【第1句】: 表达英语能力英文语句有哪些
总的来说呢,句子翻译得都挺好的,但是你是觉得总是用“can”表达“能”过于单调是吧,那你可以试一试“be able to”它和“can”都有“能做某事”的意思,再者,由“be able to”可以引出“have the ability to do sth.”其实,最常用的就是can、able这两个词来表示能力。
比如,你可以把你的第二个句子改成:I am able to speak English fluently.
【第2句】:by dictionary 这种表达不太好,我们可以换成with the help of a dictionary 这种表述就比较地道一点;或者你说referring to a dictionary 也不错的。但其实你和外国人讲by dictionary人家也能听明白~
I have the ability to read English instructions with the help of a dictionary.
【第2句】:应用能力:这个东西不是一蹴而就的,你唯一能做的就是多用英语,古人说:熟能生巧;我的建议就是:看美剧!或者美国电影,听BBC 久而久之语感就出来了,而其实语感这个东西是最重要的。
【第2句】: 写一些做事都英语句子
I help my mother do the dishes.
I help my mother clean the bedroom.
I help my mother sweep the floor.
I help my mother wash the clothers.
I help my mother cooking.
I help my father folding shopping .
I help my father water the flowers.
I help my father wash his car.
I help my father plant a tree.
I help my father set the table.
【第3句】: 三十个职业 (用英语表达出来)
【第1句】:doctor 医生
【第2句】:teacher 教师
【第3句】:nurse 护士
【第4句】:host 主持人
【第5句】:driver 司机
【第7句】:writer 作家
【第8句】:waiter 男服务员
【第9句】:worker 工人
【第10句】:singer 歌手
【第11句】:cleaner 清洁工
【第12句】:dancer 舞蹈家
【第13句】:reporter 记者
【第14句】:tailor 裁缝
【第15句】:actor 演员
【第16句】:treasurer 出纳
【第18句】:fireman 消防员
【第19句】:dentist 牙医
【第20句】:artist 艺术家
【第21句】:scientist 科学家
【第23句】:accountant 会计
【第24句】:salesperson 销售员
【第25句】:athlete 运动员
【第28句】:announcer 播音员
【第29句】:officer 公务员
【第30句】:president 总统
【第4句】: 用英语描述一个你认为完美的工作
We often hear people telling us how important it is to strike a perfect work-life balance.
Ask yourself: "How often do you already find yourself exhausted on a Monday afternoon?", "How often do you take your work home with you?", or "When did you last miss an important family event due to your work commitments?". These questions are all designed to convince us to have more choice and control over our working lives, and to switch off and leave it all behind us at the end of the day.
But what if the answer to each of the questions posed above is actually "never"?
Could this possibly mean that you have found your perfect work-life balance?
For those of us who are fortunate enough to have found the perfect balance between a successful career, commuting to and from work, juggling external studies or sports commitments, raising a family and somehow still being able to relax (or even getting away on holidays!) without letting work invade our personal life, perhaps there is a new career-based utopia to strive for 。 the "work-work balance".