
09-09 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 急求

[12:【第51句】:70]Good thing I was here. If I hadn't shown up-- 还好我在这里--

[12:【第53句】:57]-He wasn't going to go. -He was too afraid. -他不会去的 -没错,他胆小

[12:【第55句】:87]No, I wasn't. 不,不小

[12:【第57句】:20]This does not concern you, kids。 好了,孩子们 我不怪你们。

[12:【第58句】:67]and you're lucky I don't tell your parents. 我也不会把今天的事 告诉你们家长

[13:0【第1句】:08]You know you can't swim well. 你明知道你的游泳技术不行

[13:0【第2句】:41]I can swim fine, Dad, OK? 我行,老爸,你让我去吧!

[13:0【第4句】:38]No, it's not OK. You shouldn't be near here. 不,不行,你不该来这种地方

[13:0【第7句】:31]OK, I was right. You'll start school in a year or two. 看来,我是对了. 我决定了 过两年我们再上学吧

[13:0【第9句】:75]No, Dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean-- 不,老爸! 你不能 因为害怕大海就--

[13:【第12句】:52]Clearly, you're not ready。 显然你还没准备好。

[13:【第12句】:99] 等你准备好了我们再来

【第2句】: 海底总动员几句经典的台词

精彩对白 Crab#1: Hey. 螃蟹甲:嗨! Crab#2: Hey. 螃蟹乙:嗨! Crab#1: Hey. 螃蟹甲:嗨! Crab#2: Hey. 螃蟹乙:嗨! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dory: How about we play a game? 多莉:我们玩个游戏怎么样? Marlin: All right. 马林:行啊。

Dory: Okay, I'm thinking of something orange, and it's small。 多莉:好,我正在想着一种橙色的东西,并且它很小…… Marlin: It's me. 马林:是我。

Dory: Right! 多莉:猜对了! [Later] Dory: I'm thinking of something orange and small。 (过了一会)多莉:我在想一种橙色的小东西…… Marlin: Me again. 马林:还是我。

Dory: All right, Mr. Smartypants。 多莉:好吧,聪明人。

[Later] Dory: 。 It's orange and small, and has stripes。

(又过了一会)多莉:……它是橙色的并且很小,还有条纹…… Marlin: Me, and the next one - just a guess - me. 马林:是我,我猜下一个……还是我。 Dory: Okay, that's just scary. 多莉:好吧,你真可怕。

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marlin: Now, what's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? 马林:那么,关于大海我们必须要记住什么? Nemo: It's not safe. 尼莫:它是不安全的。 Marlin: That's my boy. 马林:好孩子。

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marlin: I didn't come this far to be breakfast. 马林:我大老远跑来不是来当早餐的。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marlin: The water is half empty! 马林:水只剩一半了! Dory: Hmmm. Really? I'd say it's half full. 多莉:嗯。

真的吗?要我说还有一半呢。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dory: Come on, trust me on this one. 多莉:嗨,这次相信我。

Marlin: Trust you? 马林:相信你? Dory: Yes, trust, it's what friends do. 多莉:对,相信,朋友就该这样。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Nemo and Marlin are hugging] (尼莫和马林在拥抱) Nemo: Uh, Dad, you can let go now. 尼莫:好了爸爸,你可以放开我了。

【第3句】: 海底总动员中15句经典台词


【第4句】: 回答下列题目:FindingNemo(海底总动员)

1 Nemo is a boy fish 2 lives with his father3 put in a fish tank in a dentist's office in Sydney,Australia4 was very worried but he has always been atimid5 no6 kind but very forgetful7 Dory and Marling8 yes,he does9 help Marlin to search the ocean to find Nemo10 don't metion it。
