【第1句】: 有关吸烟好处的英文句子
As everybody know,smoking is mostly bad to our health. But actually,everything have a bad side with a good side,the same as smoking. I believe a lot of people smoke not because it looks cool,its because they are always worry about something, thats why they want to somke to get out of upset and worried. After i search some imformation on the internet, Actually I have found that cigarettes contain some poly-aromatic hydrocarbons which cause the increased biotransformation of drugs. The drug is converted to a non-toxic form. This non-toxic drug can be safely eliminated from our body.Now, once our need for drug is over, then we take help of smoking for few days to increase the metabolism of drugs and increasing their eliminating rate. This will prevent from the side effects of drugs which can be more dangerous than the smoking effects during the same time period.。
【第2句】: 关于烟的英语文章
Why quit smoking? Most people know that smoking can cause lung cancer, but it can also cause many other cancers and illnesses.Smoking kills around 114,000 people in the UK each year. Of these deaths, about 42,800 are from smoking-related cancers, 30,600 from cardiovascular disease and 29,100 die slowly from emphysema and other chronic lung diseases.How do cigarettes damage health?Cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemical compounds and at least 400 toxic substances. When you inhale, a cigarette burns at 700°C at the tip and around 60°C in the core. This heat breaks down the tobacco to produce various toxins. As a cigarette burns, the residues are concentrated towards the butt. The products that are most damaging are:tar, a carcinogen (substance that causes cancer)nicotine is addictive and increases cholesterol levels in your bodycarbon monoxide reduces oxygen in the bodycomponents of the gas and particulate phases cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD).The damage caused by smoking is influenced by:the number of cigarettes smokedwhether the cigarette has a filterhow the tobacco has been prepared. Smoking affects how long you live Research has shown that smoking reduces life expectancy by seven to eight years.Of the 300 people who die every day in the UK as a result of smoking, many are comparatively young smokers. The number of people under the age of 70 who die from smoking-related diseases exceeds the total figure for deaths caused by breast cancer, AIDS, traffic accidents and drug addiction. Non-smokers and ex-smokers can also look forward to a healthier old age than smokers. Major diseases caused by smoking Cardiovascular diseaseCardiovascular disease is the main cause of death due to smoking. Hardening of the arteries is a process that develops over years, when cholesterol and other fats deposit in the arteries, leaving them narrow, blocked or rigid. When the arteries narrow (atherosclerosis), blood clots are likely to form. Smoking accelerates the hardening and narrowing process in your arteries: it starts earlier and blood clots are two to four times more likely. Cardiovasular disease can take many forms depending on which blood vessels are involved, and all of them are more common in people who smoke.Coronary thrombosis: a blood clot in the arteries supplying the heart, which can lead to a heart attack. Around 30 per cent are caused by smoking.Cerebral thrombosis: the vessels to the brain can become blocked, which can lead to collapse, stroke and paralysis.If the kidney arteries are affected, then high blood pressure or kidney failure results. Blockage to the vascular supply to the legs may lead to gangrene and amputation. Smokers tend to develop coronary thrombosis 10 years earlier than non-smokers, and make up 9 out of 10 heart bypass patients. Cancer Smokers are more likely to get cancer than non-smokers. This is particularly true of lung cancer, throat cancer and mouth cancer, which hardly ever affect non-smokers.The link between smoking and lung cancer is clear.Ninety percent of lung cancer cases are due to smoking.If no-one smoked, lung cancer would be a rare diagnosis - only 0.5 per cent of people who've never touched a cigarette develop lung cancer.One in ten moderate smokers and almost one in five heavy smokers (more than 15 cigarettes a day) will die of lung cancer. The more cigarettes you smoke in a day, and the longer you've smoked, the higher your risk of lung cancer. Similarly, the risk rises the deeper you inhale and the earlier in life you started smoking.For ex-smokers, it takes approximately 15 years before the risk of lung cancer drops to the same as that of a non-smoker.If you smoke, the risk of contracting mouth cancer is four times higher than for a non-smoker. Cancer can start in many areas of the mouth, with the most common being on or underneath the tongue, or on the lips.Other types of cancer that are more common in smokers are: bladder cancer cancer of the oesophagus cancer of the kidneys cancer of the pancreas cervical cancer Other risks caused by smokingSmoking raises blood pressure, which can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) - a risk factor for heart attacks and stroke.Couples who smoke are more likely to have fertility problems than couples who are non-smokers.Smoking worsens asthma and counteracts asthma medication by worsening the inflammation of the airways that the medicine tries to ease.The blood vessels in the eye are sensitive and can be easily damaged by smoke, causing a bloodshot appearance and 。
【第3句】: 用英语说说吸烟的害处
Smoking is hazardous to your health in that:
【第1句】: Smoking can lead to cancer in the oral cavity.
