
08-15 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 美丽人生电影中的句子 英语互汉语


【第1句】: Miracles happen everyday. (奇迹每天都在发生)

【第2句】: .Don't try so hard ,the best things come when you least except them to.(不要着急,最好的总是在不经意间出现.)

【第3句】: The world you may be one person ,but to one person you may be the world.(对世界而言你是一个人,但对某人而言你是他的世界。

【第4句】: No man or woman is worth your tears ,and the one who is ,won't make you cry.(没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人不会让你这哭泣.)

【第5句】: After all ,tomorrow is another day.(无论如何,明天又是新的一天.)

【第6句】: Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)

【第7句】: Don't cry because it is over ,smile because it happened.(不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你曾经拥有。)

【第2句】: 美丽人生中英文版经典台词

【第1句】:Good morning, princess.——早上好,公主。

【第2句】:We got a bit today?——我们今天拿到几分?【第3句】:The end game tomorrow morning, at a ceremony.——游戏明早结束,举行颁奖典礼。【第4句】:Listen, if I got back a long time, you also don't move, don't come out, until a point sound, there is not a man.——听着,即使我很久才回来,你也不要动,不要出来,直到一点声,一个人都没有。

【第5句】:You have to get one thousand points, who had one thousand points, who will have the tank.——你要得到一千分,谁得到一千分,谁就有坦克。【第6句】:Every loudspeaker announced who lead, at least the people behind the hanging on to a “fool” signs.——每天扩音机宣布谁领先,最少分的人要在背后吊上个“蠢才”招牌。

【第7句】:Our soldiers as the wicked, and call and drink, who's afraid of, who lost.——我们士兵扮恶人,又呼又喝,谁怕,谁丢分。【第8句】:This is my story, this is my father's sacrifice, this is my father give grace.——这是我的经历,这是我父亲所作的牺牲,这是父亲赐我的恩典。

【第9句】:Don't hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.——不要憎恨你的敌人,否则你将做出错误的判断。【第10句】:Giosué Orefice: (narrating as an adult)This is a simple story…but not an easy one to tell.——Giosué Orefice:(以成人角度讲述)这是一个简单的故事,但讲起来却不那么轻松。

【第11句】:I think it premature death, I must thank God that I was born to this world, can meet with you, to be loved by you.——我觉得比起早死,我更要感谢神让我降生到这世上来,能够这样跟你相遇,这样被你爱着。【第12句】:Guido:You can lose all your points for any one of three things. One: If you cry. Two: If you ask to see your mother. Three: If you're hungry and ask for a snack! Forget it!——Guido:如果你违反了三条规定中的任何一条,你的得分就会被扣光:一、如果你哭,二、如果你想要见妈妈,三、如果你饿了,想要吃点心!想都别想!【第13句】:Dora:At least they don't make the children and old people work.Female Prisoner: They don't make them work because they kill them! One day, you will hear a lady calling, “Kids, come take a shower,” then they gas them!——Dora:至少他们没有让老人和孩子工作。

女囚犯:不让他们工作是要杀死他们!某天,你会听见一位女士说:“孩子们,来洗个澡。”然后就用毒气杀死他们!【第14句】:Giosué Orefice: “No Jews or Dogs Allowed.” Why do all the shops say, “No Jews Allowed”?Guido: Oh, that. “Not Allowed” signs are the latest trend! The other day, I was in a shop with my friend the kangaroo, but their sign said, “No Kangaroos Allowed,” and I said to my friend, “Well, what can I do? They don't allow kangaroos.”——Giosué Orefice:“犹太人与狗不得入内。”

为什么所有的商店都写着“犹太人不得入内”?Guido:哦,这个啊,“不得入内”的标志是最新的潮流!有一天,我跟一个袋鼠朋友逛商店,但是门口写着“袋鼠不得入内”,我便跟他说“好吧,我们也没办法,他们不让袋鼠入内。”【第15句】:Giosué Orefice: Why doesn't our shop have a “Not Allowed” sign?Guido: Well, tomorrow, we'll put one up. We won't let in anything we don't like. What don't you like?Giosué Orefice: Spiders.Guido: Good. I don't like vampires. Tomorrow, we'll get sign: “No Spiders or Vampires Allowed.”——Giosué Orefice:为什么我们的店没有“不得入内”牌子呢?Guido:好吧,我们明天就放上一个。

