
10-20 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 跪求表示惊讶的英语句子和短语

【第1句】: say the words,"i love you." 说出那句“我爱你。”

【第2句】: seek your father's advice and opinions. 寻求你父亲的建议和意见。

【第3句】: arrange activities strictly for you and your dad. 为你和你的父亲特别安排好活动。

【第4句】:visit your father on a regular basis. 定期地去拜访你的父亲。

【第2句】: 表示惊讶的英语短语

表示惊讶的英文dear me,意思是哇塞。

dear me




【第1句】: Outside, Bruce glanced at his watch: "Dear me, nearly oneo'clock."


【第2句】: "Ooh dear me, that's a bit of a racist comment isn't it."


【第3句】: Newton remarked, " Dear me, I thought I had not dined, but I see have. "

牛顿说: “ 哎呀, 我原以为我还没吃饭, 可是看来我已经吃过了. ”

【第4句】: Dear me, can't you walk quicker? A snail by comparison is supersonic.

天哪, 你就不能走得快点 吗 ?跟你比,蜗牛爬都是超音速的了.

【第5句】: Dear me, can't you walk quicker? A smail by comparison is supersonic.

天啊, 你就不能走得快点 吗 ?跟你比,蜗牛爬得是超音速的了.

【第3句】: 表达惊讶的三个人的英文情景对话

Girl A came to the bathroom of school, saw girl B and Girl C was kissing, that's suprised her a lot,"Oh my GOD, i've never known you two are lesbines! How long have you been together?" B:"oh no,no。

you don't take it that way, we just had a kiss. It doesn't mean anything".C:" Come on, B, be honest, you do like me. When i touched your nipple just now, you were really enjoy". A interrupts,“Shut up C! You are my girlfriend, how can you cheat on me"? C,"no, you shut up, just join the kissing!"。
