about **%of the… ●高考英语文章主体段落三大杀手锏 -思维短路,举实例!提出一个观点,举实例!提出一个方案,举实例 经典句型:to take…as an example, one example is… -写完一个要点,比较与之相似的。

【第8句】: 写英文的书面表达常用到的万能句,比较使用的,拜托了,下午要考试






