让我们讨厌的东西都进不去。你讨厌什么?Giosué Orefice:蜘蛛。

Guido:好,我不喜欢吸血鬼,明天我们就写上:“蜘蛛和吸血鬼不得入内。”【第16句】:Guido: The prize is… the prize is…Eliseo Orefice: A tank.Guido: Yes! Yes, the prize is a tank.Giosué Orefice: I already have one.Guido: No, a real one.Giosué Orefice: A real tank?——Guido:奖品是……是……Eliseo Orefice:一辆坦克。

Guido:对,对!奖品是一辆坦克。Giosué Orefice:我已经有一辆了。

Guido:不,奖品是真的坦克。Giosué Orefice:一辆真的坦克?。

【第3句】: 急求意大利美丽人生英文经典台词

精彩对白:Guido:You can lose all your points for any one of three things. One: If you cry. Two: If you ask to see your mother. Three: If you're hungry and ask for a snack! Forget it!Guido:如果你违反了三条规定中的任何一条,你的得分就会被扣光:一、如果你哭,二、如果你想要见妈妈,三、如果你饿了,想要吃点心!想都别想!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dora:At least they don't make the children and old people work.Female Prisoner: They don't make them work because they kill them! One day, you will hear a lady calling, "Kids, come take a shower," then they gas them!Dora:至少他们没有让老人和孩子工作。

女囚犯:不让他们工作是要杀死他们!某天,你会听见一位女士说:"孩子们,来洗个澡。"然后就用毒气杀死他们!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Giosué Orefice: "No Jews or Dogs Allowed." Why do all the shops say, "No Jews Allowed"?Giosué Orefice:"犹太人与狗不得入内。

"为什么所有的商店都写着"犹太人不得入内"?Guido: Oh, that. "Not Allowed" signs are the latest trend! The other day, I was in a shop with my friend the kangaroo, but their sign said, "No Kangaroos Allowed," and I said to my friend, "Well, what can I do? They don't allow kangaroos."Guido:哦,这个啊,"不得入内"的标志是最新的潮流!有一天,我跟一个袋鼠朋友逛商店,但是门口写着"袋鼠不得入内",我便跟他说"好吧,我们也没办法,他们不让袋鼠入内。"Giosué Orefice: Why doesn't our shop have a "Not Allowed" sign?Giosué Orefice:为什么我们的店没有"不得入内"牌子呢?Guido: Well, tomorrow, we'll put one up. We won't let in anything we don't like. What don't you like?Guido:好吧,我们明天就放上一个。

让我们讨厌的东西都进不去。你讨厌什么?Giosué Orefice: Spiders.Giosué Orefice:蜘蛛。

Guido: Good. I don't like vampires. Tomorrow, we'll get sign: "No Spiders or Vampires Allowed."Guido:好,我不喜欢吸血鬼,明天我们就写上:"蜘蛛和吸血鬼不得入内。"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guido: The prize is。

the prize is。Guido:奖品是……是……Eliseo Orefice: A tank.Eliseo Orefice:一辆坦克。

Guido: Yes! Yes, the prize is a tank.Guido:对,对!奖品是一辆坦克。Giosué Orefice: I already have one.Giosué Orefice:我已经有一辆了。

Guido: No, a real one.Guido:不,奖品是真的坦克。Giosué Orefice: A real tank?Giosué Orefice:一辆真的坦克?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(first line)Giosué Orefice: (narrating as an adult)This is a simple story。

but not an easy one to tell.(开篇台词)Giosué Orefice:(以成人角度讲述)这是一个简单的故事,但讲起来却不那么轻松。

【第4句】: 美丽人生十句英语中文翻译经典台词

【第1句】:Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)

【第2句】:Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为)

【第3句】:Miracles happen everyday. (奇迹每天都在发生)

【第4句】:Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.(死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事)

【第5句】:If there is anything you need I will not be far away.(用情至专)

飘:【第1句】:Don't cry because it is over ,smile because it happened.(不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你曾经拥有。)

【第2句】:Don't try so hard ,the best things come when you least except them to.(不要着急,最好的总是在不经意间出现.)