【第2句】: Smoking can severely hamper your lungs' ability to function properly.
【第3句】: Smoking can cause tooth staining and contribute to gum disease.
【第4句】: Smoking contribute to bad breath.
【第5句】: Smoking can lead to heart diseases.
【第6句】: Various particles found in cigarette smoke are thought to be carcinogenic.
【第7句】: Over 200 chemicals found in cigarette smoke are poisonous to the human body.
【第8句】: Second hand smoke harm people around you even more so than yourself.
【第4句】: 关于香烟的伤感句子有哪些
【第5句】: 关于烟酒的说说心情短语
风泛须眉并骨寒,人在水晶宫里。 蛟龙偃蹇,观阙嵯峨,缥缈笙沸。
霜华满地,欲跨彩云飞起。 寂寂的秋凉,枕一窗子的月银,感一份遥远的相思 当你遇见一份除了我之外的温暖 两人的幸福变成三人拥挤不堪。
我知道我们的结果,我还是坚持到底的爱你,即使被你伤到底. 最好的辛苦是想你想到哭,最好的幸福是把一个人记住! 疲惫的不是脚步而是心情,失败的不是结果而是意志。 忘记你不如念住你。
沈闷时,你愿不愿与我同伴。 时间会带走我们的秘密。
付出总是有回报,我相信你的情绪里有爱。 我太年轻了,甚至不懂怎麽去爱她。
如果天堂满了,那我们就去地狱猖獗。 做清淡欢颜的女子,写高贵的情书给自己。
我的爱,只有一份,要么不付出,要么付出全部。 看一场不痛不痒的电影,谈一场没有目的的爱情。
就因为心硬,所以一摔就碎 。 我对你那么好,你呢?有珍惜过吗? 为了你付出的,你这种人会知道吗? 你的伪装技术真好,亏我以前还那么爱你。
过去的事情可以不忘记 但一定要放下 我给你我所有的温柔 你给我你整个的宇宙。 找个不爱的人谈恋爱;就算他劈腿乜无动于衷 我一直在关注你,一切你知道或不知道的方式。
不停的告诉著自己不要太在意。 最害怕寂寞的你,现在会在哪里。
在你想要放弃的时候 想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里 看着你转身、才知道当初的任性骄纵是多么的不堪入目 看得清楚反而朦胧,越是了解反而越是惶恐 。 有些人一辈子都在骗人 而有些人用一辈子去骗一个人 记得去年今夕,酾酒溪亭,淡月云来去。
千里江山昨梦非,转眼秋光如许。 青雀西来,嫦娥报我,道佳期近矣。
【第6句】: 关于香烟的句子
【第7句】: 关于烟酒的说说心情短语
当你遇见一份除了我之外的温暖 两人的幸福变成三人拥挤不堪。
就因为心硬,所以一摔就碎 。
过去的事情可以不忘记 但一定要放下
我给你我所有的温柔 你给我你整个的宇宙。
在你想要放弃的时候 想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里
看得清楚反而朦胧,越是了解反而越是惶恐 。
有些人一辈子都在骗人 而有些人用一辈子去骗一个人