
09-17 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 穿校服的坏处 用英语表达出来 越多越好啊


The majority of high schools in China have a rule that students must wear school uniforms every workday. As the voice of democracies is becoming higher and higher, some teenagers begin to suspect the necessity of wearing school uniforms. In my opinion, there are both benefits and disbenefits to wear a school uniform.

On one hand, school uniforms make students be like students. That is to say, teenagers are more likely to obey the school desciplines when they put on uniforms, because they build a spirit of unity among students. Moreover, school uniforms are well-preserved, and they urge us to save money which we will have spent on clothes.

Although there are many benefits of wearing school uniforms, the disbenefits are also easy to see. On the other hand, these poor-designed, outdated clothes, which are often too big or too small, easily make teenagers feel boring. Some students complained that they look untidy in uniforms, for the school uniforms must be worn from Monday to Friday without any washing.

To sum up, we can see both advantages and disadvantages in the problem. The government concerned should try to turn the flaw of school uniforms, to make our teenagers more willing to wear them.

写的不错。不过有些表达不够确切 例如利弊的表达,一般不用disbenefits,你可以用demerit

再如they urge us to save money which we will have spent on clothes.

可以这么改they urge us to save money which we would otherwise have spent on clothes.

另外,不要出现表达不确定的句子,例如school uniforms make students be like students.这种表达不是很确切,有中式英文的感觉。

【第2句】: 描述校服的功能和意义的英文

穿校服的好处.首先避免攀比,减少学生个人之间和各学校之间的攀比,让家庭生活条件不同的孩子心理平衡;二是有养成教育的功能,学生都穿校服会培养良好的团队意识和集体荣誉感,在行为举止方面会自然地以学生身份要求自己;三是保护功能,穿校服便于得到社会监督,比如不太容易随意出入电子游戏场所、酒吧等;还有,校服按照要求,面料含棉量不得低于35%,穿着会舒适透气,有利学生健康.The benefits of wearing a school uniform.First of all,to avoid competition,the students fall between the individual and the comparison between schools,families living conditions of children in different psychological balance; Second,there is the function of education,training students to wear school uniforms would be a good sense of teamwork and collective sense of honor In behavior will naturally ask the students themselves; Third,protection,to wear school uniforms to facilitate supervision by society,such as random access is not easy to place video games,bars and so on; also,in accordance with school uniform requirements,the amount of cotton fabrics with Not be less than 35%,breathable and comfortable to wear will be beneficial to the health of students。

【第3句】: 穿校服的好处 英语作文

Advantages and disadvantages of having school uniform

Some people think that students should wear school uniform.Because it can not only save students'money but also reduce the psychological comparisons which can make a difference among the students.Besides,students don't have to waste time to think what they should wear everyday except weekends.And the most important is that people can see the unity of a school and its good atmosphere.

However,some people don't think so.For they think that the school uniform is ugly and can not embody students'individual character.Besides,the material of the school uniform is bad which is harmful to students'health.

【第4句】: 求一篇关于"校服的好处"的英语作文 100字左右


The benefits of wearing a school uniform. First of all, to avoid competition, the students fall between the individual and the comparison between schools, families living conditions of children in different psychological balance; Second, there is the function of education, training students to wear school uniforms would be a good sense of teamwork and collective sense of honor In behavior will naturally ask the students themselves; Third, protection, to wear school uniforms to facilitate supervision by society, such as random access is not easy to place video games, bars and so on; also, in accordance with school uniform requirements, the amount of cotton fabrics with Not be less than 35%, breathable and comfortable to wear will be beneficial to the health of students.

【第5句】: 穿校服的好处,要英文



【第6句】: 请用英文写出穿校服的好处

First, uniforms help create team spirit. Second ,school uniforms was made to unify the students and somehow as a figure of the school.Third , it can prevent us from spending too much time dressing up .Forth ,it can save money that we have to wear school uniforms .先说这么多吧~。

【第7句】: 关于校服的好处,坏处英语作文

Advantages and disadvantages of having school uniform

Some people think that students should wear school uniform.Because it can not only save students'money but also reduce the psychological comparisons which can make a difference among the students.Besides,students don't have to waste time to think what they should wear everyday except weekends.And the most important is that people can see the unity of a school and its good atmosphere.

However,some people don't think so.For they think that the school uniform is ugly and can not embody students'individual character.Besides,the material of the school uniform is bad which is harmful to students'health.
