
03-03 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 关于人物介绍的英语优美句子

【第1句】: 我是王珊,一名十六岁的女孩子,就读于北京红星中学。

I'm Wang Shan, a girl of sixteen, presently attending Beijing HongXing Middle School.

2 我很开朗,善于与人交流。

I'm sociable, easygoing and good at communicating with others.


As a Senior 3 student, study and sports make up my life.


As a Senior 3 student, I have been working hard at my lessons and have managed to get fairly high grades.


I'd like to attend English lectures, from which I can get more information on British and American culture.


My hard work doesn't pay off, and I am quite proud of what I have achieved / of the progress I have made.

【第7句】: 令我高兴的是我在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。

To my great joy, I won the first prize in the English speech competition.


A good command of English enables me to gain more chances to communicate and exchange ideas with foreign students in our school.


He has been working hard at every subject, which sets a good example to us.


He took part in the English Speech Contest held in our school and won the first prize/

【第2句】: 英文人物外貌描写(要句子,有翻译)


round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的。

A. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round .



(1) 发型(hair style):

straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut 平头; bald秃头的。

A. Her hair is brown and curly.


(2) 发色(hair color):

jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; brunette 浅黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的.


(1) 眼睛(eye):

deep-set 深陷的; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛.

A. His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time.


B. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.


(2) 鼻子(nose):

long 长的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; small 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 钩状的.

A. He was born a hooked nose.


B. His nose is very big, so he doesn';t like it.


(3) 嘴部(mouth):

tooth 牙齿; even 整齐的; uneven 不整齐的; chin下巴。

A. When he laughs, we see his even teeth.


B. She has a double chin.


【第3句】: 有谁能帮我写20个描写人物的英语句子,带翻译

【第1句】:She had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.


【第2句】: He was born a hooked nose.


【第3句】:When he laughs, we see his even teeth.


【第4句】:she was young,with a fair,calm face that showed a certain strength.


【第5句】:she id a girl with long straight hair 她是留着长长直发的女孩

【第6句】:The girls had blond curls. 小姑娘长着金色卷发。

【第7句】:She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built. 她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧。

【第8句】:Her hair is brown and curly. 她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。

【第9句】:She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起来的时候很可爱。

【第10句】:She has a very pleasant smile and she always has a twinkle in her eye.


【第11句】:She always dress very elegant and tidy.


【第12句】:Because of her fair skin and kindness, we all like her very much.


【第13句】:When she smiled, she showed her white even teeth.


【第14句】:There is always a smile of contentment on her face. 她脸上总是挂着心满意足的微笑。

【第15句】:While her physical beauty was astounding, it was her invisible beauty that I shall always remember.尽管她美得惊人,但我更对她的内在美记忆犹新。【第16句】: She was burning with anger. 她怒火中烧

【第17句】:Her face brightened up. 她喜形于色。

【第18句】:She really cared about other people and was an extremely talented listener. 她总是很关心身边的人,并且擅长倾听。

【第19句】:Her sense of humour could brighten you entire day and her wise words were always exactly what you needed to hear.她的幽默感总是可以使你整天都感到非常开心,而她智慧的话语更是能道破天机。

【第20句】: She was not only admired but also genuinely respected by members of both sexes. 无论男人或是女人,不仅羡慕她,而且打心里尊重她。

【第4句】: 用英语写一篇人物介绍,急

Mo Yan is the first of the Chinese writers, nineteen fifties was born in Gaomi, he dropped out of school, and left home at 21 to join the army. * for many years working in the countryside, started in the farmland, then work in a factory, when a soldier. *1981 began writing, later published many works, such as "frog". The main achievement; the 2023 Nobel prize for literature, becoming the first Chinese writers award。