【第3句】:The world you may be one person ,but to one person you may be the world.(对世界而言你是一个人,但对某人而言你是他的世界)

【第4句】:No man or woman is worth your tears ,and the one who is ,won't make you cry.(没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人不会让你这哭泣.)

【第5句】:After all ,tomorrow is another day.(无论如何,明天又是新的一天.)

【第5句】: 美丽人生中英文版经典台词

【第1句】:Good morning, princess.——早上好,公主。

【第2句】:We got a bit today?——我们今天拿到几分?【第3句】:The end game tomorrow morning, at a ceremony.——游戏明早结束,举行颁奖典礼。【第4句】:Listen, if I got back a long time, you also don't move, don't come out, until a point sound, there is not a man.——听着,即使我很久才回来,你也不要动,不要出来,直到一点声,一个人都没有。

【第5句】:You have to get one thousand points, who had one thousand points, who will have the tank.——你要得到一千分,谁得到一千分,谁就有坦克。【第6句】:Every loudspeaker announced who lead, at least the people behind the hanging on to a “fool” signs.——每天扩音机宣布谁领先,最少分的人要在背后吊上个“蠢才”招牌。

【第7句】:Our soldiers as the wicked, and call and drink, who's afraid of, who lost.——我们士兵扮恶人,又呼又喝,谁怕,谁丢分。【第8句】:This is my story, this is my father's sacrifice, this is my father give grace.——这是我的经历,这是我父亲所作的牺牲,这是父亲赐我的恩典。

【第9句】:Don't hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.——不要憎恨你的敌人,否则你将做出错误的判断。【第10句】:Giosué Orefice: (narrating as an adult)This is a simple story…but not an easy one to tell.——Giosué Orefice:(以成人角度讲述)这是一个简单的故事,但讲起来却不那么轻松。

【第11句】:I think it premature death, I must thank God that I was born to this world, can meet with you, to be loved by you.——我觉得比起早死,我更要感谢神让我降生到这世上来,能够这样跟你相遇,这样被你爱着。【第12句】:Guido:You can lose all your points for any one of three things. One: If you cry. Two: If you ask to see your mother. Three: If you're hungry and ask for a snack! Forget it!——Guido:如果你违反了三条规定中的任何一条,你的得分就会被扣光:一、如果你哭,二、如果你想要见妈妈,三、如果你饿了,想要吃点心!想都别想!【第13句】:Dora:At least they don't make the children and old people work.Female Prisoner: They don't make them work because they kill them! One day, you will hear a lady calling, “Kids, come take a shower,” then they gas them!——Dora:至少他们没有让老人和孩子工作。

女囚犯:不让他们工作是要杀死他们!某天,你会听见一位女士说:“孩子们,来洗个澡。”然后就用毒气杀死他们!【第14句】:Giosué Orefice: “No Jews or Dogs Allowed.” Why do all the shops say, “No Jews Allowed”?Guido: Oh, that. “Not Allowed” signs are the latest trend! The other day, I was in a shop with my friend the kangaroo, but their sign said, “No Kangaroos Allowed,” and I said to my friend, “Well, what can I do? They don't allow kangaroos.” ——Giosué Orefice:“犹太人与狗不得入内。”

为什么所有的商店都写着“犹太人不得入内”?Guido:哦,这个啊,“不得入内”的标志是最新的潮流!有一天,我跟一个袋鼠朋友逛商店,但是门口写着“袋鼠不得入内”,我便跟他说“好吧,我们也没办法,他们不让袋鼠入内。”【第15句】:Giosué Orefice: Why doesn't our shop have a “Not Allowed” sign?Guido: Well, tomorrow, we'll put one up. We won't let in anything we don't like. What don't you like?Giosué Orefice: Spiders.Guido: Good. I don't like vampires. Tomorrow, we'll get sign: “No Spiders or Vampires Allowed.” ——Giosué Orefice:为什么我们的店没有“不得入内”牌子呢?Guido:好吧,我们明天就放上一个。

