
03-13 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 如何用英语表达“雨天”求答案


几场春雨过后,百花吐蕊,杨柳依依。可rainy day的说法除了表示雨天的意思,还有一个有趣的含义。

Rainy day作为一个俗语,它的意思是:今后可能需要钱的时候,也就是准备一些钱,以防万一。 例如:Every week when I get my paycheck, I always try to put fifty dollars in my savings account for a rainy day. Who knows--I might lose my job someday or get sick and not be able to work! 每星期我拿到工资后,我总是想办法存五十美元到银行里去,以防万一。

谁知道呀,也许哪一天我失业了,或者生病不能工作了。 又如:When you're twenty-five years old, sometimes it's hard to worry about rainy days off in the future. But if you're smart, you'll start saving for rainy days because rainy days come to us all.当你只有二十五岁的时候,你恐怕很难为将来的需要担心。

但是,要是你很聪明的话,你就会为将来遇到的困难而开始攒钱,因为每个人都会有穷困的时候。 城里的人期待雨水滋润空气;乡下的人期待雨水缓解旱情。


Rain or shine这个俗语表达的意思就是:不管下雨或出太阳,一切照常进行。 例如:There is one big difference between baseball and football in America. If it's a rainy day, we don't play baseball. But teams play football rain or shine. In fact, I've seen football games played in a snowstorm. 在美国,棒球和美式足球有一个很大的区别。


我还见过大雪天比赛美式足球的呢。 Rain or shine实际上还包含更广的意思。

Rain or shine还可以解释为:不管在什么情况下。 例如,一个年轻人离开了家到世界各地去周游,好久没有回家了。

他对朋友说:I haven't seen mother and dad and the rest of the family for ten years, but I still know I can count on them rain or shine. 我已经有十年没见到我的父母和其他家人了。但是,我知道不管在什么情况下,我肯定会得到他们的帮助的。

【第2句】: 描写暴风雨的英文句子

O wind , why do you never rest, 风啊!为何你永不休止 Wandering, whistling to and fro, 来来回回的漂泊,呼啸 Bring rain out of the west, 从西方带来了雨 From the dim north bringing snow? 从蒙眬的北方带来了雪。

瓢泼大雨:heavy rain,rain in torrents,rain cats and dogs,rain cat and dog, rain buckets,downpour。

【第3句】: 英语伤感句子雨中的句子


在这冷冷的夜里,寂寞不请自来,穿过肌肤,直抵灵魂深处!抬头望着一望无际的天空,不知是雨水,还是泪水朦胧了我的双眼?—in the bleak autumn when walking in the rain, loneliness is the tip of the cool and heart pain. In the cold night, lonely uninvited, through the skin, leading to the depths of the soul! Looking up at the sky stretch as far as eye can see, is not rain, or tears blur my eyes?一片黯然浮于眼眸 掩去了那曾今有过的梦 滴滴细雨映入眼帘 也许换回了那曾今有过的痛苍苍的天皱起了愁眉 一声呜咽也是壮烈 顶着一片心酸 躲在墙的角边 忍住眼泪听那雨水哭泣的音 任雨飘洒肩头 任泪纵横面容 只是不想把心 放在刀的尖口 以为这样可以摆脱去日少年的忧伤—bleak to float in the eyes lost that once had a dream drops of rain greeted perhaps for that have had pain gray day's knitted brows a sob and heroic topped with a sad behind the wall corners tears listening to the rain crying sound Ren Yu floating shoulder let the tears and face just don't want to put the heart on the knife tip that can get rid of to day young sorrow秋雨如烟如雾,无声地飘洒在那空地上的瓦砾堆里、枯枝败叶上,淋湿了地,淋湿了房,淋湿了树—the rain like a fog, quietly falling to the ground in the rubble, dead twigs and withered leaves, wet, wet, wet tree。

【第4句】: 求关于雨的英语诗

I plead : rainI plead to extinguishlight from cast ironlight from lovelight from the sunI plead to rainI plead to diein the nightI plead in the morningyou meet someonewho will bury meThe ashes of time is endlessAutumnI pleadthere will be a rainfallthat cleanse my bonesMy eyes are closedI pleadRainRain is the failing of a lifetimeRain is the vicissitudes of seasonsagonies and ecstasiesparting and coming together我请求: 雨我请求熄灭生铁的光、爱人的光和阳光我请求下雨我请求在夜里死去我请求在早上你碰见埋我的人岁月的尘埃无边秋天我请求:下一场雨清洗我的骨头我的眼睛合上我请求:雨雨是一生的过错雨是悲欢离合。