【第5句】: 关于人物介绍的 英语作文

(一)人物简介的写作步骤【第1句】: Birthday and birth place【第2句】: Family background【第3句】: Education【第4句】: Big events in his or her life ( in order of time )【第5句】: Evaluation (二)人物简介写作中常用的词组及句子【第1句】: Birthday and birth place ——was / were born on…in… ,【第2句】: Family background ——1) a poor / rich family2) his (her) family was so poor that……,3) with the help of his parents , 4) his father was very strict with him……,5) the son of a poor family ,6) when he was a small boy , 7) as a child , 8) during his (her) childhood , 9) spend his childhood in……,10) live a happy (hard ) life ,11) a boy of 15 【第3句】: Education——1) graduate from……department of ……university ,2) When at college , he majored in……,3) receive a doctor's degree .4) get higher education5) go abroad for further studies【第4句】: Big events in his life——1) be interested in … , 2) work hard at … , 3) devote his lifetime to … , 4) do research about / into … 5) make a big decision . make up one's mind to do sth. 6) do sth with great determination and perseverance . 7) be fond of… , 8) be strict in sth. 9) have a … way of doing sth. 10) try one's best to do sth. 11) encourage sb to do sth. 12) fight for , give up one's life for sb / sth. 13) win a prize in … competi ition . 14) be good at . 15) make rapid progress in … , 16) set a new world record of … 17) become a member of … 18) study hard . train hard . 19) win a gold medal . 20) work so hard as to improve… 21) have a gift for…【第5句】: Evaluation——1) one of the best (most important) … 2) set sb a good example . 3) a model teacher . 4) be respected by everyone . 5) sing high praise for… speak (think) highly of… 6) his hard work brought him great success . 7) his heroic story spread all over the city . 8) remember sb forever . 9) be honored as … 10) be famous as … , 11) be regarded as … , 12) become a world champion at … Championships . 13) He became famous for his new theory . 14) The people had come to love him as an inspiring leader . 15) Lei Feng has been praised for his communist spirit . 16) People spoke highly of him and all respected him .【第6句】: 高考中描写人常用表达方式 (1)介词人物的姓名、出身 She was born in Poland on Nov. 7 , 1867 .(她于1867年11月7日出生于波兰。)

a great scientist with the name Einstein (一个叫爱因斯坦的伟大科学家) Abraham Lincoln , the son of a poor family , was born in Kentucky on February 12 , 1809 . (亚伯拉汗•林肯,一个贫苦家庭的儿子,于1809年2月12日出生于肯他基州。) Born of a poor clerk's family . Charles Dickens had little schooling .(出生在一个贫困的小职员家庭中,查儿斯•狄更生接受了很少学校教育) (2)描述人物外貌和性格特征的常用词语 good - looking (长得好看的) funny - looking (长相滑稽的) ugly - loking (长得难看的) ordinary looking (长相一般的) white - haired (白头发的) warm - hearted (热心肠的) kind - hearted(好心的) absent - minded (心不在焉的) bad - tempered (脾气不好的) near - sighted (近视眼的) far - sighted (远视的) tall (个高的) short (个矮的) pretty (漂亮的) naughty (淘气的) lovely (可爱的) easy - going (温和宽容的) smart (精明的) wise (明智的) bright (聪明的) diligent (勤奋的) lazy (懒惰的) clever (聪明的) healthy (健康的) humorous (幽默的) funny (滑稽的) silent (沉默的) attractive (有吸引力的) talkative (多话的) (3)表达人物兴趣和爱好的常用词组或短语 like … very much (非常喜欢…) love (喜爱) be interested in (对…感兴趣) be fond of (喜欢…) hate (憎恨) be tired of (对…厌倦) be crazy about (对…极度喜欢) enjoy (喜欢…) lose interest in (对…失去兴趣) (4)描述人物心情的常用词语:sad (难过的) happy (高兴的) excited (兴奋的) pleased (高兴的) satisfied (满意的) angry (生气的) worried (担心的) disappointed (失望的) terrified (恐惧的) friendly (友好的) anxious (焦虑的) curious (好奇的) eager (急切的) (三)实例分析【第1句】: 说明:上海出版的《学生英文报》,对象是我国的学生,请用英语为该报写一段人物介绍,介绍少年体育明星孙淑伟。

内容要点如下:1)简况:孙淑伟(Sun Shuwei):男,14岁,广东人(Guangdong)2)训练项目:跳水(diving)3)取得成绩:第十一届亚运会冠军,第六届世界游泳锦标赛冠军(亚运会:the Asia Games 冠军:Champion 游泳锦标赛:Swimming Championships)4)其他情况:从小就喜欢游泳,8岁进广东省跳水队;在学校里认真学习,在跳水队时认真训练,13岁进入国家队,一年后(1990)夺得十一届亚运会金牌;今年年初获第六届游泳锦标赛冠军。注意:1)要有标题。


【第2句】: 题解:。

【第6句】: 用英语介绍人物

My neighbourhood My neighbourhood is an old man who is not very tall but very strong.He is seventy now ,the amazing is that he still has much black hair which we often playing jokes on.you konw ,there must be some reasons that why he is strong. Beacuse he is very a kindheart man that is also why he can leave me so deep an impression. for instance ,he likes helping people no matter whether he knows that guy or not. it is funny that he careful for others more than himself . i like his personality like that. i remember that day when my father asked him to help us build a road which we use it for transportation. He got up early and brough tools himself which we had not asked him to do so,He explained that it is his duty to help people to do things well . i was impressed again.this is my neibourhood who teachs me that if we decide to help someone we should do everything。