让我们讨厌的东西都进不去。你讨厌什么?Giosué Orefice:蜘蛛。

Guido:好,我不喜欢吸血鬼,明天我们就写上:“蜘蛛和吸血鬼不得入内。”【第16句】:Guido: The prize is… the prize is… Eliseo Orefice: A tank.Guido: Yes! Yes, the prize is a tank.Giosué Orefice: I already have one.Guido: No, a real one.Giosué Orefice: A real tank?——Guido:奖品是……是…… Eliseo Orefice:一辆坦克。

Guido:对,对!奖品是一辆坦克。Giosué Orefice:我已经有一辆了。

Guido:不,奖品是真的坦克。Giosué Orefice:一辆真的坦克?。

【第6句】: 急求意大利美丽人生英文经典台词

精彩对白:Guido:You can lose all your points for any one of three things. One: If you cry. Two: If you ask to see your mother. Three: If you're hungry and ask for a snack! Forget it!Guido:如果你违反了三条规定中的任何一条,你的得分就会被扣光:一、如果你哭,二、如果你想要见妈妈,三、如果你饿了,想要吃点心!想都别想!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dora:At least they don't make the children and old people work.Female Prisoner: They don't make them work because they kill them! One day, you will hear a lady calling, "Kids, come take a shower," then they gas them!Dora:至少他们没有让老人和孩子工作。

女囚犯:不让他们工作是要杀死他们!某天,你会听见一位女士说:"孩子们,来洗个澡。"然后就用毒气杀死他们!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Giosué Orefice: "No Jews or Dogs Allowed." Why do all the shops say, "No Jews Allowed"?Giosué Orefice:"犹太人与狗不得入内。

"为什么所有的商店都写着"犹太人不得入内"?Guido: Oh, that. "Not Allowed" signs are the latest trend! The other day, I was in a shop with my friend the kangaroo, but their sign said, "No Kangaroos Allowed," and I said to my friend, "Well, what can I do? They don't allow kangaroos."Guido:哦,这个啊,"不得入内"的标志是最新的潮流!有一天,我跟一个袋鼠朋友逛商店,但是门口写着"袋鼠不得入内",我便跟他说"好吧,我们也没办法,他们不让袋鼠入内。"Giosué Orefice: Why doesn't our shop have a "Not Allowed" sign?Giosué Orefice:为什么我们的店没有"不得入内"牌子呢?Guido: Well, tomorrow, we'll put one up. We won't let in anything we don't like. What don't you like?Guido:好吧,我们明天就放上一个。

让我们讨厌的东西都进不去。你讨厌什么?Giosué Orefice: Spiders.Giosué Orefice:蜘蛛。

Guido: Good. I don't like vampires. Tomorrow, we'll get sign: "No Spiders or Vampires Allowed."Guido:好,我不喜欢吸血鬼,明天我们就写上:"蜘蛛和吸血鬼不得入内。"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guido: The prize is。

the prize is。Guido:奖品是……是……Eliseo Orefice: A tank.Eliseo Orefice:一辆坦克。

Guido: Yes! Yes, the prize is a tank.Guido:对,对!奖品是一辆坦克。Giosué Orefice: I already have one.Giosué Orefice:我已经有一辆了。

Guido: No, a real one.Guido:不,奖品是真的坦克。Giosué Orefice: A real tank?Giosué Orefice:一辆真的坦克?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(first line)Giosué Orefice: (narrating as an adult)This is a simple story。

but not an easy one to tell.(开篇台词)Giosué Orefice:(以成人角度讲述)这是一个简单的故事,但讲起来却不那么轻松。

【第7句】: 英语作文美丽人生

Beautiful Life Last night, I watched a movie, it is about two teenagers, they have cancer, but the boy is positive about life while the girl is negative about life. They meet each other, then the girl is affected by the boy, she starts to see the beautiful things in her life. I am so moved by the movie, though the ending of the movie is not so perfect, we see the change of the girl's life. The topic of the movie is to tell people to be positive about life, no matter what happens, even the bad fortune they get, they still need to smile every day. People need to find the beauty of life, so they won't life live without meaning.译文参考: 美丽人生 昨晚,我看了一部电影,那是关于两个青少年,他们身患癌症,但是男孩对生活很乐观,然而女孩子却对生活很悲观。


