
04-10 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 英语中表示愤怒的话


上班时,不是去打电话,就是跑到医务室去看病。Xiao Wang's always goofing-off -- either making phone calls or going to the clinic to see doctors during office hours.汉语中“偷懒耍滑头”很接近英语goof-off这一短语的意思。

此语主要用于逃避工作或故意偷懒的场合。【第14句】:〔大动肝火]be up in arms由于公司最近几个月的销售业绩不佳,老板正在大动肝火。

The boss is up in arms about the company's poor sales record in the past few months. 汉语中“大动肝火”或“愤怒已极”之类的概念除了可以用fly into a rage, be filled with indignation的片语表示外,还可以用be up in arms的习语来表达。此语的意思是“举起双臂,抖动两个拳头”,表示愤怒。

【第15句】:[保持冷静〕keep cool即使是在十分气愤的情况下她也能保持冷静。She can keep cool even under heavy pressure of anger.汉语中“保持冷静”的说法在英语中有以下几种表示方法:to keep cool, to keep calm, cool it, hold one's horses,等等。

但是在口语中,英美人通常keep cool和keep calm两种。【第16句】:[说话兜圈子]beat about the bush别跟我兜圈子了,快说你到底想干什么吧!Stop beating about the bush. Just tell me what you want!“说话兜圈子”意指“说话拐弯抹角”或不能“直来直去”。

可以用 beat about (around) the bush的片语来表示。此语直译为“在灌木丛中胡乱拍打”,意思就是“分敲侧击”或“兜圈子”。

【第17句】:[心怀叵测]have an ax to grind她总是心怀叵测,对她说的话你得多留神。She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she say with a pinch of salt.“心怀叵测”相当于汉语口语中“没安好心”或“没好心”的意思。

接近于英语have an ax to grind的说法。此语直译为“有一把斧子要磨”。

据说,此语源于美国政治家本杰明·富兰克林(Benjmin Franklin,1706--1790)的少年生活,一天有一男子想磨斧子。由于他不知怎样使用磨石,于是,年幼的富兰克林便用尽全身力量把重达一百多公斤的grindstone推转很多次。


后来此语转喻“心怀叵测”。【第18句】:[心术不正〕not have one's heart in the right place他的心术不正,动不动就在别人的背后涌刀子。

He doesn't have his heart in the right place. He would find every opportunity to stab in the back of others.上面谈到的“心怀叵测”强调“另有企图”或“用心不良”的某段时间内的行为,而“心术不正”则指人坏的品质。因此,偶尔“心怀叵测”的人倒不一定是个一贯“心术不正”的人。

有人曾用not have a good heart译之,但不如用not have the heart in the right place的表示法更符合口语习惯。此语直译为“心没长在正地方上”,即“心术不正”。

【第19句】:[背后捅刀子]stab in the back我万万没有想到张某会在背后捅我一刀。我过去太信任她了。

I was taken aback and didn't think Zhang would stab me in the back. I placed too much trust in her.汉语中“背后捅刀子”、“暗下毒手”以及“脚底使绊”之类的概念在很多情况下都可用 stab somebody in the back的片语来表示。此语与汉语的“背后捅刀子”几乎是形合意切。

【第20句】:[说某人的坏话〕badmouth somebody我从来没说过任何人的坏话。I've never badmouthed anyone.“说人的坏话”在英语口语中有两种表示方法:一是speak evil of somebody, 二是badmouth somebody。


【第2句】: 如何用英语表达生气

这个应该是你要找的 生气时 ●不满和牢骚时 啊呸!真见鬼! Oh, heck! *heck表示有点灰心和失望。

Oh, heck! I failed the test. (噢,见鬼!没考及格。) Oh, darn! Oh, no! 什么! Shucks! *承认自己的错误,或回应别人对自己的不满时。

Where is your homework? (你的作业在哪儿呢?) Shucks! I forgot it at home. (哎呀!我忘在家里了。) 真见鬼! Shoot! *表示厌恶、激怒、惊奇等。

常用来表示事情并不像自己所想像的那样顺利时。 Shoot! I Missed the train. (真见鬼!我没赶上电车。)

Sheesh! 他妈的! Shit! *听起来很低级。shoot是shit的委婉说法。

啊!糟了! Uh-oh. *表示“不好”、“糟了”,带有惊讶的语气。 Did you bring the book I lent you? (你借我的书带来了吗?) Uh-oh. I forgot. (啊,糟了,我忘了。)

有的事是行不通的。 Not everything is logical. *logical “合逻辑的”、“合乎道理的”。

Everything isn't always logical. Not everything follows the rules of logic. (金钱)全都浪费了。 It went down the drain. *drain “排水管”。

How was the investment? (投资的那个项目怎么样?) It went down the drain. (全都白搭了。) 就差那么一点儿。

I almost made it. *用almost表示“差一点儿就……”。 The train just left. (电车刚走。)

