
06-01 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 离开的几种英文表达


leave 英[li:v] 美[liv]

vt. 离开; 遗弃; 忘了带; 交托;

vt. 离去; 出发; 舍弃;

n. 准假; 假期; 辞别; 许可;

[例句]He would not be allowed to leave the country


[其他] 第三人称单数:leaves 现在分词:leaving 过去式:left 过去分词:left

quit 英[kwɪt] 美[kwɪt]

vt. 离开; 放弃,抛弃; 停止,中断; 偿清;

vi. 辞职; 停止; 放弃斗争;

adj. 自由的; 摆脱了责任或义务的;

[例句]He quit his job as an office boy in Athens


[其他] 第三人称单数:quits 现在分词:quitting 过去式:quitted过去分词:quitted

exit 英[ˈeksɪt] 美[ˈɛɡzɪt, ˈɛksɪt]

n. 退场; 出口,通道; 退去,退出; 死亡;

vi. 退出; 退场; 离开; 去世;

[例句]He picked up the case and walked towards the exit


[其他] 第三人称单数:exits 复数:exits 现在分词:exiting 过去式:exited过去分词:exited

【第2句】: 英语中表示遗憾的常用句子

英语中表示遗憾的常用句子如下:表达遗憾之情的英语句子 It's a shame that we can't go. 我们去不了真是太遗憾了。

What a pity you didn't come to our party. 你不能来参加我们的聚会真是很遗憾。 I feel a great pity that you missed the chance. 我很遗憾你错过了机会。

I simply can't think why I didn't buy a bouquet for her then. 我只是想不明白为什么当初没有送她一束花。How I wish I hadn't left that job. 我多么希望我没有离开那个工作。

If only Lily drove more carefully. 如果莉莉车子开的小心点就好了。Nobody regrets this more than I do, but I have to tell you that you've been dismissed. 我非常遗憾,但是我必须告诉你,你被解雇了。

【第3句】: 有哪些道别语句(英文)

good bye


bye bye

see you

see you soon

see you later

see you tomorrow 明天见

see you Monday 星期一见

anyway keep in touch不管怎样,保持联系吧(对老朋友说的)

sorry,i have to go now对不起,我得走了(意思是不得不走了)


【第4句】: 英语中表示遗憾的常用句子有哪些

1:What a pity you didn't come to our party.


2:Nobody regrets this more than I do, but I have to tell you that you've been dismissed.


3:I'm sorry you tell me a lie.


4:I am regretful for what I have done.


5:The pity is that it was all completelyunnecessary.


regret vt.后悔,悔恨;遗憾,抱歉;悼念,哀悼

sorry adj.遗憾的;对不起的;无价值的,低等的;感到伤心的

pity n.怜悯;同情;可惜的事;憾事

regretful adj.遗憾的;后悔的;失望的;令人惋惜的

a pity n.遗憾

【第5句】: 被动语态的句子怎么翻译最近在学英语的被动语态不知道怎么翻译比

这几个句子是不用翻译成被动语态的,你应该是读初三或初二吧,其中被动语态很容易,就是be+动词的过去分词.用熟了就非常简单叻.下面是这几个句子的翻译:【第1句】: It has been three years since he left .【第2句】: It has been four week sice he borrowed my book .【第3句】:This kind of knives sell well .注:【第1句】:有瞬间动词的句子的翻译法:现在完成时+从句,记得从句的谓语动词要用过去式.你看前两个句子就知道. 【第2句】:你是否觉得第三个句子应该用被动语态?这确实是很多中国学生容易犯的错误.我初中的英语老师为这个问题给我们讲过无数遍:英语里面表达某物卖的好:something sells well ,绝不能用被动语态的.这个你要记住.还有其他问题都可以问我哦.呵呵,加油! 补充:呵呵,今天天气很冷,我看到补充的提问了,非常不错的问题哦,看来你是很爱思考的孩子~!下面是我的分析:他离开我们已经三年了He has been been away for three years.It has been three years since he left.这两个句子都是对的.你提到完成时里的瞬间动词要改变,对!当表示某个状态持续多长时间时,现在完成时里的“瞬间动词”必须改成“表示状态的表语”.但如果现在完成时没有涉及到时间时,则可以使用瞬间动词,你看下面两句话:【第1句】:He has left.他已经离开了.【第2句】:He has been away for 3 years .他已经离开三年了.所以你的想法是对的.但是你看看我给你翻译的句子:It has been three years since he left .这个句子其实是一个复合句,包括一个主句和从句.主句是;It has been three years .什么是从句:从句(Subordinate Clause)是复合句里的一个句子成分.它不能独立成句,但它也有主语部分和谓语部分,就是句子一样.所不同的是,它必须由一个关联词(Connective)来引导所以在这个复合句里面,从句是 he left ,关联词是 since ,很明显,主句是现在完成时,而从句是过去时,所以从句的动词就是用left啦.记住这个句式:it has been sometime +连接词 + 表示动作的从句.下面是两个例句:It has been three years since he died .他已经去世三年了.It has been two years after I graduated.我已经毕业两年了.能看懂吗?我想我说得太乱了..如果看不懂的话,可以继续问我哦。

【第6句】: 用英语写最难忘的离别

Years of wind chimes and wake my sleeping dreams, long moved again aroused. I have in the fall season of the pork industry grasp the teacher loving moo, but also grow happiness, often in the dark moon missing my enlightenment teacher, that deep footprints on the moon always picked up under the bridge, picked up my memory, what a beautiful memory. From the ignorant I feel a loss, a loss, do I stray, in the lonely light sand. The teacher always with clover fragrance, let me know not a lifetime of loneliness. Never be alone again racing. The teacher always love to admire the landscape grass fragrance. Also always love with our shared. Maybe Miss Flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum spectacle, but did not forget Sudoku peach floating fang. We are in the mountains and rivers before, in the flowers, in the brook, in the mountain valley step spring, summer autumn find, catch, catch snow. Mimosa silent, always accompanied by our laugh, we play a childhood game, hidden in the tree after the panic, the string of sound field. The teacher always like friends accompanied by side, full of sunshine, warm. The ease of playing the childhood cradle, but cannot little fairy tale of the school. The teacher's lecture always talk in an impressive way, perhaps the words of the book touched not our ignorance, and the teacher's words but enough to make our streaming tears. The sentiment to the red eye, resolve to every word, in "litchi" class, the maternal love divine realm in the heart always sounded like that extraordinary, deduction. The teacher tells the story of his father and his childhood one's real feelings, the tears in the eye circle, the interpretation of the inner waves, again our mother, tears fell down, good injury, perhaps "lychee" is how deep, how far the truth, now, we all know, mother is much loved and to the moo. I like the teacher to give me the feeling, are a source of inspiration and creation, can write maybe today such style of writing, is applying the teacher for my mountains. She always encouraged me, refuels for me. Also from the original tired of writing to today's smooth. From up and down 30 points to this day is firm in have litre 【第33句】: In fact, I can progress, a few pieces of speech without the teacher's, many deep moo, encourage a few tide. And several of the special treatment, careful lamplight, as I write up step by step, rising, and this is making me smile, really appreciate the full meaning, rose. Campanula Langlang, Dong Dong sound. Is still the face of the teacher, the hearts of poly filled with more sense, really think this two years rush time, namely to departure, is a returning last yellow。