【第7句】: 谁给我10个以上的介绍人物的英语句子啊


my name is 。(接姓名) 我叫做。

I'm。(接姓名) 我是。

I'm 14 years old . 我今年十六岁


He is 。(接姓名)

She is 。(接姓名)


如:He is my 。(接名词) 他是我的。

或 He is 。(接名词表示职业) 他是。 如:He is a worker.


He has black hair. 他的头发是黑的

【第8句】: 英文作文人物描写并且翻译

介绍英语老师 Our English Teacher Our English teacher, Ms Huang, came to our school in 19【第70句】: She has been an English teacher for more than 30 years. She works hard and has been a model teacher for many years. She is kind and friendly to us after class, but She is rather strict with us in class. She always encourages us to speak and read more English. She often says,"Practice makes perfect." She is good at teaching and tries her best to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English playS. She is not only our teacher but also our friend. We all respect and love her. Tomorrow she is going to attend an important meeting, at which she will be given a medal for her advanced deeds. 我们的英语老师 黄老师是我们的英语老师,她1970年来到我们学校,已经当了30多年的英语老师。

她工作努力,多年来一直是模范教师。 课下,她对我们很友善,但课堂上却对我们要求很严。

她经常带鼓励我们多说多读英语,常常说“熟能生巧”。 她教得很好而且尽可能使每节课都上得生动有趣。

她常给我们放幻灯片,教我们唱英语歌曲,还帮助我们排演英语小话剧。 她不仅是我们的老师,同时又是我们的朋友,我们都尊敬和爱戴她。

明天,她将出席一个重要会议,而且由于她的先进事迹将在会上受到表彰。 【第2句】:介绍雷峰 Lei Feng was a model soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor peasant family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province. He didn't go to school till 19【第50句】: At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army. In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and constantly did good for others. As a result, he became a model soldier. After his death, Chairman Mao called on the people to "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". The whole nation were moved by his deeds. Lei Feng's spirit will live in our hearts forever. 雷锋 雷锋是一名优秀士兵,1940年12月18日出生于湖南省一个小山村的贫困农民家庭里,他1950年才上学,18岁时做了一名炼钢工人,因工作好而经常受 到嘉奖。

1960年1月8日参军,同年加入中国共产党,他爱党爱民,经常做好事,所以他被评为优秀战士。 雷锋死后,毛主席号召。


My grandfather My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies. My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings. My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon. 姥爷很疼爱我。”他也非常喜欢我,把我视为掌上明珠。


在他的帮助下,我的学习一直非常好。 姥爷对邻居也很热心,他总是乐于助人。

一天,邻家的女孩不慎伤了腿,姥爷马上带她去医院,并用自己的积蓄帮她支付药费。 姥爷是一个热心随和的人。


介绍兵坛名将(邓亚萍) Deng Yaping, 28, from Henan Province, is a talented woman player f table tennis. She was the table tennis champion of the 1 l th Asian Games nd the 41st World Table Tennis Championship. And in the 25th Olympic ames she won two gold medals. Why can she make such brilliant chievements with the disadvantage of her Short figure? Her hard work and etermination to succeed helped her to overcome many disadvantages. At the age of 4, she began to play table tennis under the guidance of her father. When she was 8, she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she became a member of the National Training Team. On her way to success, she proved that height was nothing and hard work was everything. 邓亚萍,女,28岁,河南人,一位杰出的乒乓球运动员。她分别在11届亚运会和41届世界乒乓球锦标赛上获得冠军,并在25后奥运会中获得两枚金牌。



【第9句】: 十句英语优美的句子有翻译的


I love you not for whom you are, but who I am when I'm by your side.


No person deserves your tears, and who deservers them won't make you cry.


Just because someone doesn't love you as you wish, it doesn't mean you're not loved with all his/her being.


A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.


The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by his/her side and know you'll never have him/her.


Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.


You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you're the world.


Don't spend time with someone who doesn't care spending it with you.


Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one, so when this happens, you'll be thankful.


Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happened.


There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting, just be careful.


Be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are.

【第10句】: 求一篇人物介绍的英语短文

My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies. My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings. My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon. 姥爷很疼爱我。”