I almost made it. (就差那么一点儿。) I was almost on time. I was just a little late. (就晚了那么一点儿。)

想点儿办法吧! Do something! Our house is a mess? (我们的家真乱。) So, do something! (那,你就收拾收拾吧。)

Do something about it! Please do something about it.(请想点儿办法吧!) Please take care of it for me.(请为我处理一下儿吧。) 我忙得要命。

I'm so busy. I'm so busy today. (我今天忙得要命。) How about tomorrow? (那明天怎么样?) I'm too busy. I'm as busy as a bee. *短语,“像蜜蜂一样忙碌”。

这项工作对我来说太重了。 This task is too much for me. * task表示“作为任务分派给人的工作”。

This task is too much for me. (这项工作对我来说太重了。) Please don't give up yet. (请你别放弃。)

I can't complete this task alone. (我一个人无法完成这项工作。) This is too much for me to handle. 这么点儿薪水我怎么够活呀! I can't make ends meet on my small salary. I can't live on my low pay. I can't get along on my scanty pay. I find it impossible to make ends meet on my small salary. 我再也忍不下去了。

This is the last straw. *last straw 表示“再也无法承受的负担和困难上又新加的痛苦”。 Your husband hit you again? (你丈夫又打你了?) Yes. This is the last straw. (是的。

我再也忍不下去了。) That's it. I've had it up to here. I can't take it any more. 你的答复我接受不了。

Your response is unacceptable. *unacceptable 表示“接受不了”。 I'm not satisfied with what you say. Your answer is unsatisfactory. 我不满意他的回答。

I'm not satisfied with his answer. *be satisfied with。 “对……感到满意”。

I'm dissatisfied with his answer. His answer didn't satisfy me. 他今天一副挑衅的样子。 He's got a chip on his shoulder today. *指“要打架的样子”、“情绪不好的态度”。

公平点儿! Play fair! Play fairly! Don't cheat! (不许搞鬼。) 多费时费钱呀! What a waste of time and money! What a waste of time and money! (费时又费钱。)

Don't say that. (你别那么说呀!) You're wasting your time and money! 你太慷慨了。 You're too generous. *在送给别人相当有价值的东西等场合时使用。

generous “慷慨的”、“不吝惜的”、“宽大的”、“度量大的”。 I'd like you to have this. (我想送你这个。)

You're too generous. Thank you very much. (你太慷慨了。谢谢。)

You're too kind. 他把一切都告诉了我。 He told me all about it. He told me everything. 怎么花这么长时间? What's taking so long? Why is it taking so long? 10分钟怎么也来不及。

I can't make it in ten minutes. I need more time. (我还需要点儿时间。) It'll take me longer than ten minutes. (要花10分钟以上。)

Ten minutes isn't enough time. (10分钟太仓促了。) 他看不起我。

He looks down on me. He despises me. He respects me. (他尊重我。) 你什么忙也帮不了。

You're good for nothing. 简直快让我疯了。 It drives me crazy. I hate that noise. (我真讨厌那种声音。)

It drives me crazy. (它简直快让我疯了。) It makes me crazy. It drives me up the wall. 就这些吗? Is that all? I'd like this one, and that one, please. (我要这个和那个。)

Is that all? (就这些吗?) Is that it? Anything else? (还要别的吗?) 这太少了。/这不够。

That's not enough. *用于所持或得到的量不足时。 I'll give you 10% off. (我给你便宜10%。)

That's not enough. How about 20% off? (这太少了。20%怎么样?) I'd like more. (我还想要点儿。)

I need more. (我需要再多一点儿。) 他对我不公平。

He's unfair to me. *unfair “不公平的”、“不合理的”。 He treats me 。

【第3句】: 表达心中很不满很气愤的骂人的英语形容词有哪些

【第1句】: Stop complaining!别发牢骚! 【第2句】: You make me sick!你真让我恶心! 【第3句】: What's wrong with you?你怎么回事? 【第4句】: You shouldn't have done that!你真不应该那样做! 【第5句】: You're a jerk!你是个废物/混球! 【第6句】: Don't talk to me like that!别那样和我说话! 【第7句】: Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁? 【第8句】: What's your problem?你怎么回事啊? 【第9句】: I hate you!我讨厌你! 【第10句】: I don't want to see your face!我不愿再见到你! 【第11句】: You're crazy!你疯了! 【第12句】: Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 【第13句】: Don't bother me.别烦我。

【第14句】: Knock it off.少来这一套。 【第15句】: Get out of my face.从我面前消失! 【第16句】: Leave me alone.走开。

【第17句】: Get lost.滚开! 【第18句】: Take a hike!哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 【第19句】: You piss me off.你气死我了。

【第20句】: It's none of your business.关你屁事! 【第21句】: What's the meaning of this?这是什么意思? 【第22句】: How dare you!你敢! 【第23句】: Cut it out.省省吧。 【第24句】: You stupid jerk!你这蠢猪! 【第25句】: You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真厚。

