
05-10 文案句子 投稿:倾诉林

【第1句】: 【用addictedtosth造五个句子】

addicted to网络沉迷于;对……有瘾;醉心于【第1句】:沉迷于形容词介词搭配 。

(friendly to 对…友好) to *addicted to 沉迷于 * with *bored with 厌倦 * 。【第2句】:对……有瘾。

addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的 addicted to 对……有瘾 accustom vt.使习惯于 。【第3句】:醉心于adapted to (适应于) addicted to (醉心于) adequate to (够作……之用) 。

例句释义:沉迷于,对……有瘾,醉心于【第1句】:eg:The children are addicted to computer games.孩子们对计算机游戏上瘾了.【第2句】:He got addicted to poetry and hoped one day to be a poet himself.他沉醉于诗歌,希望有一天自己成为诗人.【第3句】:Her family has revealed that she may have serious mental-health problems andbe addicted to having children.她家人透露,她可能患有严重的精神疾病,对生孩子已经上瘾了.【第4句】:Because smokers are addicted to cigarettes,they tend to be less responsive toprice increases than consumers of other goods.由于吸烟者对香烟成瘾,他们对价格上调的反应往往不如其他商品的消费者那么强烈.【第5句】:The children,completely addicted to the nursery,beg their parents to let themhave one last visit.孩子们,完全沉溺于幼儿园,乞求他们的父母,让他们最后一次访问.【第6句】:Surprise seemed the emotion that she was least addicted to.惊讶仿佛是她最不愿意动用的情感.【第7句】:On the contrary ,people will be more addicted to it as they will not break anylaws if it is legalized .相反的,人们将会更加痴迷于它,因为他们不会打破任何法律是否合法化.【第8句】:A man is so addicted to gambling that he often comes home late.His wife neverstops railing at him.一个男人因嗜赌而经常回家很晚,为此他妻子从没停止过骂他.【第9句】:Even if you are not addicted to the Internet or any other technology,you maybe struggling with its enticement.即使你尚未沉溺于网络或其他任何科技,你或许也正在努力抵抗它的诱惑.【第10句】:Especially since the age of the Internet today,more people addicted to thecomputer table.特别是今日互联网时代以来,更多的人沉溺在电脑桌前.。

【第2句】: 英语作文,帮我写一下吧

They are both a part of the nature's distinct beauty楼主确定只要五句句子?

Nowadays many species are facing extinction because people are hunting them for their precious furs. The innocent animals do not even get a chance to enjoy the wonderful world, authority should prohibit hunting and establish natural reserves. People should realize that wild animals and human beings are friends. In order to protect the wild animals and our nature

【第3句】: 根据下列提示,用英语写一段话,不少于五个句子.1

This is Jack,a school student.Here is a story I want to share with you.Last Sunday I didn't go to school for additional lessons as usual.At that time I was staying in the park.That's when I saw some boys playing badminton.I was alone.They saw me and asked if I want to play with them.Then we played together with them all afternoon long though we were strangers for each other.However there was not any barrier between us,That was where the happiness comes from.Actually,the barrier disappears when they are sincere to each other.。

【第4句】: 高一英语:用五个句子表达全部内容

【第1句】: Li Na was born in Hubei in 19826, Wuhan, began training in badminton,7 years old to tennis.

【第2句】:In 1997 joined the China national tennis team,1995 to the occupation player.

【第3句】:The first international women's Tennis Association Tour singles title in chinese.

【第4句】:In 2011won the French Open women's singles champion, become China and even Asia in four tennis Grand Slam won the first singles title.

【第5句】:her story has greatly inspired the Chinese people especially the young people, she is a successful example of modern Chinese women.

【第5句】: 找人帮忙写篇英语作文

In view of the school cafeteria sanitation is poor, leftovers are everywhere, the school decided to develop the relevant actinium Huaxing degrees, carry out the "love my restaurant" activities. Please use English for the students to write a restaurant health system.

Writing content: how much to eat a meal, buy a lot. 2 rice residue poured into containers. 3 row of the table on time and cleaning duty. 4 to 5 lectures on hygiene in school canteens The purpose is to protect the environment
