
04-28 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 求几个用英语描写自己缺点的句子(带中文

I have many shortcomings.I often get up very late,so I'm often late for school.I can't do well in class,for I often feel tired and sleepy.I don't have breakfast every day.I like playing computer games,so I go to bed very late.I like eating snacks indead of eating rice.我有很多缺点。




【第2句】: 求几个用英语描写自己缺点的句子(带中文

I have many shortcomings.I often get up very late,so I'm often late for school.I can't do well in class,for I often feel tired and sleepy.I don't have breakfast every day.I like playing computer games,so I go to bed very late.I like eating snacks indead of eating rice.我有很多缺点。




【第3句】: 表示“优点”“缺点”“有利”“不利”的英语表达

优点:merit;strong point;advantage;virtue

每个人都有自己的 优点。

Each person has his own strong points.

它具有价格便宜、便于携带和易于操作的三重 优点。

It possesses the triple advantage of being inexpensive,portable,and easy to operate.

缺点:shortcoming;defect;weak point;weakness;disadvantage;draw back


overcome one's short comings;

这种药的主要 缺点 是使胃不适。

The chief drawback of this medicine is that it spoils your appetite.

我们大家都有 缺点。

We all have our weaknesses.

这个杯子一点儿 缺点 也没有。

There's nothing at all wrong with this cup.

不守时间是他最大的 缺点。

Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming.

助听器有助于克服听觉上的 缺点。

A hearing-air helps to overcome defects in hearing.



beneficial to health



unfavourable factors;


adverse conditions;


in war or sports lose the first battle;

那将对我们双方都 不利。

It will be to our mutual disadvantage.


【第4句】: 【求英语高手来帮我看看这些句子有没有错误,或者可以改进的地方1

【第1句】:表示“在下文中”用in the article below比较好,原文会理解成“在文章的下面”(纸的下面)【第2句】:语法完全混乱,No matter 后面要接句子, life 是名词后面怎么接how? opportunity to efforts 中to后面应该接动词,总之就是不知道你要表达什么【第3句】:此处 need 是不可数,不能用many,而应用much,不知道你用of place 是表达什么,to后面应该接动词或名词, 后面应改成I List some matters needing attention when studying and living in the United States.【第4句】:our life改成we, 因为life自己不会“遇到”问题,如果要表示生活上遇到问题,可说in life in the United States.。

【第5句】: 英语介绍自己的优点和缺点

你有何特长? What are your strengths? 答案:所谓特长一般指的是我有的而别人没有的优点,或者是大家都有的但是我必被人强的优点。

我这个人呢特长谈不上,但还是有一些优点。 Answer: the so-called specialty generally refers to the others I have no advantage, or is everyone some advantages but I will be strong. I this person special not, but still has some merit. 【第1句】:我的性格较强偏向文静,待人热情彬彬有礼,,办事稳重认真,有事业心。

我觉得这个性格比较适合办公室的工作。 1, my character is stronger to quiet, to be warm and polite, and a stable work earnestly, has the dedication to work. I think this personality is fit for the work in the office. 【第2句】:我的计算机操作能力较强,通过了二级计算机等级考试,平时能帮助单位科室做一些文字工作。

另外我喜欢编程,曾经在网上发布过一些自己编的小程序,了解计算机网络的管理。 2, my computer operation ability strong, through the secondary computer grade examination, at ordinary times can help unit department to do some paperwork. In addition I like programming, has been released on the Internet some of small procedures, understanding of computer network management. 【第3句】:我比较注重专业能力的培养和提高,在日常工作中都在不断钻研业务。


3, I compare pay attention to the development of professional ability and improve, in daily work have been working on business. In the practical work also achieved good practical effect. Such as elevation of road paving improper handling, engineering supervision of papers published. 【第4句】:我有很强的团队精神,而且在工作中这种精神得到了提高和完善。从事的工作对团队的要求很高,细化管理,我想科室工作依然要求很强的团队精神。


4, I have a very strong team spirit, and work in this spirit is improved and perfected. The work has a high requirement on the team, fine management, I request to department work is still very strong team spirit. I'm so understanding: about team spirit can contract to build a relationship of mutual trust, good listening skills and communication skills, can interact with others, sharing information and honor. Treat serious and hard work, can be completed in time, and would be happy to help colleagues, willing to assume the labor of duty outside of work. 【第5句】:我的学习能力比较强,容易接受新知识,喜欢摆弄一些新东西,新思路。 5, my learning ability is strong, easy to accept new knowledge, like playing with some new things, new ideas. 你认为你自己有哪些优点,你认为你比较适合做哪些工作? What advantage do you think you, what do you think you are suitable for work? 答:我从不认为自己有特别突出的优点,我认为自己大学5年最重要的收获是学到了一些分析问题和看待事物的方法。



总的来说,我觉得自己分析和解决问题的能力较强,口头语言和文字表达能力还不错,我觉得我能够胜任秘书或其他岗位的工作。 A: I never thought I had particular advantages, I think is the most important to harvest your university 5 years learned some methods to analyze and look at things. I major in architectural design, in the design, especially in the public building design function of large and complex, often involving some complex problems of simplification, often need to from the overall to local, from local to whole again, to be able to seize the main contradiction problem, find out the suitable solution. I think it is good for me. In the study of the building, it is important to human factors, building, because people often need to consider the feelings of people and feeling, so respect people has become a habit I think. The above two points, I think is very important, and both have expanded to I treat all aspects of life. Overall, I think I have a better ability to analyze and solve problems, spoken language and written expression ability is good, I think I can be competent the job of the secretary or other jobs. 能谈谈你的优点和缺点吗? Can talk about 。