【第26句】: I'm fed up.我厌倦了。 【第27句】: I can't take it anymore.我受不了了!(李阳老师常用) 【第28句】: I've had enough of your garbage.我听腻了你的废话。

【第29句】: Shut up!闭嘴! 【第30句】: What do you want?你想怎么样? 【第31句】: Do you know what time it is?你知道现在都几点吗? 【第32句】: What were you thinking?你脑子进水啊? 【第33句】: How can you say that?你怎么可以这样说? 【第34句】: Who says?谁说的? 【第35句】: That's what you think!那才是你脑子里想的! 【第36句】: Don't look at me like that.别那样看着我。 【第37句】: What did you say?你说什么? 【第38句】: You are out of your mind.你脑子有毛病! 【第39句】: You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。

【第40句】: Drop dead.去死吧! 【第41句】: **** off.滚蛋。 【第42句】: Don't give me your shit.别跟我胡扯。

【第43句】: Don't give me your excuses/ No more excuses.别找借口。 【第44句】: You're a pain in the ass.你这讨厌鬼。

【第45句】: You're an asshole.你这缺德鬼。 【第46句】: You bastard!你这杂种! 【第47句】: Get over yourself.别自以为是。

【第48句】: You're nothing to me.你对我什么都不是。 【第49句】: It's not my fault.不是我的错。

【第4句】: 如何用英语表达自己的气愤之情,英语口语十句“最狠话

【第1句】:Just wait and see. I won't let you get away with that.


【第2句】: You'll be sorry.


【第3句】: You're gonna get what's coming to you.


【第4句】: If you're looking for a fight, you don't have to look far.


【第5句】: Watch your mouth. Do you know who you're talking to?


【第6句】: I'll get even with you sooner or later.


【第7句】: Listen, you've picked the wrong person to quarrel with.


【第8句】: You'd better take that back.


【第9句】: You want to take it outside? Anytime!


【第10句】: Don't mess with me! / Don't get fresh with me!

不要惹我!/ 给我放尊重一点!

【第5句】: 如何用优雅的英文表示愤怒


1,Hey!wise up!放聪明点好吗?

当别人做了蠢事时,你可以说,“Don't be stupid!”或“Don't be silly.”但这是非常不礼貌的说法。客气一点的说法就是:Wise up!你也可以用尖酸刻薄的语气说:Wise up, please.然后故意把please的尾音拉得长长的。

2,Put up or shut up.要么你就去做,不然就给我闭嘴。

要注意的是,Put up字典上查不到“自己去做”的意思,但口语表达则有此意。

3,You eat with that mouth?你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗?

别人对你说脏话,你就回敬他这句,言下之意是你的嘴那么脏,你还用它吃饭?还有一种说法:“You kiss your mother with that mouth?”你用这张脏嘴亲你妈妈吗?

所以下次记得如果有老外对你说脏话,不要再骂回去,保持风度,说一句,“You eat with that mouth?”就扯平了。

4,You are dead meat.你死定了。

也可以说:“You are dead.”你完蛋了。

5,Don't you dare!How dare you!你好大的胆子啊!

这句话可以在两种场合说,第一种是很严肃的场合,如小孩子很调皮,不听话,父母就会说,“Don't you dare!”意思是你给我当心点,不然等会就要挨打了。另一种场合是开玩笑,如有人说他要跟某网友约会,你说“Don't you dare?”就有点开玩笑的语气,你不怕被恐龙给吃了吗?

6,Don't push me around.不要摆布我。

通常当我讲这句话时,我还会想到一个字“bossy”,像是老板一样,喜欢指挥别人。如:“You are so bossy. I Don't like that.”这句话也可以单讲,“Don't push me.”或“Don't push me any further.”。

7,You want to step outside?想到外去单挑吗?

二个人一言不合吵起来了,可能就有人要说这句了,指的就是要不要出去打架啦。我还听过类似的用法,如:“Do you want to pick a fight?”你要挑起争端吗?

【第6句】: 请教十句有关愤怒的英语

1 I got so mad about it!我对这件事情非常火大!【第2句】: I just flew off the handle when I found out what he'd done.当我知道他做的好事时,我气疯了。

【第3句】: I almost blew my top when I found out that she had been lying to me.当我发现她一直在对我说谎时,我简直快气炸了。【第4句】: I hit the roof/ceiling!我气炸了!【第5句】: I blew a fuse because he didn't do his homework.我是因为他没有做功课才发火的。

【第6句】: My boss had a cow at the meeting this morning.我老板今天早上开会的时候发飙。【第7句】: I was so shocked when he flared up in front of everyone.他在大家面前大发雷霆的时候,我真是吓坏了。

【第8句】: He really made my blood boil.他真是令我怒火中烧。【第9句】: She's really furious about it.她对那件事情真是火冒三丈。

【第10句】:I've never seen you so riled up.我从来没看你这么愤怒过。
